Mr. Marshmallow |
12-24-2006 12:16 PM |
Billy and Mandy save Christmas
Casper's Haunted Christmas
Okay, I know I said Billy/Mandy isn't one of my fav shows....and it's still true, I only watch it when I'm really bored or got nothing better to do. And I am the LAST person who'd see a crappy direct-DVD movie sequel to a cartoon or film.
But Billy/Mandy's christmas special was actually very freaking funny, vampires, Mandy ACTUALLY showing fear and best of all: Gilbert Godfried as Santa! And aside from the LOUSY animation, I actually really, really enjoyed Capser's movie.
The christmas movie is very cute and while it is corny and kiddish, I got a kick out of it. I especially loved seeing Spooky and Poil in it, such great characters those 2. I recommend you guys watch Casper's Christmas if you get a chance.
I know people don't normally write out long ass reviews like this for the movies they see, but I enjoyed these 2 so much I had to say something.