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BluebottleFlyer 07-04-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 113124)
People on youtube, who sign up, and do nothing but make stupid comments everywhere.


I agree completely, I don't understand why these people will go out of their way to abuse others because of the videos they make.

pitbulllady 07-07-2009 12:22 PM

I am currently staying at Myrtle Beach, one of the biggest seaside resorts on the east coast, in a posh Marriott resort...for an educator's conference. The school district paid for the hotel stay and for my attendance in the conference...and for nothing else. I came down here nearly dead-broke. I cannot go out, and I have to eat at fast-food restaurants. I cannot go shopping. I cannot afford it, and still be able to afford gas money to get back home. So, I attend lectures/workshops from 7 am until 2:30 am, have to get out of bed at 6 am(just like work, almost), and I stay in the hotel room, since basically that's all there is to do when you're "po", as my students would say.
Did I mention that it's RAINING? Staying at a resort, with no money, during rainy weather, really ticks me off. At least I do have internet in the room, but I had to pay extra for that, too. A small bag of pretzels in the vending machine in the lobby costs $4.00! You have to PAY just to go IN the restaurant here, and that's if you do not even order anything! I would not be surprised if the hotel didn't charge for shells picked up on the beach outside, by the pound at least. On the plus side, I'm on the 15th floor, overlooking the ocean...and it's really interesting to see just how many sharks are really out there swimming around amongst the happy-go-lucky beach goers, and some of the sharks are really big ones, too. It's funny to see them cutting through shoals of fish within a few feet of oblivious swimmers.


koosie 07-07-2009 02:00 PM

Being anywhere when you're a bit skint is a bummer but sharks sound good.

What's ticking me off is how clumbsy I am right now. I've been leaving a trail of devastation behind me recently.

Sparky 07-09-2009 02:33 PM

There's some weird guy who put me on his emailing list years ago, I have no idea who he even is. He sends out these series of HUGE attachments on an almost daily basis. Asking nicely, begging, pleading, and threatening to remove me from his list have all done no good. Complaining to his isp has also done no good, they just tell me to blacklist his address and "be more careful who you give your address to in the future". I tried blacklisting him,but causing his emails to simply be marked as spam doesn't stop my client from having to download his messages, which slows down my whole computer (I can't trust my filter to just delete everything it thinks is spam, it'll delete important stuff sometimes too then). Right now our connection at home is poor, making it nearly impossible to use my client to download messages at home - I have to take my laptop to the library, just because of this guy. I found a filter on my server some time ago that lets me completely block individual addresses which worked great until he figured it out and now he uses a different address every time to send his crap! I finally had to block ALL attachments, at least for now. Any message that has an attachment will be bounced. So if you have something to send me, let me know in advance. :P

Cassini90125 07-10-2009 11:39 AM

My bank is going to "improve" their website!


Coming soon, all the features you use the most will be even simpler to navigate and faster to find. All our pages will have a fresh new look, and be more user-friendly.
The phrase "yeah, right" comes to mind. I remember when TSR made "improvements" to their site; I visit them a lot less than I used to. Same with Yahoo's TV listings, except I no longer visit them at all. Why change something that works? >:(

Howard 07-10-2009 10:19 PM

Doesn't anybody give a stright answer anymore? I feel I have a right to know the status of an account, or purchase, or general information. It seems people now a days like to speak in euphamisms, and beat around the bush. Or there is the ol' pass the buck ("oh sorry, I do not handle this, let me transfer you to..."). Then you have to start your inquiry all over again (which may take verifying yourself - for the umteenth time). I guess nobody wants to be accountable anymore ... hmmm.::)

antgirl1 07-12-2009 11:38 AM

DeviantART. Under every unsubscribed member, they have this "Needs Premium Membership". Hello, I don't NEED it. I've been fine over the four or so years of me being there without one.

And the free week trial of it I was randomly given few years back? Just things I don't need, too confusing, and I didn't like thumbnail previews of your deviantWATCHers' submittions at the time. Journal customizing was just confusing, polls aren't necessary to me, along on top of other things I don't "need". ::)

Cassini90125 07-12-2009 11:51 AM

I saw that too, and it's ridiculous. I think they're trying to embarrass people into buying premium crap that they don't need in order to bring in cash that the staff there will spend on nothing that will benefit their members. Who the hell are they to tell people what they "need"? The only people they're embarrassing are themselves, although they were doing that long before this newest bit of stupidity. ::) :P

antgirl1 07-12-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 113452)
There's some weird guy who put me on his emailing list years ago, I have no idea who he even is. He sends out these series of HUGE attachments on an almost daily basis. Asking nicely, begging, pleading, and threatening to remove me from his list have all done no good. Complaining to his isp has also done no good, they just tell me to blacklist his address and "be more careful who you give your address to in the future". I tried blacklisting him,but causing his emails to simply be marked as spam doesn't stop my client from having to download his messages, which slows down my whole computer (I can't trust my filter to just delete everything it thinks is spam, it'll delete important stuff sometimes too then). Right now our connection at home is poor, making it nearly impossible to use my client to download messages at home - I have to take my laptop to the library, just because of this guy. I found a filter on my server some time ago that lets me completely block individual addresses which worked great until he figured it out and now he uses a different address every time to send his crap! I finally had to block ALL attachments, at least for now. Any message that has an attachment will be bounced. So if you have something to send me, let me know in advance. :P

Boy, I can imagine it like this:

"Please get me off your mailing list."

Sparky 07-12-2009 03:13 PM

I've had the membership on DA for years and I never noticed it said that on other people's pages. I agree, that's wrong. :/

Anyways that guy sends out the WEIRDEST, most POINTLESS stuff, too. Huge images that he cropped together, or maybe just found someplace (like switching heads on cartoon characters) and lots of "Super Mario Smash Brothers" stuff. Why would I ever want that? Who IS this guy?? Seriously, I have NO idea who he even is.

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