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Shelltoon 12-18-2007 02:18 PM

A computer that's capable of running Crysis with maxed out settings at an insanely high resolution! XD

Actually, a new computer that's better than this heap of junk I'm using right now.

Diamond Duchess 12-18-2007 04:50 PM

This may be silly, but exactly what is everyone expecting from me anyway?

1. I would like one of those new, special VeggieTales DVDs that has two classic episodes on it. I saw them while at Sam's Club this week, and they looked nice.

2. Some fabulous, new clothes and maybe some shoes would be good.

3. Some fancy chocolates.

4. And, I badly want a video made using High School Musical footage synced to the music used in those Benny Hill chases.

I was watching a video of two characters from the show, Chowder. Truffles was chasing Schnitzel in fast forward while Benny Hill music played, which reminded me of a part in Cassini the Movie where some of the HSM cast were chasing each other in this fashion. I'd really like this to happen; it'd be hilarious!

Anyway, those are some things that'd be nice to see for Christmas presents.

Medikor 12-19-2007 03:32 PM

Well, I just finished wrapping what's on someone else's Christmas list: Pirates of the Caribbean 3.:D

Invader Bloo 12-20-2007 07:19 AM

Premium Xbox 360 (My mom took me to get this because she didn't know which one to get. I have to wait until Christmas to open it)
Halo 3

That's about all I want, I know I got other sstuff though from my relatives. I might go to Wal*Mart & Gamestop tomorrow to get the Simpsons Movie & a game or two.

GrimTheLost 12-20-2007 07:28 AM

I am pretty sure I am getting a 32 inch Westinghouse HDTV for X-mas. And for my PS3 not to be buggered up.

Invader Bloo 12-20-2007 05:10 PM

You'll love HD. I have Comcast which dosen't have many HD channels....Yet. It says some things are in HD with no channel. ???

Cassini90125 12-20-2007 05:26 PM

There's a new manager trainee at our local Walgreens, a lady by the name of Samantha, who got stuck with working on Christmas Day. The new people always get stuck with that. I don't think she's too happy about it. What I'd like for Christmas is the nerve to give her a bouquet of flowers on that day, just to see her smile. :frankiesmile:

Sparky 12-20-2007 05:34 PM

Speaking of getting a holiday-type day off...Back in 1999, nobody really wanted to work on December 31 because of the possibility of rioting (I worked at a theme park in Southern California). I didn't ask for the day off but I happened to get it, which was cool. So a fellow coworker who was frantically trying to trade shifts with someone so she could have the day off asked me what my plans were for the night. I said I planned to stay home because I didn't particularly want to attempt to go anywhere. Know what she did? She went to management and tried to get them to force me to switch shifts with her, because I didn't have plans and she did therefore she should get the day off and I didn't deserve it. -_- She also made a point of going around and telling everyone that I was "wasting" a day off instead of being "nice" and switching with her. No, I didn't end up having to work. Why? This lady had such a reputation for being sh***y that when someone did something particularly annoying there it was known as "pulling a Janine." :jk:

Partymember 12-20-2007 05:44 PM


which riots where these?

Sparky 12-20-2007 05:54 PM

I...dunno if they had a name, it's just that a lot of people were very frightened by the whole Y2K thing.

I'm sorry this is OT. I actually thought I was in the what ticks you off thread, lol.

Partymember 12-20-2007 06:37 PM

oh, Y2que? LOL

i want a Red Rider BB gun with a compass on the stock and a thing that tells time 8D

taranchula 12-20-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 67349)
oh, Y2que? LOL

i want a Red Rider BB gun with a compass on the stock and a thing that tells time 8D

A Red Ryder? You'll shoot your eye out kid.

What? Someone was bound to say it sooner or later. 8D

Partymember 12-20-2007 07:22 PM


watch your six, Black Bart :edmad:

some guy you dont know 12-21-2007 09:26 AM

im going to get simple this year.

all i want, is Guitar hero 3, and a subscription to gametap.

oh yeah and snow.

koosie 12-23-2007 12:34 PM

Well I got what I've wanted for ages for birthday/christmas. This rather fantastic hat :

It's a total fraud of course, a creation of acrylic and polyester but I don't care. It's my new no.1 hat. I have many hats but this one really suits the current freezing weather.

Cassini90125 12-23-2007 02:40 PM

I love it! I want one, too! ;D

Howard 12-23-2007 06:13 PM

My Christmas wish is to be with my family, and to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!:frankiesmile:

Partymember 12-23-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 67630)
My Christmas wish is to be with my family, and to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!:frankiesmile:

you too, Duck.

Koos...i love that hat, man. I've got a Czekoslovakian MilSurp one similar to that but not nearly as...big 8D

gotta find the old commie ones, kind of like Smurf hats. Wore them back in the 20's a lot, even up through the Winter War with Finland.

Howard 12-23-2007 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 67610)
Well I got what I've wanted for ages for birthday/christmas. This rather fantastic hat :

It's a total fraud of course, a creation of acrylic and polyester but I don't care. It's my new no.1 hat. I have many hats but this one really suits the current freezing weather.

The funny part is - I do have areal one (it is in one of my boxes in storage somewhere). I got it from a Russian sailor on the 1986 Med deployment. I collected sailor and military hats on that deployment. A Mod Kashin destroyer (our code for a particular Russian model destroyer at the time), pulled into what was then (Ree-yay-ka), Yugoslavia (I do not know the spelling but the pronounciation). They were on the pier farthest from us, and they stayed for only two days. I snuck a carton of Marlboros and a Zippo lighter to one of the sailors and he hooked me up with one of those ermine hats (with the red star). In those days it was illegal to meet with one another, but that is not how we felt.:D

One Radical Dude 12-23-2007 08:01 PM

I honestly don't care for the most part, because the one thing I really want...I likely won't get it, but whatever. :P

Bloonan 12-24-2007 10:02 AM

Well, I got one of the things on my list. My dad just got The Simpsons Movie on DVD from his workmate. I have to get that thing in my PC soon, it's making for some good avatars. One down, let's see just how many items will not be with me by tomorrow night...

koosie 12-24-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 67636)
The funny part is - I do have areal one (it is in one of my boxes in storage somewhere). I got it from a Russian sailor on the 1986 Med deployment. I collected sailor and military hats on that deployment. A Mod Kashin destroyer (our code for a particular Russian model destroyer at the time), pulled into what was then (Ree-yay-ka), Yugoslavia (I do not know the spelling but the pronounciation). They were on the pier farthest from us, and they stayed for only two days. I snuck a carton of Marlboros and a Zippo lighter to one of the sailors and he hooked me up with one of those ermine hats (with the red star). In those days it was illegal to meet with one another, but that is not how we felt.:D

That is a beautiful story duckman! Wow, what do you want for your one? What have I got that you'd like? Hmmm a few original 70s guitar rock albums but none of them as good as a hat like that.

I'd like it to stop raining at some point.

Cassini90125 12-25-2007 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 67325)
There's a new manager trainee at our local Walgreens, a lady by the name of Samantha, who got stuck with working on Christmas Day. The new people always get stuck with that. I don't think she's too happy about it. What I'd like for Christmas is the nerve to give her a bouquet of flowers on that day, just to see her smile. :frankiesmile:

Mission accomplished. :frankiesmile:

Partymember 12-25-2007 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 67732)
Mission accomplished. :frankiesmile:

thumbs up, bro

she have a pretty smile?

One Radical Dude 12-25-2007 11:51 AM

This year's Christmas was more low-key, compared to last year. I received some pants and a total of $100 spending money. I think I'm expecting at least one more thing, but it'll be after today. Not too bad, really.

Medikor 12-25-2007 03:41 PM

I got a nice pair of slippers that my feet have been begging for and I also got a book that I completely forgot about hinting at. It's a visual guide to fighting men throughout history by the title "Warrior".
It's part of a set that I now have two of (the other one I have is called "Weapon"). Here's hoping that "Battle" finds its way under the tree next year.;)

Cassini90125 12-25-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 67734)
thumbs up, bro

she have a pretty smile?

She has a very sweet smile, yes. :frankiesmile:

Partymember 12-25-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 67746)
I got a nice pair of slippers that my feet have been begging for and I also got a book that I completely forgot about hinting at. It's a visual guide to fighting men throughout history by the title "Warrior".
It's part of a set that I now have two of (the other one I have is called "Weapon"). Here's hoping that "Battle" finds its way under the tree next year.;)

sounds manly!

Bloonan 12-26-2007 10:19 AM

I got... a lot. The stuff I didn't already mention in the Spam board are as follows:
  • An HD camcorder,
  • a 1 GB SD card for the camera,
  • a Sony Walkman,
  • $80 GameStop cash,
  • a wireless Wii sensor bar,
  • a camera tripod
  • a camera carrying case (tounge twister!),
  • and a Powersaves thing for the Wii (SD card loaded with files at the end/complete).

Sparky 12-26-2007 04:53 PM

I got a hat, a collectible coin, wireless headphones, an emergency sewing/repair kit thingy, a couple of HT gift cards, an R4 card for my NDS, and GM's old TiVo. :D And Dad brought me some fruit and nuts from his trees.

Partymember 12-26-2007 05:08 PM

well, i didn't get another rifle, but with all the cash i've accumulated (plus im working 3-4 days this weekend!) i can afford to buy one myself :bloogrin:

Subzeroace 12-26-2007 07:00 PM

What I got;

- Invader ZIM shirt (it says Invader ZIM in big box letters with lots of doogie suit GIR and one robot GIR, it's black but has fake longer sleves that are white with green stripes)
- Foster's shirt with Bloo and Cheese on it (the black and grey zig zag line one)
- A NMBC throw (it's reeeeeealy soft!)
- Two pairs of pjs
- A keyboard
- A mouse (It's getting returned the left button doesn't work right)
- Transformers
- Spiderman 3
- 2 $10 neocash cards
- $20 at Tim Hortens
- Some junk food
- $20
- A pad of NMBC paper (with Jacks head on it)
- and a $10 pack of lottery scratch cards that I didn't win anything on (mom and dad got some too and they didn't win ether ><)

Invader Bloo 12-26-2007 09:08 PM

Would've been awesome if you or your family won.

Lynnie 12-26-2007 10:31 PM

Of the most interesting things I got- a new cell phone, the LOTR Trilogy set (I clapped my hands and cheered when I opened it, lol!), the Bloo/Cheese blanket (I still hope on getting the blanket with Mac later, though), the "Yeah, Hi, Whatever" tee, a hand vac, a tool box, and some clothes. I'd say over all, it was a very satisfying Christmas. Yay! :bloosmirk:

jekylljuice 12-27-2007 09:13 AM

All hail the immeasurable glory of the Ratatouille cookie jar:

As I anticipated this was very much a culinary-minded rodent-themed Christmas, complete with a Ratatouille mug, calender and a couple of books (in addition to which I managed to grab an electronic Remy for a very cheap price in the sales this morning). I got the His Dark Materials trilogy from my brother (so I won't have to steal his copies to read them after all), and my housemate gave me a Shaun the Sheep plushie that bleats when you squeeze his muzzle and convulses when you tug on his tail.

Still waiting for the Frasier DVD to arrive. It appears to still be held up in a postal centre somewhere with the rest of the Xmas backlog, though technically my mind is supposed to be occupied enough right now with the writing of my next essay, so I guess I can't really complain.

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