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Lynnie 04-07-2009 03:20 PM

I found out today that I get Easter Sunday off! :yeah: I was so not expecting that! It's also a good thing I took two days off earlier this week, otherwise I'd be working six days strait, at 7-8 hours each day. After what I went though this weekend, I wouldn't have handled going so long without a day off very well, that's for sure. :P

Cassini90125 04-23-2009 06:38 PM

I walked into Whitney Pizza and Grinders about an hour ago, looking for a tuna grinder. Before I even asked, the guy behind the counter says, "Large tuna, right?"
"I've been here before, haven't I?" was my response. He laughed, said, "Once or twice," and got to work on my order. It's a little thing, I suppose, but it's nice to have the guy at the local sandwich shop recognize you. :)

Lynnie 04-24-2009 08:40 PM

My sister was on band tour around British Columbia, Canada all week and got back home today. My dad and I picked her up from the school and went out to eat before they dropped me off at my place (I am currently without a car). Anyway, while she was in BC she thought of me. While at a mall, she stopped by Claire's and picked up a Foster's hair accessory kit and a cell phone charm for me. When she handed me that litttle Claire's bag while we were driving to the restaurant I nearly cried, I was sooo thankful to have some of my Foster's "purse" things replenished. I gave her a big kiss. It was awfully sweet of her, I love my baby sister. :love:

Cassini90125 04-28-2009 01:31 PM

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I announce that I now have an air conditioner. ;D

Seriously, we've had a minor heat wave here for the past three days and it's been miserable. It reached the low 90's at one point, which is about 30 degrees higher than my comfort zone. The unit is small and won't cool my entire apartment but it's handling the bedroom quite nicely, and since that's where my computers are, I'm pretty much all set for awhile. Time to sit back and chill out. ;)

xxxClaire 05-03-2009 03:17 PM

My boyfriend told me he loves me. :-*

Cassini90125 05-03-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by xxxClaire (Post 109996)
My boyfriend told me he loves me. :-*

Aww, that is totally cool! I'm so happy for you guys! ;D :frankiesmile:

taranchula 05-03-2009 09:53 PM

Cheesy as this sounds, but just coming onto the forum after a long day and being to once again hang out with my favorite group of people, especially on a day like today where the positive energy seems to be at an all time high for obvious reasons.

Man I should get to bed, lack of sleep is making me very very sappy. 8D

Ridureyu 05-04-2009 12:18 PM

There was a church potluck yesterday, so I prepped some meat, brought the ingredients to church, and then started frying tacos as soon as the service was over, producing a batch of three every 2 minutes or so.

And I couldn't make them fast enough! People LOVED them! Mobbed over them!

Mind you, it probably helps that the other dishes were vegetables, beans, really dry pork, and something involving a lot of bone and grizzle, but still it feels nice to make people happy like that.

Lynnie 05-04-2009 05:22 PM

I LOVE potlucks at my church! I rarely make anything, though. But being able to eat a bunch of good food, like "Jennie's Mac & Cheese", and cultural food from all over the world, and then sitting with friends and chatting while we eat, it's always a good day when we have potluck. :)

What made my day today was my car is finally fixed! :D And it runs great, and I shouldn't have any worries about it for a while. Now I just wish I could say the same for my computer. But I'm managing.

xxxClaire 05-15-2009 09:31 PM

I'm totally in love. :-*

Today me, my boyfriend, and three of our friends skipped class and just sat outside. It was really a lot of fun. We just talked and bonded and stuff... it was good. :bloogrin:

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