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Howard 07-28-2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ccook50 (Post 124222)
I want to go back to San Diego sometime in the future but only because I lived in the area as a kid (Escondido, specifically) and want to spend a little time out there. But if a ka-jillion people are going to make an event pre-registering for 2012's convention, they can have it. I'll spend the time seeing sights, revisiting old neighborhoods and scaring up a dear friend of mine in Escondido.

Ccook, I am with ya on that one. After the way they did pre-register for next year, and the jacked up prices - this year was my LAST Con. I will be going next year (to be with those who still go, but when they are not at the Convention Center), but only to enjoy San Diego's other wonderful sights. I was stationed there, and I too know where to enjoy myself.:bloogrin:

Cassini90125 07-28-2011 08:50 PM

I'm pre-registered with Preview Night. All shall envy me. 8-)

Last night in the city tonight; my plane departs at 1:20 Pacific Time tomorrow, with a layover in Detroit. I should be home early Saturday morning Eastern Time. I'm assuming there won't be any significant delays. Been a heck of a vacation. Right now I'm going to log off and go seek dinner and adventure... probably more of the former than the latter but one never knows. :bloocross:

Howard 07-28-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 124232)
I'm pre-registered with Preview Night. All shall envy me. 8-)

Last night in the city tonight; my plane departs at 1:20 Pacific Time tomorrow, with a layover in Detroit. I should be home early Saturday morning Eastern Time. I'm assuming there won't be any significant delays. Been a heck of a vacation. Right now I'm going to log off and go seek dinner and adventure... probably more of the former than the latter but one never knows. :bloocross:

Have a safe flight home.:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 07-29-2011 09:35 AM

Packed and ready to go... ready as I'll ever be, at least. Given the option, I'd rather stay here, which is why I keep playing Powerball. 8D

More stories to come next week. I'll check in when I get home, which should be around 1:00 AM Eastern Time, early Saturday morning. See y'all then. ;)

One Radical Dude 07-29-2011 03:13 PM

Have a safe trip back east. ;)

BluebottleFlyer 07-29-2011 04:48 PM

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Con, ORD...though I certainly don't envy you having to stand in that line for the pre-reg. It really just seems to get crazier every year, the rush for those. And that lass with the bra-less outfit? She had guts, I'll give her that!
I see you had a busy time getting to meet with some more famous faces, and that was cool you getting to meet Khaki and Lori again. Hope Lauren was able to get that MLP poster, you'd think she'd be entitled to one. Nice to hear that the Bloo costume's still as popular as ever, too. :)

Cass and Howard - Good to hear that you were part of the experience again too, aside from the aforementioned pre-reg chaos. I'm gutted that it was your last Con though Howard, but I understand your reasons for it. Glad I was able to meet up with you there last year. :)

I've already said this to ORD, but I have pencilled myself in for the 2013 Con. Just putting it out there.

Howard 07-29-2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 124238)
Glad to hear you enjoyed the Con, ORD...though I certainly don't envy you having to stand in that line for the pre-reg. It really just seems to get crazier every year, the rush for those. And that lass with the bra-less outfit? She had guts, I'll give her that!
I see you had a busy time getting to meet with some more famous faces, and that was cool you getting to meet Khaki and Lori again. Hope Lauren was able to get that MLP poster, you'd think she'd be entitled to one. Nice to hear that the Bloo costume's still as popular as ever, too. :)

Cass and Howard - Good to hear that you were part of the experience again too, aside from the aforementioned pre-reg chaos. I'm gutted that it was your last Con though Howard, but I understand your reasons for it. Glad I was able to meet up with you there last year. :)

I've already said this to ORD, but I have pencilled myself in for the 2013 Con. Just putting it out there.

On positive note BBF, I will be in San Diego every Con Year, but I will not attend. I will see you if you come in 2013.:bloogrin:

Cassini90125 07-29-2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 124238)
Cass and Howard - Good to hear that you were part of the experience again too, aside from the aforementioned pre-reg chaos. I'm gutted that it was your last Con though Howard, but I understand your reasons for it. Glad I was able to meet up with you there last year. :)

If nothing else, the pre-reg experience makes for an interesting story. :bloocross:


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 124237)
Have a safe trip back east. ;)

I did. The trip was free of incidents, although we were stuck on the plane for a short time when we landed in Detroit. Seems that we arrived 15 minutes early and they weren't ready for us. 8D :cheesegrin:

BluebottleFlyer 07-30-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 124239)
On positive note BBF, I will be in San Diego every Con Year, but I will not attend. I will see you if you come in 2013.:bloogrin:

That's great. :) If I can get over, I'll be sure to track you down.


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 124240)
If nothing else, the pre-reg experience makes for an interesting story. :bloocross:

That I don't doubt. :blooxd:

Ccook50 10-29-2012 11:52 AM

KNX in Los Angeles says that Comic-Con will stay in San Diego through 2016 at least. There had been rumors it would relocate to either Los Angeles or Las Vegas.

One Radical Dude 10-31-2012 04:09 PM

I read about that, too. LA's pros would be that it's near Hollywood and Burbank and that it's in a location that isn't too hot on average (though not as cool as the Gaslamp/Marina areas of Downtown San Diego). Not sure about the safety of the part of L.A. their convention center is, and I'm not sure their convention center is large enough. LVCC is massive, and Vegas has large selection of hotels. LV's cons would be the 110+ desert heat, not good for those wearing large costumes or those that want to spend some time outdoors. There are concerns that membership badges could skyrocket higher in price. Also, probably not the best place to be, if you don't want to gamble or anything. Anaheim was also another candidate. Love the area, but Disneyland being so close, and the hotel choices are spread out, and I wish there would be a light rail system in the city. For San Diego, I've said it many times, they need to really improve on accommodating more people.

cartman414 01-23-2013 09:08 AM

So, anyone get their rooms yet?

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