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xxxClaire 05-01-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 109614)
Trust me, it's very real and very serious. We have a couple of members from Mexico who have mentioned the subject, here and elsewhere. Besides, if the media made up something like that and caused a major health scare, there'd be some serious jail time looming on the horizon. :P

Exactly. It's definetly not fake. Even people up here are freaking out about it.

Lynnie 05-01-2009 10:22 PM

Oh yeah, it's worrisome. People up here are starting to wear masks, and there are already a few schools closed for the next week at least while a sanitation crew goes through and wipes everything down with an anti-viral and anti-biotic solution. I haven't heard yet if there's been any confirmed cases in my state, but there are a number of possible ones. :macwor: I'm not too worried about my self, but I'm trying to keep my immunity healthy just in case I do end up having to fight it off.

xxxClaire 05-01-2009 10:35 PM

Apparently there's been 3 cases in my city. It's kinda scary. :macwor:

Sparky 05-03-2009 02:39 PM

I've been trying to install a secure, integrated shoutbox on the forum all day so people could chat about the new episodes, but I can't get it to work. I paid for it and everything. So I emailed support but we probably won't have the box functioning for a while. I'm sorry, I tried. :(

xxxClaire 05-05-2009 05:53 PM

Some people in my math class... there's a huge fight between two of my friends and three other people in the class, who used to be good friends with them. Anyway, they're all being completely obnoxious. One of them totally betrayed my friend and made her cry. Another one of them stole my other friend's boyfriend. And then the other had the nerve to send me a message on Facebook saying that I'm ugly. And I've never actually talked to that guy before, he was just doing it because I'm friends with the people he's fighting with. Totally uncalled for. :frankiemad:

Lynnie 05-05-2009 06:49 PM

Ugh, high school life. I remember it well. My heart goes out to you, Claire. :P

Work is ticking me off. Ms. Moody has been very moody for the last week or so, and it hasn't been enjoyable to say the least. Mr. Ditsy is still annoying as anything. And now the new manager, who we've nicknamed D.D. (for Donna Dumba** 8D ) is irritating me (and pretty much everyone else). Problem is, she use to be the DM, as in our boss' boss. So she likes to follow EVERYTHING to the "T", also not using common sense much because the rules don't include "use common sense". ::) She always comes to work with her hair and makeup done real fancy and reeking of perfume, and looks so snooty and so much higher than everyone else, even the other managers. NO one else bothers looking that nice because we know the job can be very tiring and dirty. But she doesn't care- she just wanders around making sure everyone's doing what they're suppose to be doing rather than doing the "dirty" work along with the rest of us. As you can probably tell she also has trust issues. She doesn't trust anyone, and needs to contantly "check" on people, and wants everyone to ask her permission before we do practically anything. She comes across as totally phony to me, and this last week she's been irritating the daylights out of me. :scaryberry:

BluebottleFlyer 05-14-2009 01:34 AM

I can't understand why there are so many people in this world who will happily sit behind their polished desks in their fancy suits and preach absolute bloody hypocrisy while cheerfully crushing real people's dreams.:madwilt:

In other words...I've been hearing certain stuff on the news, and I just find it disgusting how in these down times certain higher-up people in this world continue to live it up while the rest of us struggle and get pushed around.

Cassini90125 05-14-2009 07:27 AM

I think you've been hearing much of the same stuff I have, and I wholeheartedly agree with you. :frankiemad:

Got out of bed this morning long before I'd planned to. Had to answer the phone. The caller was a computer, wanting me to know that my auto insurance was about to expire, this was the second time they'd called, please respond this is urgent, blah blah blah. Okay first of all, this was not the second time they'd called, it was the first. Secondly, and more importantly, I don't own a car and therefore I have no need for auto insurance. Don't these idiots do any checking before programming their machines? In any case I got ahold of a live operator a minute later and he got quite an earful. Wonderful friggin' way to start the day. :frankiemad:

Telemarketing should be punishable by summary execution. :terrence:

Sparky 05-14-2009 10:53 AM

I love caller id. I don't pick up the phone unless it has a name I know, or says "private caller" which usually means my dad (although sometimes telemarketers sneakily use it; the local cops here also sometimes use it to solicit donations and they are very aggressive and don't take no for an answer).

We get the auto insurance ones as well as mortgage ones (they leave messages, that's how I know). This is an apartment. And credit card assistance - nobody here has a credit card. They don't filter their lists of names, they just call everyone.

My *favorite* ones though are the attempts to collect debts from people who don't live here. The message will go "This is an attempt to collect a debt from so-and-so. If you are not so-and-so, please disconnect now." (short pause) "By continuing to listen to this message you acknowledge that you are so-and-so..." Lol.

Cassini90125 05-14-2009 03:04 PM

I have caller ID. Unfortunately it doesn't help when I'm not awake enough to check it, as was the case today. I'm on the national "Do Not Call" list so none of these pests shouldn't be calling me to begin with. :P

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