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Cassini90125 05-17-2009 07:23 PM

My cats never chewed anything (other than the local wildlife). Sharpening their claws, however, that was another matter entirely. Everything available was a scratching post to them; trees, furniture, people's legs, whatever happened to be nearby when the urge hit them.

fosters home fan 05-17-2009 07:28 PM

Similar thing, I remember the dog used to try and chew through my computer's electrical cords. Had to keep it out of my room, ever since.

Mac-a-lacka 05-18-2009 06:48 PM

I can't find the memory card for my camara, and my dad's doing nothing but yelling at me for "losing it". :madbloo:

EDIT: At least he was nice enough to give me a spare card...

Cassini90125 05-19-2009 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Recent interview with actress Jessica Biel

Allure Magazine: Is being too good-looking really a problem for an actress?

Jessica Biel: "Yeah, it really is a problem. I have to be blunt."

Poor, poor Jessica. She gets absolutely NO sympathy from me. :frankiemad:

Nathander 05-19-2009 01:03 PM

I work at Wal-Mart, which is one of the few companies turning a profit at the moment. So, being one of the few companies turning a profit, what do they decide they need to do?

Cut salesfloor associate hours.


pitbulllady 05-19-2009 01:35 PM

My computer at school/work has crashed, totally and absolutely. This is my second computer to do so this year, and I lost a whole bunch of pictures and documents each time. Since it's close the end of the school year, and this school will be closing down, permanently, and everything being transferred to a new school that is currently still under construction, the district will not replace my computer(s), so I have to do without one from now on at work. That means no internet, period, and I have to borrow another teacher's computer to put in grades, while someone looks over my shoulder. Thing is, they need to use their computers for the same things, so it's gonna be like an ongoing battle that I'm going to lose, since I'm not the one in charge of those other classrooms.


Cassini90125 05-20-2009 05:31 PM

The long-awaited Sims 3 game, due for release on June 2nd, was pirated late last week. There is some question as to whether it's a pre-release version or the version that will be in the stores. The advanced players have torrented copies of the game and examined it, played it, and pulled it apart. I've been reading the reviews and bug reports for the past three days and while these must be taken with a grain of salt, it's beginning to look like EA Games has created a monstrosity. It is very difficult to play more than one family per neighborhood; if you switch between households all the progress made with the first household will be lost. The selection of furniture and other objects is very limited, most likely because EA wants to sell such tings through their online store at inflated prices. The Sims themselves, while more detailed, aren't any smarter than they were before and look like they were created by the Pillsbury corporation. There have been reports of graphics problems and videocard overheating. Worst of all, the game may be very difficult to modify, which will severly limit, or even eliminate, custom content, and this is a game series that thrives on hacks and custom content. More details are available at MATY; it makes for pretty grim reading. Again, it is possible that we're looking at a pre-release beta version and not the finished product but no one really knows for sure. I truly hope it's the former. EA Games has not yet issued any statements about any of this. If you were planning on buying this game, don't, not yet; if you have it on preorder, cancel it. Don't go anywhere near it until at least the end of the year, when we'll have more data available, a couple of patches, and hopefully some decent custom content and hacks to make the game playable, if that's even possible. Oh, and the torrented version contains SecuROM, too. Wonderful.

Nice job, EA. :frankiemad:

creamz06 05-24-2009 10:46 PM

My cousins. Their whining and fighting, and with me included, it bugs me. Arguing really bothers me. I've never argued a lot recently and it just starts up and I don't seem to like it, so it ticks me off even more. Then, I either give up or continue to fight. It hurts a lot, so when I need to calm down, I go and listen to some rock music.

L.G. 05-26-2009 04:58 PM

-With driving season in high gear, I'm seeing convertibles and roadsters more frequently, but what irks me is that some drivers have their tops down and their windows UP. What's the point? They look silly driving around like that.

-There is a small Smash Bros. community (at least I hope it's small) that is turning Super Smash Brothers Brawl into a Super Smash Brothers Melee 2.0 of sorts, and it's called 'Brawl+.' Some of the changes that were made to Brawl to make it Brawl+ include zero random tripping, altered physics, longer hit stun (meaning your attack stuns an opponent longer than originally), and stages like Luigi's Mansion have been altered to make it more "neutral." A Luigi's Mansion stage with a permanently flatten mansion is blasphemous.

Howard 05-29-2009 09:53 PM

I was on the way out the door to a meeting, and the roomie says to pick up milk, and the rest I heard was ", yada." As soon as my meeting was over, I went to the supermarket to get the milk. Now I thought she might have mentioned coffee creamer. Much to my chagrin, I found half a bottle of coffee creamer! Now I do not know what the other thing was, but on the bright side - we have MORE creamer (cannot live without the stuff).:D

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