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Cassini90125 01-28-2009 04:00 PM

On the bright side, the barbarians living above me have been quiet. Now, having typed that, I expect I'll be posting in "What Ticks You Off?" early tommorrow. 8D

Back on the topic of happy things, I looked out the window a few minutes ago and discovered that the morning snowstorm has covered everything with a layer of ice. Not good for driving, true, but to me it has a crystalline beauty that snow can't match, and at night when it catches the light from the streetlights at the right angle, the resulting scene can be quite breathtaking. My camera battery is charging as I type this; I'll be heading out for photos a little later. :)

some guy you dont know 01-29-2009 07:28 PM

Getting my power back made my day. Before that I day was pretty nice, because one of my uncles brought like 5 gallons of milk from the bakery so It wouldn't rot and we could use it. Free stuff is always great.

HerrimanWasHere 01-30-2009 03:58 PM

Drawing Frankie. :)

taranchula 01-30-2009 09:24 PM

The long municipal transit nightmare has come to an end, the strike is over and the buses in Ottawa will be rolling again (As soon as they are fixed and brought up to speed, due to the fact they have been inactive for over the past 50 days.)

It was hilarious because all of this time the City and Transit Union were both holding firm on their respective positions, and it wasn't until the federal Government threatened to get involved that both sides decided to come an agreement and put an end to this strike. (Kind of like when a parent threatens to get involved in dispute between two siblings.) And yes I said "Federal Government" because of the fact that some bus routes cross over into Quebec, therefore any legislation has to be done on the federal level.

Anyways it's good to see this madness come to a conclusion and hopefully things will return to normal in my fair city sooner rather then later.

Ridureyu 01-31-2009 08:06 PM

You'd think this would be in the other topic, but it made me laugh so much that it goes here.

So, I picked my parents up from the airport the other day, and this morning my dad decided to leave me a surprise:) He cooked bacon!

However, he also started to fill the sink, forgot about it, and drove away while the faucet was still running. Thus, I got TWO surprises this morning!

Lynnie 01-31-2009 08:15 PM

Oh no! I hope you didn't get a flood! :wiltshock: Hopefully your water bill is usually among the lowest, too (it's my cheapest bill). That is pretty funny though.

I had chocolate mud slide ice cream scooped over brownies, with hot fudge drizzled over it all a few minutes ago. That totally made my day. :bloosmirk:

Cassini90125 01-31-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 105011)
However, he also started to fill the sink, forgot about it, and drove away while the faucet was still running.

8D Oops. 8D

I've done that myself on more than one occasion. I tell myself that it's reality's way of reminding me to scrub the kitchen floor once in awhile. :bloocross:

Ridureyu 01-31-2009 08:24 PM

"I left you a surprise this morning!"

"Yes, yes you did."

Cassini90125 02-02-2009 10:23 AM

The ceremonial Signing of the Lease took place a little over an hour ago. At this point I'm moving whether I want to or not. The moving process itself will no doubt be an epic-level fiasco but it'll be worth it.

Time to start packing. :)

Lynnie 02-02-2009 02:54 PM

That's great! :frankiesmile: Good luck with the moving, Cass. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.

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