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taranchula 07-20-2009 02:15 PM

Tis, an honor sir. *Bows*

But indeed it makes me sad to think that there are actually people posting things like "First", "Epic FAIL" or some kind of grade school level insult and they think in their own mind like they're the second coming of Jerry Seinfeld or David Letterman.

Howard 07-20-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 114055)
Ah nothing like an internet comment section to attract the ignorant masses like seagulls to a discarded hamburger left on the roadside.


Some people's ignorance is appalling (with 2 "P's")8D

Lynnie 07-20-2009 06:16 PM

There was a time in my "tweens" where I liked to experiment with cooking and baking. I'd follow a recipe mostly, but add little things of my own to it to see how it would turn out. I still do this, but I know how to do it now. For instance, I know what spices/herbs are savory, and which are sweet now days. I no longer add tumeric and basil to muffins. ;)

Anyway, now days I'm a pretty good cook, if I may say so myself. My "experimenting" usually comes out really good, and everyone else thinks so too. But today I was hoping on making chocolate chip cookies, and my dad told me to please don't experiment. If I knew he was kidding, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it seems to me he's serious. Like he has dimentia or something, because he's praised my experimenting before. :blooconf: He told me "Don't add garlic to the cookies please, or oregano." Dad, are you serious??? I haven't done anything like that for 20 years! It's really, really irritating me that he's suddenly lost confidence in me for no reason. :P

Sparky 07-20-2009 06:22 PM

Um...I'm freaked out now, because my dad has done the EXACT same thing. He will tell me not to add garlic to desserts. I have NEVER done that, why tell me not to do it? :terrconf:

happy80schild 07-21-2009 03:07 AM

it's like most Dads no matter how old you get you are still a child in their eyes especially if your a girl

Lynnie 07-24-2009 05:31 PM

I didn't pick last week's paycheck up quick enough, and by the time I got to my work place to get it, it had already been mailed to my apartment. What makes it worse, is I've been on vacation for the last three weeks and staying at my parents' place an hour away from my apt. So I'd have to wait a few days for it to get through the mail, and then drive the whole hour to get it, deposit it, and drive the whole hour to get back. Ugh, I was hoping all my errands would be done in one day. ::)

So I went out today to do that, and also pick up this week's pay check. When I get to my apt, I realize, I HAVE THE WRONG KEYS!! I can't get into my apt, much less my mailbox. UGH!!! I went to the office and pleaded with the lady behind the desk if I could use their spare just for two minutes, cause that's all it would take. She was very kind and let me use a the spare apartment key at no charge (technically, it costs $5 for an office personnel to let me into my apt). But they had no spare mailbox key. After my purse was stolen and I got new keys, that makes sense, they gave me new keys so quickly, they must have skipped making themselves a spare. So they are totally cool, everything was entirely my fault, I wasted a good 30 minutes and gas to drive up there.

Though a pain, I knew it really wasn't too big a deal. I went to my work place to pick up and deposit this weeks pay check and soon felt MUCH better because this happened. :bloosmirk:

Natty 07-25-2009 11:53 AM

I feel so sad right now... Tess texted me that the SB cast (still) hasn't showed up for the autographing :(

Cassini90125 07-25-2009 10:55 PM

My browser's Back button isn't working. It's a minor thing I suppose, but it irritates me. >:(

Lynnie 07-27-2009 09:53 PM

I emailed my parents both Saturday and Sunday night, telling them the basics of what I've done that day, posted a link to here since I shared things in deeper detail here and I also thought they might like to see in whose company I was in, and explained the forum to them a little bit so they'd know how to read it. Well, they both read the emails. But that was it. My dad clicked the first link and read the first post there, thinking it was by me, and got horribly confused. He didn't have a clue what "I" was talking about. How hard is it to recognize which one is me?? I mean, Hello, my name is in my screen name! ::) Since the first link confused him so much, he didn't even bother to click the second one. And my mother? She didn't click the links at all. And now they're hounding me for information that was all covered in my posts here. I refuse to answer since they didn't bother to even TRY to find out about my weekend earlier when I actually made it easy to stay on top of things as they were happening. I'm just extremely irritated by this. I wasted all that time and thought for them, and they didn't take advantage of it. They must not care that much to know what all I did. :P

Mac-a-lacka 07-29-2009 09:04 AM

The neighbors came up here last night and stole some of our chickens, then they left the door to the coop open so the rest would get loose. >:(

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