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Sparky 08-16-2009 11:04 PM

A couple evenings ago a site I recently joined got hacked. They put some kind of executable malware on the front page which caused the site to be reported as an "attack site" so it won't come up in Firefox unless you disable security, and when I went there in IE well, my anti-virus program hopefully blocked a couple viruses. :P She had to go in and fix everything and change all her passwords and then notify Google so they can rescan the site and remove the block, but due to caching and other things it can be many days before people can navigate to her site normally again. WTH is with people?? -_-

antgirl1 08-17-2009 11:37 AM

People with too much time on their hands, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. When there's something, there will always be people who screw it up purposefully, just for the annoyance and attention from others. :(

Howard 08-17-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 115453)
People with too much time on their hands, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. When there's something, there will always be people who screw it up purposefully, just for the annoyance and attention from others. :(

That pretty much sums up 2/3 of the country. It seems to be the thing - "mind everyone else's business but my own.":(

L.G. 08-17-2009 06:48 PM

It is highly aggregating for motorists around me to reduce their speed drastically (i.e. reduce to 40 mph [64 km/h] in a 55 [89] zone) because they see a cop in the median. :jk:'re allowed to go 55 mph in a 55 zone. Yeesh. This was when I was at Long Island a few days ago.

Also while I was visiting Long Island, my aunt and grandma needed something at a BJ's. As I was looking for a parking spot, I saw shopping carts carelessly left on the grass and on the parking spaces because people didn't want to walk an extra 500 feet (if even that) to a cart return area that wasn't overflowing.

A third item: New York City traffic on the expressways. Just horrible, especially since my newer car has a stick shift.

happy80schild 08-17-2009 08:58 PM

this one is silly and petty.
I hate when they discontinue soda's
I loved some of MT dew's creations then they take them away and it's like arrgh I liked that darn you.

Code red Lemon Pepsi all that jazz

oh oh oh one more

ok that one ticks me off major and I am lactose intolerant anyway and will only suffer for that.
there's my two cents

Sparky 08-17-2009 09:37 PM

Peppermint ice cream! Actually, I was at the grocery store the other day and they had Fat Boy peppermint and also egg nog ice cream sandwiches. That kinda threw me, but I think that's awesome.

BluebottleFlyer 08-18-2009 03:07 PM

I'm not the only one with this gripe, but I am really hacked off with the sheer amount of cruddy music that constantly clutters up the charts...every time a music channel's on, it's nothing but manufactured pop, annoying trancey dance or yet another bland R&B tune. They all sound way too similar, have the same sort of trashy videos, and if it's not a cheesy love song it's about bling and "getting it on" with as much girls/boys as possible. What amazes me more is that people actually go out and buy this trash.

And as for the endless of stream of reality TV-made pop stars...:madwilt:

Cassini90125 08-18-2009 03:18 PM

Bleh, I could not agree more. I remember a time when music was a creative process, not a manufacturing process. There are a few gems out there but most of it... well, there's a reason that I don't own a radio or a stereo. The only music I listen to these days is stuff I've downloaded, most of which is from before 1990. Anything after that is likely to make my ears bleed. :P


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 115513)
And as for the endless of stream of reality TV-made pop stars...

Don't get me started. :frankiemad:

antgirl1 08-18-2009 06:38 PM

Oh god, the ones that sound sexual are the WORST. Even worse when people "don't see why". The LYRICS tell you. Especially on this one radio station that supposedly plays "top-rated" music (Good Times, they say). But half the time, it's pop crap, or something sexual. I'm sick of it, but there's not a thing I can do about it because the station is played on the freaking bus I ride to and from school, and everyone else likes it.

It's like humanity has run out of creativity. :(

fosters home fan 08-18-2009 07:09 PM

Just about any moron (mostly on YouTube, the grande cesspool of idiots, but elsewhere) that undertakes pretty much any of the following beliefs pisses me off:
Any cartoon not from the 1940's or 1990's sucks
All anime or manga sucks
Anyone who likes aforementioned anime sucks
Anything non United Statesian in origin sucks
Military brat people
Rich 14 year olds who blow their money on stupid crap, gloat about it, and rub it in my face
Anyone who says people who don't play runscape or WoW don't have a life (YES, these people exist)
Anyone who keeps telling me to get a life, and they don't have one of their own
Anyone who tries to act clever, and make you look like a fool, when they don't know jack dirt
Anyone who lies, and won't admit it, or can't hack up proof on what they're on about
Internet hotshots (nuff said)
And anyone who takes everything, as in everything, seriously. :jk:

Hmm, reasons should be obvious, can't say much more. Sorry. :\

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