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Cassini90125 10-07-2009 11:18 PM

Photoshopped ads and Ralph Lauren:

The former is nothing more than a form of false advertising; the latter is an arrogant :censored: whom I'd love to smack. :frankiemad:

Major Abbey 10-08-2009 08:20 AM

If I met someone who looked like the woman in that picture, I'd be seriously worried about their health.

L.G. 10-08-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Major Abbey (Post 117078)
If I met someone who looked like the woman in that picture, I'd be seriously worried about their health.

That makes at least two of us. There's fine line between thin and wafer thin, and that image from the link (knowing full well it was digitally modified) perfectly describes the latter.

On a completely different note, ABC gum annoys to no end because when people don't discard them in the trash bins, I discover them by chance when I try to grab a rail or fiddle with the bottom of the desk. I don't want to think what else was in people's mouths at the time the gum was chewed.

Sparky 10-08-2009 12:08 PM

I think I have something called a DNS hijacker on this computer. About 80% of the time when I click a link in a search engine it takes me someplace else and often I get a "threat detected" popup from AVG. It ticks me off because I just bought that other program to take care of the fake spyware program on my other computer and its not helping with this. I can't afford yet another program. -_-

Cassini90125 10-14-2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 117075)
Photoshopped ads and Ralph Lauren:

The former is nothing more than a form of false advertising; the latter is an arrogant :censored: whom I'd love to smack. :frankiemad:

A follow-up story:

Seems that the model was fired awhile back for being overweight. Now I'm not a medical expert but it seems to me that a woman who is 5' 10" tall and weighs 120 pounds is not overweight. ::)

Sparky 10-16-2009 01:50 PM

My laptop is in the shop...again (I had to take it in in July for a myriad of problems). Now it won't boot past BIOS, even Safe Mode doesn't work. I do have this computer I'm on right now, my desktop, so I'm not computer-less, but geez. I had to drop $100 for them to back up all my data so I can have it on this computer, and it could be weeks before I get the laptop back. I need a new one so bad. :P

At least I still have a couple weeks on my service plan so I don't have to pay for it. :/

Lynnie 10-16-2009 10:53 PM

This may not tick me off so much as make me sad, but I ran into one of my old work friends this week. I've known her for almost four years now, and she was one of the few managers I had whom I was actually able to develop a decent friendship with. She quit a year and a half ago because she couldn't handle Ms. Moody anymore. Man, I wish I could do the same thing... :P

But anyway, she got married about a year ago. I still remember well all the excitement getting to that point, and seeing all the beautiful pictures. And things seemed to be going splendidly with them. But at seeing her last week, she commented how she lives in a new city now, thus she's not in the area much any more. And she has a 95 year old roommate, so she might as well be living alone. I asked "You're alone? But what about...?" I admit, I forgot his name. But she wouldn't have let me finish anyway. She shook her head and said "uh uh". So I bit my lip. How sad! They were so happy a year ago, and so in love! I have no idea what happened, and I'm uncomfortable asking. I guess I'm hoping she'll contact me on the web and tell me, but I doubt she will. And what makes things worse, she looks totally different and was dressing in a much more "trashy" way. And her personality seems to have changed. She's much more loud and aggressive now, not sweet and soft spoken like she use to be. I'm sure the split up had something to do with that. That's always sad to see. I know I probably don't really know her anymore. :bloosad:

Howard 10-17-2009 12:02 AM

That sounds like what happened to my ex-gf, now roomie, and royal pain! This woman has so much value and potential, and now she is throwing it away and becoming more morose.::)

Between her and the recent influx of scorpions I have killed in my house...I am going nuts. The scorpion problem is caused by lack of rain on the outside and they need to run to a place where they can get moisture and better dark spaces. There has been a high volume of calls to exterminators and stings more than ever. You can live in a $4.5 million house out here, and still have the little buggers. The more florescent colored, are the ones to watch out for (high venom potency).:frankiemad:

Cassini90125 10-17-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 117298)
I asked "You're alone? But what about...?" I admit, I forgot his name. But she wouldn't have let me finish anyway. She shook her head and said "uh uh". So I bit my lip. How sad! They were so happy a year ago, and so in love! I have no idea what happened, and I'm uncomfortable asking. I guess I'm hoping she'll contact me on the web and tell me, but I doubt she will. And what makes things worse, she looks totally different and was dressing in a much more "trashy" way. And her personality seems to have changed. She's much more loud and aggressive now, not sweet and soft spoken like she use to be. I'm sure the split up had something to do with that. That's always sad to see. I know I probably don't really know her anymore. :bloosad:


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 117300)
That sounds like what happened to my ex-gf, now roomie, and royal pain! This woman has so much value and potential, and now she is throwing it away and becoming more morose.::)

Broken relationships can leave scars. :bloosad:

And now, the weirdly annoying news, specifically the continuing saga of "Balloon Boy" and his whacked-out family:

Anybody else been following this story? If the whole thing turns out to be a publicity stunt by dear ol' dad, a former "reality show" participant, I hope they throw the book at him. Sheesh, what a moron. ::) :P

Sparky 10-19-2009 01:43 PM

So a word of warning to anyone who ever has to have Best Buy do a backup of their hard drive: you have to tell them specifically what files and folders you want backed up. Otherwise for a hundred bucks all you get is Desktop and Documents. -_- I was told that they would back up everything but program files, and then when I got my hundred-dollar backup all it had was desktop and documents. Yes, I have my iPod music Not what I paid for. So I called them and they had to pull my laptop back out of the shipping box and get the drive back out and they're putting the specific stuff I need on dvds so I don't have to bring my drive back out to them again. I'm supposed to get them today.


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