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Howard 06-15-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 112328)
The part that really perplexes me is that I'm on the national Do Not Call list, yet these pests call anyway. The increase in the number of calls I've been getting started before I moved so I doubt my change of address has anything to do with it. Don't they bother to read the list anymore? Or is the economy so bad that they're willing to risk an $18,000 fine for a small sales commission? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned it's a form of harrassment and it should be illegal. :frankiemad:

Y'know, my roomie (former girlfriend) has the same trouble. She has told the Arizona Republic (our newspaper), she is not interested in a subscription at least more than a dozen times. There are other marketers that do the same thing, and she is on that list. We do not have that gizmo that just blocks them out, and most of the marketing calls are not human anymore. This has become a major headache for the both of us.:terrence:

One Radical Dude 06-15-2009 06:41 PM

I think one telemarketer tried calling me this weekend. I reported them via Do Not Call website. Thankfully, it's the only unwanted call I've had since switching to postpaid and with a new number.

BluebottleFlyer 06-16-2009 06:53 AM

Saw something on telly last night that relates somewhat to telemarketing...a piece about postal scams, how people are sent bogus letters saying they've won the lottery, and the like, and they're asked to send money away in order to claim the so-called prize...and you can probably guess the end result.

Howard 06-18-2009 08:59 PM

This may sound petty, but it is already June 18, and for those of you Frankie fans who have the 2009 calendar - 12 more days before Frankie gets replaced with July:frankiemad:I wished they put her on the month of July (it is her birthday afterall).:frankiesmile:

Sparky 06-18-2009 09:29 PM

I love the pic of her with her hoodie pulled on so much. :smed:

Howard 06-18-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 112487)
I love the pic of her with her hoodie pulled on so much. :smed:

She looks adorable (I know that sounds sappy, but she does)!:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 06-18-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 112488)
She looks adorable (I know that sounds sappy, but she does)!:frankiesmile:

She does indeed. :frankiesmile:

Back on topic, we just had a power surge here. Barely lasted a tenth of a second but that was enough to sever my internet connection and force my main system to reboot. Fortunately it was sitting idle at the time so I lost nothing. Still irritating, though.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-18-2009 10:30 PM

Two words: Statistics class

Whoever thought up that master level graduate students have to pass statistics with a grade of C or higher in order to go on to become a counselor (which is what I am doing) should be shot.

L.G. 06-19-2009 06:28 PM

My desktop computer was without an Internet connection for a week, and tonight, it was finally restored after a call was made. My mother had to call the people who made our wireless router, Linksys, and I had to stand by for when the serial numbers (in tiny print) needed to be read and to answer any questions that may have come up. The call lasted for about 90 minutes before I could finally get back online. But I'm grateful that the lady on the other line was patient with my mom and I.

Howard 06-20-2009 05:54 PM

Two driving incidents today:

I was in the furthest right lane (usin' the 2 sec rule for following). The car in front of me signaled just as he was making his right turn! Was the driver telling me "I am going right," or "I was straight before I made the right."

I was in the HOV lane in off hours (I drive a Prius anyway), and this Chevy pickup truck came right up behind me and started really hanging on my rear. The fast lane was WIDE OPEN (he could have moved over there). After about ten seconds, I turned me cruise control off (started to slow) - nuthin'. I waited another ten seconds, and gave the brakes a tap. He did back off, then he went into the fast lane. Rule of thumb - if you tailgate me, you will have an education in about ten seconds. I do not tailgate anyone else, so I do not like it happening to me.:frankiemad:

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