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Lynnie 08-22-2009 08:28 PM

Thank you, Cass! :frankiesmile: And really, even the vegge Swiss steaks? It's one of my favorite vegge meats, they are very good, and the juice they're packed in makes an awesome gravy for potatoes (or other meat dish). And they are, again, made by the company Worthington, so they're high quality and savory. :)

It irritates me that they didn't even want to give my cooking a chance, even though they've had it before and also liked it (although at other times they decided they didn't like it without giving it a chance, too). It's just.. UGH! What do I need to do to prove myself to them??

I'm also reminded of this-

Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 114108)
There was a time in my "tweens" where I liked to experiment with cooking and baking. I'd follow a recipe mostly, but add little things of my own to it to see how it would turn out. I still do this, but I know how to do it now. For instance, I know what spices/herbs are savory, and which are sweet now days. I no longer add turmeric and basil to muffins. ;)

Anyway, now days I'm a pretty good cook, if I may say so myself. My "experimenting" usually comes out really good, and everyone else thinks so too. But today I was hoping on making chocolate chip cookies, and my dad told me to please don't experiment. If I knew he was kidding, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it seems to me he's serious. Like he has dementia or something, because he's praised my experimenting before. :blooconf: He told me "Don't add garlic to the cookies please, or oregano." Dad, are you serious??? I haven't done anything like that for 20 years! It's really, really irritating me that he's suddenly lost confidence in me for no reason. :P

Yeah, dad, I experimented today, didn't I?? And you liked it! Congratulated me on how good it was in fact! I don't want to hear another word about this from you again. :P

antgirl1 08-26-2009 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 115517)
Anyone who says people who don't play runscape or WoW don't have a life (YES, these people exist)

Are you SERIOUS? RUNSCAPE? Tried it once, decided it had the worst graphics in history, and never played it again. It looked like it had been made for the Nintendo 64 but became an online multiplayer instead. I could be wrong, or have played the wrong game, but that's exactly how it looked for me. And it didn't have anything to do with lowering the quality, either. Everything was made of polygons! :madwilt:

Lynnie 08-26-2009 03:43 PM

My best friend just lost her job today. Stupid recession. :'( Her company had been going down hill for months, but she thought it wouldn't get bad enough to start laying off people until the winter months because it's during the winter when it got even slower at her work place. So this isn't a real shock to her, but she's suddenly one of the millions of others in that scary position.

xxxClaire 08-26-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 115900)
My best friend just lost her job today. Stupid recession. :'( Her company had been going down hill for months, but she thought it wouldn't get bad enough to start laying off people until the winter months because it's during the winter when it got even slower at her work place. So this isn't a real shock to her, but she's suddenly one of the millions of others in that scary position.

Augh, that's horrible. I hate the recession... :(

One Radical Dude 08-26-2009 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 115900)
My best friend just lost her job today. Stupid recession. :'( Her company had been going down hill for months, but she thought it wouldn't get bad enough to start laying off people until the winter months because it's during the winter when it got even slower at her work place. So this isn't a real shock to her, but she's suddenly one of the millions of others in that scary position.

Whoa. That's most unfortunate. I really hope your friend can make it through this bad economic climate. :(

Cassini90125 08-27-2009 08:46 PM

The local 7-Eleven was robbed today, about 20-25 minures before I arrived. Five police cars were at the scene, plus at least two more were roaming the area with their lights off. I don't have any other details at present. It really ticks me the hell off that people do this; whether it be for drug money, because of the recession, or just plain laziness, there's no friggin' excuse for it. Endangering lives and taking people's hard-earned money is just plain wrong. :frankiemad:

Howard 08-27-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 115943)
The local 7-Eleven was robbed today, about 20-25 minures before I arrived. Five police cars were at the scene, plus at least two more were roaming the area with their lights off. I don't have any other details at present. It really ticks me the hell off that people do this; whether it be for drug money, because of the recession, or just plain laziness, there's no friggin' excuse for it. Endangering lives and taking people's hard-earned money is just plain wrong. :frankiemad:

Lets talk about that for a minute. That is why there are home invasions where I live. An elderly woman in Scottsdale was shot to death by invading scumbags. Most home invasions are from a bad drug deal or human traffiking (where the victim is known by the assailant. But it is wrong no matter how you stack it. Nine out of ten people pack heat in this state - go figure...::)

Major Abbey 08-31-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 115517)
Just about any moron (mostly on YouTube, the grande cesspool of idiots, but elsewhere) that undertakes pretty much any of the following beliefs pisses me off:
Any cartoon not from the 1940's or 1990's sucks

Oh, heck yes. I am sick of this mentality among people. Good cartoons HAVE been made after 2000 (Foster's, for one). You just have to look for them. The same can be said for music, for that matter (although I have to admit, I enjoy the odd bland pop song now and again).

The whole "CN real" thing kinda ticks me off as well. I didn't watch CN that often - my parents don't have sky, but my grandparents did, so when I was a kid I used to watch it when we stayed with them. Lots of fond memories. Anyway, it just seems so ridiculous to me. It's "CARTOON network", for heaven's sake. Don't tell me kids don't like cartoons anymore. :wiltshock:

Oh, and this one's more personal, but since it ticks me off, I may as well say it anyway:
At the moment, I'm feeling very depressed and I can't seem to snap out of it. The one thing everyone's been recommending is that I see a psychiatrist (my family are against anti-depressants). Should be easy, right? Apparently not. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and for some reason, they can't find anyone who's qualified to talk to me. I USED to be able to see a psychiatrist, but now I'm too old, so that's out of the question. So here I am, feeling like hell and wondering if talking to anyone is even going to help anymore, because apparently there's no one who can talk to me.
(Had to get that one off my chest, sorry)

Howard 08-31-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Major Abbey (Post 116047)
Oh, heck yes. I am sick of this mentality among people. Good cartoons HAVE been made after 2000 (Foster's, for one). You just have to look for them. The same can be said for music, for that matter (although I have to admit, I enjoy the odd bland pop song now and again).

The whole "CN real" thing kinda ticks me off as well. I didn't watch CN that often - my parents don't have sky, but my grandparents did, so when I was a kid I used to watch it when we stayed with them. Lots of fond memories. Anyway, it just seems so ridiculous to me. It's "CARTOON network", for heaven's sake. Don't tell me kids don't like cartoons anymore. :wiltshock:

Oh, and this one's more personal, but since it ticks me off, I may as well say it anyway:
At the moment, I'm feeling very depressed and I can't seem to snap out of it. The one thing everyone's been recommending is that I see a psychiatrist (my family are against anti-depressants). Should be easy, right? Apparently not. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and for some reason, they can't find anyone who's qualified to talk to me. I USED to be able to see a psychiatrist, but now I'm too old, so that's out of the question. So here I am, feeling like hell and wondering if talking to anyone is even going to help anymore, because apparently there's no one who can talk to me.
(Had to get that one off my chest, sorry)

Major, I am bipolar type II, borderline schizophrenic. I have to stay on top of my regimen, and my meds (for everyone else's safety8D). I can function normally in society as long as I keep everything in balance. I am not perfect however and can be subject to cycling (happy one minute, down the next); I am a rapid cycler. Thought I would get this off my chest as well. Also to understand your problems and relate.:frankiesmile:

Sparky 09-04-2009 11:49 AM

Last night I received a check and figured I'd deposit it today. Then this morning I was charged for something and became overdrawn, so that's gonna be a lovely overdraft fee. I rushed out to the bank to deposit the check, and on the way home was behind a slow-moving delivery truck. When it finally went a different direction and I pressed the gas, I didn't go any faster. I noticed the check engine light was on, and the car started shaking. -_- I barely made it to the service shop. I may have just deposited a check, but the funds won't actually be available for a day or two at least. GM's going to have to pay for any repairs to my car. :(

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