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Medikor 01-16-2008 02:16 PM

Keep the good stuff coming, bud! The more I see of this project the more I like it.:D

rossfellow 01-16-2008 02:29 PM

There'll be a lot more action page 11 onwards.

Hope I dont disappoint ^_^

rossfellow 01-17-2008 09:02 AM
Finally ~_~

antgirl1 01-17-2008 03:32 PM

W00t I can see everything now! I love it! :D

rossfellow 01-18-2008 10:52 AM

Page 10, too big for photobucket.

antgirl1 01-19-2008 09:31 AM

WHOA. :wiltshock:

Lynnie 01-19-2008 07:00 PM

Yeah, woah. That is one big IF. A cool sci-fi type IF, could be an extremeasaur. But is he mean and gruesome?

Awesome Rossfellow! Looking forward to more.

rossfellow 01-22-2008 07:12 AM

I guess its still relevant.

Madame Foster and Tintin just make an awesome pair :P

Medikor 01-22-2008 09:58 AM

So that's a (much) younger Madam Foster? I love how you managed to make her look similar to Frankie but keep that indomitable look of adventure and spirit about her.:D

Ignate 01-23-2008 01:34 AM

That is the awesomest Mr. Herriman I've ever seen.

taranchula 01-23-2008 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 69946)
Madame Foster and Tintin just make an awesome pair :P

Now there is an awesome idea for a crossover of sorts.

If anything just to see the inventible Mr. Herriman/Captain Haddock encounter.

rossfellow 01-23-2008 03:28 PM

As my sig says, I'll be slowing down on pencilling and inking to CG the first 10 pages.

By then, hopefully, it'll be webcomic material.

rossfellow 01-24-2008 11:58 AM

NOW it looks like a snafu webcomic :P

Medikor 01-24-2008 12:36 PM

That is fantastic, Rossfellow! The transition from pencils to colour is just breathtaking.:D

rossfellow 01-24-2008 02:04 PM

Ah, the things you do in PaintChat.

rossfellow 01-24-2008 05:00 PM

Frankie'll go under some serious changes.

Lynnie 01-24-2008 08:41 PM

More great stuff here, Rossfellow. I like Orlando Bloo, and Wilt's fingers. :D

Why does Frankie need some changes? I think she's lovely! :frankiesmile:

Medikor 01-25-2008 05:13 AM

I really like the sketch book look they have. By the way, what do those Japanese figures that Frankie's saying translate into?

rossfellow 01-25-2008 08:00 AM

"De te Ikinisai!"

semi-formal way of saying "GET OUT!"

Anyway, what I mean was...
This Frankie isnt the one you know from the series, no? This one is a more serious and angsty version of Frankie that'll emerge from the five-year timeskip.

Medikor 01-25-2008 11:47 AM

So that's what it means, thanks for the translation. A more angsty Frankie? I'm not a big fan of characters like that and if it's five years from now that would make her 27 or 28 years old right?
I personally like Frankie's character the way it is in the show but this a fan creation, so I'm cool with it. Just promise me that she won't be a total change from the norm.;) I'm loving how your work is coming along and I just can't wait to see how all your wonderful ideas come together.:D

antgirl1 01-27-2008 03:35 PM

I wonder if by now Frankie has someone who also works with her alongside her. At some point she'd need extra help, with all the chores Herriman gives her every day... (Wilt doesn't count lol)

pitbulllady 01-27-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 70366)
I wonder if by now Frankie has someone who also works with her alongside her. At some point she'd need extra help, with all the chores Herriman gives her every day... (Wilt doesn't count lol)

Why WOULDN'T Wilt count? I guarantee if he were no longer there, she'd realize just how much he does around the house, and how much she does indeed count on him. They might as well put him on the payroll with all he does there, even though I'm sure he's perfectly content doing all that work volunteer, just to help out.


Cassini90125 01-27-2008 04:20 PM

Sounds like your saying that Frankie can't handle her job on her own. I find that more than a little disrespectful. :frankiemad:

rossfellow 01-28-2008 09:01 AM

I?m rewriting the whole thing. Now looking back, both the art and pacing are way out of wack. I need a to decide on a style that compromises between my two influences (CN and modern manga style).

Here?s an attempt. Also possible spoiler, now that I look at it.

Plus? Who remembers Red Hooded Chacha from the old CN days? :P

As for the Frankie beef, you?re all wrong. I?m not telling why, though. :P

Medikor 01-28-2008 12:16 PM

Your previous stuff was great, Ross but I love the idea that you're after. An even blend of CN and Manga is a wonderful idea and certainly make the final product more approachable to a wider audience.
Don't give up! Sometimes the greatest achievements in entertainment were redone from scratch before they reached an audience. Resident Evil 4's story was redone from scratch about four times before it became the masterpiece that it is now.:D

Partymember 01-28-2008 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 70367)
Why WOULDN'T Wilt count? I guarantee if he were no longer there, she'd realize just how much he does around the house, and how much she does indeed count on him. They might as well put him on the payroll with all he does there, even though I'm sure he's perfectly content doing all that work volunteer, just to help out.


if Wilt does tons of work i'm sure she both acknowledges and appreciates it ???

Anyway, Frankie looks like a total paramilitary in that sketch.

(that would be bada$$, thats all i'm sayin... :P )

rossfellow 01-28-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 70408)
if Wilt does tons of work i'm sure she both acknowledges and appreciates it ???

Anyway, Frankie looks like a total paramilitary in that sketch.

(that would be bada$$, thats all i'm sayin... :P )

You've guessed half of it :P

Partymember 01-28-2008 01:31 PM


commando Frankie :bloogrin:

Mr. Marshmallow 01-28-2008 02:23 PM

I think why Cass is upset Pitbull (and I can see why) is the fact the way you phrased Wilt's service at Foster's, you made it sound like he was more important to Fosters then Frankie was. Wilt has indeed be a truly helpful friend and done A LOT for for Fosters but I don't think Frankie would view Wilt leaving like that.

You make it sound that Frankie views Wilt's absence more in a commercial sense then an emotional one, that she would be screwed without him and that she took his kindness for granted which is false on both accounts for Frankie. She values Wilt and his help but its obvious she keeps Fosters up more then Wilt does.

I am not down playing Wilt's service but considering the totality of what Frankie does compared to the amount Wilt does, Frankie does more work then for like 10 people. She bends over backwards and breaks every emotional, physical, and mental bone in her body trying to keep this house together and she has probably been doing this even before Wilt got there.

Yes, Wilt is a great, valuable, and helpful asset but I don't for one minute believe that Frankie wouldn't be dependable enough to run Foster's without Wilt being there. That's all.

rossfellow 01-28-2008 04:02 PM

Save the debate for when I actually reach chapter two. >.>

Comments on the revision charsheets so far? I tried something I'm not used to: semi-chibi proportions.

rossfellow 01-28-2008 04:41 PM

Guys, I need some help.

I need references for:

The Rich estate (Richie Rich's mansion)
Irona (Richie Rich's robot maid)
The Granasaber (from Grandia II)
Full body pics of Johnny Test, the dog, Mary and Susan Test
Screenshots of Imaginary Man and NemeSister's creators (not their current owners).

Lynnie 01-28-2008 05:12 PM

As the pic was loading, it got as far as Gwen's head, and I said "Hey, it's Gwen Tennison!" And I was right! ;) You captured her and Ben so well. Also cool how Ben's 10, Mac's 8, and they look their ages side by side. Great job. Looking forward to what more you have in store. :up:

Sparky 01-28-2008 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 70425)
Guys, I need some help.

I need references for:

The Rich estate (Richie Rich's mansion)
Irona (Richie Rich's robot maid)
The Granasaber (from Grandia II)
Full body pics of Johnny Test, the dog, Mary and Susan Test
Screenshots of Imaginary Man and NemeSister's creators (not their current owners).

I can get you all of these except Granasaber and The Johnny Test stuff. I'm working on it.

Lynnie 01-28-2008 05:57 PM

I found some JT shots.

As well as here
And also here

Hope they help. :)

Sparky 01-28-2008 06:25 PM

Crappy screenshots from Challenge of the Superfriends, which I need to rerecord:

one two and three

Richie's Mansion, one and two (these are only the front though, if there's anything specific you need let me know, I have a collection of RR comics)

Irona, all but one of my comics is pre-Irona so this is all I have: Mrs Rich's hat, full story page one, two, three, four, five.

Also, did you know Irona originally looked like this? :D

rossfellow 01-29-2008 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 70443)

Richie's Mansion, one and two (these are only the front though, if there's anything specific you need let me know, I have a collection of RR comics)

You have the gate? :D

Sparky 01-29-2008 02:34 PM

I'm afraid this is all I could find, but I'll keep looking. Unlike Foster's the Rich mansion is mostly surrounded by a brick wall, with a smallish gate.

Sparky 01-29-2008 03:47 PM

Okay I went through my whole collection and the above picture is the only time I saw them have a gate at all. It usually looks like this, just the brick wall and no gate. They may have had a gate in the cartoon, but until that comes out on DVD I don't have any episodes of it.

rossfellow 01-30-2008 04:50 AM

Okay. Now that I've played BFAHP, I need a printable version of the game maps.

No, not the one made in MS Paint. The actual screenies of BFAHP.

rossfellow 01-30-2008 01:00 PM

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