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Bloofanatic 12-25-2006 12:32 AM

I opened my pressies a couple of hours ago. My sister got me a pikachu plushie wearing a christmas hat aww and my dad got me some batteries with a battery charger and I also got a nintendo DS and two games to go with it pokemon link and Spyro a new beginning.

"C" the Dragon 12-25-2006 05:09 AM

I got comic books, "Garfield: The Tail of Two Kitties" DVD, The "Sailor Moon" movie collecor set uncut version, "Pokemon Rangers" DS game and book, The "Anastacia" soundtrack, and something I didn't expect: The "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" Game!:wiltshock: I wasn't planning to get that, but I got it anyways. And Truffles for me!:D :D :D I have more, but I don't feel like listing the rest.

InsaneFan 12-25-2006 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon (Post 24653)
...and something I didn't expect: The "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" Game!:wiltshock: I wasn't planning to get that, but I got it anyways.

I got that for my sister. ^^ Since I don't have a GBA. It was the perfect present for me---I mean, her. 8D J/k.

Nyo 12-25-2006 08:36 AM

What I got:

2 Disney Faries books (I <3 Tinker Bell)

2 jogging suits (white and black)

1 set of pajamas


1 White video iPod

Don't any of you dare try to steal it. :terrence:

some guy you dont know 12-25-2006 10:02 AM

lets see:

a sonic game for the ps2 (not sonic riders though :( )
some yugioh cards
some action figures
ton of candy
a bobblehead
a dartboard
some other stuff i forget
a cd player
a greenday cd
and most importantly, A NEW PS2!!!

Jabberwocky 12-25-2006 10:26 AM

O-kay! I got:

Space Oddity on CD
Diamond Dogs on CD
The I <3 Bloo shirt and the group one
Bright orange corduroy pants
Inspector Gadget on DVD
Pink and the Brain volumes 1 & 2 on DVD
Best of Bowie DVD <3
Beatles picture book
Pink and purple lava lamp
Dr. Seuss books

And blah blah blah a bunch of other stuff... but mostly importantly...

A turntable and A BUNCH OF QUEEN ALBUMS ON VINYL ALONG WITH MY GRAMPA'S BOX OF AWESOME VINYL CRAP. There was everything from the Styx to Yes to Frank Zappa to the Grateful Dead and I was so happy I was shaking for like an hour afterward. I had no idea he had all that stuff, I thought it'd all gone when my mom had a garage sale and sold all my albums for a quarter a piece. :jk:

Partymember 12-25-2006 10:33 AM


I got 10+ classic rock albums on CD, including Beggars Banquet, Quadrophenia, and Demons & Wizards...and speaking of vinyl steals, about a year ago i found Woodstock on vinyl, part 1 and 2 for $1 a piece at a garage sale! I listened to the whole thing (5+ hours) in one sitting. OMG rocked my world!

Merry X-Mas all!

One Radical Dude 12-25-2006 12:34 PM

All righty, I'm going to list everything that I've received from everyone. I was definitely surprised with what I received. We did NOT open gifts until 3 PM, and I woke up around 8-9 AM (we had to wait for my older brother to show up).

- $25 gift certificate from
- A 2-disc audio CD with 72 hymns.
- $15 iTunes Card
- $25 Starbucks Card
- $25 Best Buy Card
- $75 Cash
- A round-trip voucher to fly anywhere in the US.

That last one made me feel emotional (in a good sense), though I liked everything I've received. It was awesome. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. ;) :)

Mr. Marshmallow 12-25-2006 12:40 PM

Here's what I got, I got most of what I wanted and a few surprises too:

30$ for BestBuy
Flamezilla (Godzilla fire mouth) light up statue
Dragon Ballk Z: Budokai Tenkaji 2 (Wii)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Wii)
Foster's home t-shirt :D!
Transformers t-shirt
Buffy the vampire slayer season 5
Aqua Teen hunger forcr season 2

And the biggest shocker of all, tickets for a vacation cruise to Mexico in january.

pitbulllady 12-25-2006 01:00 PM

My brother got me software, as I predicted, Corel Draw Professional Suite, which I can't wait to try out!

My dad gave me money, which will at least mean I hopefully won't have to take out a loan to pay this month's bills.

My sister gave me pajamas and some perfume.

I still won't know what my friend Barbara gave me until New Year's Day, but that's it as far as family is concerned. Most family members naturally concentrated on buying stuff for my nieces, who are aged three(almost four)and 18 months, respectively. I have never seen so much "Dora the Explorer" stuff in my entire life! I have GOT to get those kids into Foster's, before it's too late!


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