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Cassini90125 03-01-2009 08:29 AM

I occasionally win a few bucks playing Powerball, usually about $3.00 or $4.00. Today I won $10.00. This works out perfectly, as I expected to be buying about $10.00 worth of supplies later today. Better still, it delays my next trip to the bank until tommorrow. I'd say today is off to a fine start. :smed:

Sparky 03-02-2009 04:14 PM

Well I got my new embroidery machine Saturday evening (thanks GM!! :D ). After doing one of the small built-in designs to learn how to do it and to make sure the tension was okay, I did a large design on an old shirt that doesn't fit any more:

(It looks crooked but its not.) I could have brought it up higher but its okay where it is. Too bad the shirt doesn't fit, lol. Design from Here's a closeup.

Lynnie 03-02-2009 07:15 PM

Ooooh, that turned out really cool looking, and very professional. Congrats on finally getting it! :bloosmirk:

As for what made my day, my side job is done for the week, and I got a box from my best friend today. Too bad I didn't get home until after the office was closed so I couldn't pick it up, but I'm excited as to what it may be. :D

xxxClaire 03-03-2009 06:18 PM

I finally found the video game my boyfriend wanted for his birthday, after going to 3 stores. I'm happy now. :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 03-03-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 106749)
Well I got my new embroidery machine Saturday evening (thanks GM!! :D ). After doing one of the small built-in designs to learn how to do it and to make sure the tension was okay, I did a large design on an old shirt that doesn't fit any more:


(It looks crooked but its not.) I could have brought it up higher but its okay where it is. Too bad the shirt doesn't fit, lol. Design from Here's a closeup.

The machine created the entire design?

Sparky 03-03-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 106809)
The machine created the entire design?

I bought the pattern file from a website and put it on a USB stick, and put that into the machine (it has a built-in computer). I threaded one color, let it go until it was done with that color, changed to another color, etc. It took nearly two hours to stitch out the whole thing.

I am going to be getting the software to create my own designs pretty soon, and then I can do anything I want, provided I can figure out the software, lol. The max size design my machine can do is about 5 1/2 by 8 inches, but with fancy hoop-work you can make bigger things. Its a high-end professional machine with a lot of capabilities.

Cassini90125 03-03-2009 09:21 PM

Sounds promising; looking forward to seeing what you dream up. :bloogrin:

Lynnie 03-03-2009 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 106759)
I got a box from my best friend today. Too bad I didn't get home until after the office was closed so I couldn't pick it up, but I'm excited as to what it may be. :D

Managed to pick it up today. It's Pat Benatar's Greatest Hits CD! Included on it is "Love is a Battlefield" and "We Belong"- two of my most favorite 80s songs of all time. I'm listening to "We Belong" over and over and over again, and in pure glee! Wheeeeee!! :yeah:

Sparky 03-04-2009 01:20 PM

Eeeeeeee Pat Benatar! :bloogrin: I've always wanted that tape, I should get the CD.

L.G. 03-05-2009 11:30 AM

It was a clear day yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the moon was visible even though it was 2pm local time. :groovyed:

Also from last night, I got this email from my professor that teaches my reinforced concrete class.


For CET 1112-Reinforced Concrete Design class on Friday, March 6, meet in room 228 for a video.
The video is about 54 minutes long. Please try to be on time and stay until the end.
With your Friday schedule, most of you do not have a class at 10 am.
I hope I do not run into any of you in court while I am serving on Jury Duty.

Have a great spring break.

That made me smile.

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