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If this episode is the season finale for Season Five, then the fifth season of Foster's wouldn't be my favorite, judging on the episodes which started this season and ended. I doubt that I may see this episode again. The episode left me sad in the inside after watching it.
It was different and that's what I liked about it. |
His "contribution" was nothing more than a rewrite of history that took something away from Frankie. I would truly like to know why the show's writers felt it was necessary to do this to her.
Ok, I saw the ep in its whole, and yeah, it just wasn't that funny. Ok, wasn't really funny at all. I liked Peas ok, though. He was just trying to help, but what can such a little pea do? But to sum it up, the ep was kind of lame, imho. My favorite part is still Jackie and Fluffer Nutter on the roof while Peas is walking away, he turns around for a moment and says "Oh gross!" 8D I felt like crying when I heard Frankie sob. Why must we watch her live through that horrid day again?? God Forbid they do something like this to "Cheese a Go-Go"! :madwilt:
Now THAT is a horrible day for Frankie I do not want to revisit. In fact the only thing that saved Frankie's bad day in "Big Cheese" WAS her idea with the news crew but since now they took that away, well. |
im really glad i didn't get to see the last 20 minutes of this episode, but im also really glad i got to see the Jackie Khones/Fluffernutter bit 8D
that was pretty gosh darn funny 8D |
The "Imposters" episode to me was horrible because Frankie was physically, mentally, emotionally humiliated, she lost all her money, all her respect from EVERYONE and in the end she was proved wrong despite Goofball being a total a**hole to her. Plus, everything I saw in "Cheese a go-go" pales in comparison to the scrubbing scene in "Imposters". That scene alone was hard enough to take. |
i liked this episode. i thought peas was kinda cool (or at least brave :D)
although, yeah i can see why everyone is complaning about what they did to frankie. that ticks me off, too. and i didnt really get why there was that part with with khones and FN. but they cant all be winners. |
The end credits gag is Peas making a valiant effort to descend a flight of stairs... with little results. Peas is indeed voiced by Phil LaMarr. Now this is something really subtle and obscure, but Peas is actually just Goo's head without hair, ears and a nose, and with a thimble, arms and legs attached to it. This is really noticeable when you see both characters from the side.
A pointless episode with a never before seen character who gets annoying after about four minutes (in my opinion) and destroys the ending of TBC.
On an uplifting note, look at the number of episodes in each season. S1 had 11 episodes and one movie which amounts to three eps. That makes fourteen eppies. S2 has 15 episodes, while S3 has 14 (A Lost Claus included). S4 has 11 episodes and a movie that amounts to two eps, which makes 13 eppies. If you aren't following this off-topic post, I'll explain: Season Five has only had 12 episodes so far. It's very likely that it'll have at least one more ep, which hopefully will leave us on a better note than this one (apologies to those who liked it). |
Mmm... Ok episode, I don't seem to hate it as much as you guys do >> I kinda like Peas, he really did care for and defend Frankie. I don't like how they changed the end, but Peas defending her honour was very sweet of him.
...I just made a awful pun there didn't I ._.; Anyway, Peas was cute. I wouldn't mind him appearing again, but only as a short cameo. ...It's hard to NOT make puns with him ._.;;; |
zzzzz, OH, um, This episode wasn't anything new. :P
Frankie is perfectly capable of defending her OWN honor, and doesn't need some pint-sized veggie IF to do it for her. He's certainly not the only character on the show who has ever jumped in to help her, either. That's one of the things that most of us hate so much about the episode. If they wanted an episode about another character helping Frankie out of a tough situation, why not have it be one of the established main characters we've all come to know and love, and create an entirely NEW, never-before-seen episode around that scenario, instead of re-hashing an older episode with this character we've never even heard of before, trying to make it seem like that character has been the only one in the house who ever does anything for Frankie? Two of the show's main characters, including one that is very, very popular(and I'm not just saying that because *I* happen to like him a lot, either), have really been shoved aside this season, mostly by Bloo, but it's worse to see them pushed aside by a character nobody ever heard of. pitbulllady |
I can totally understand how people feel, with how Frankie was robbed of her triumph, but aren’t we all outside of the show’s target demographic? I’m guessing that, unless a hoard of children protest and decry the episode’s ending, I don’t believe the Foster’s Crew is going to change how they handle future episodes.
I agree with what Pitbull and Radical said. No one is complaining that Peas genuinely supports Frankie, in fact that's the ONLY thing I found remotely likable about him. The problem we find it a little insulting that this annoying one shot character appears out of the blue and robs one of Frankie's few star episode moments away from her. This was an unnecessary and unneeded change to a small moment of triumph we were happy to see Frankie accept but she was more or less "robbed" of it. Frankie's smart plan was removed through a plot device by having Peas be so micro sized and whisper into her ear, it was a cheap (but clever) means of working him into the story. Yet that still doesn't change the fact his little ear pep talk taints the victory Frankie rightfully earned all by her cute self by having some walking talking micro machine IF take it away from her. The fact he supports her doesn't really change what he essentially did to her character as part of the show. Normally I prefer to stay KNEE deep in the show and talk about the characters as their own actions (I do the same thing with movies) and not just say "Oh the writers made him/her do/say that". But this was just plain sneaky and most importantly, not needed nor was it necessary. It was fine just the way it was before. |
Thanks to Sparky I managed to watch this via MegaUpload and all I have to say is:
OMGNO. >_< Peas...I really hope he's a oneshot. His voice is extremely annoying, although I admit he has funny lines ("CURSE YOU AND YOUR LONG LEGS!" and "VIVA FOSTER'S!") during the episode, but eh. Not exactly all that fond of him, but I do like how he defends Frankie during the whole Jackie/FN scene. But taking one of Frankie's star moments away? No. What I hate about this ep is that it makes Frankie look like someone who gives up easily and doesn't both to try and find a way out of a mess, or make it work to her advantage, like she did in TBC. Me personally? C+/B-. |
While we're on the topic of the show's demographic target audience, it's obvious that CN DOES realize and acknowledge that Foster's has a LOT of older fans, in their teens and those who are adults, otherwise why give Hot Topic the sole rights to distribute the Foster's merchandise, like clothing and keychains, outside of CN's own website? I can't recall every having seen any 4-10 year-old children in a Hot Topic store, and a lot of the younger ones in that demographic would probably be scared of the people who work there!
It also makes me wonder if CN isn't dictating that "preachy" episodes like Peas be made in concession to the show's creators being able to include things like romantic plot-lines, etc., things which CN originally said they didn't want, because it would make the show "too much like a soap opera". If you've watched any soaps lately, you'll know that Foster's is LIGHT YEARS ahead of them in character developement and intelligent writing. pitbulllady |
Medikor posted another possible interpretation of this episode which, if you haven't seen it, really deserves a look:
http://www.fosters-home.com/forum/sh...5250#post65250 |
I'm gonna copy paste Medikor's response here for those too lazy to click on the link XD Thanks Cass, for the heads-up.
Just rewatched Imposter's to refresh my memory and I take my words back. Imposter's is an episode I NEVER want brought back. Urgh. |
That's the idea I got, too.
Finally saw the ep...meh, it was okay. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. Peas' Mickey Mouse voice was really annoying. >_O And I didn't like how he stole Frankie's triumph. The "Peas representing Frankie's fans" thing sounds plausible, and does make Peas look better, but even if the theory is true, I still think they could have conveyed it better. >>;
I did like how Peas stood up for Frankie, though. I liked the Fluffer Nutter and Jackie scene too. XD So overall, I'll just say that it was a medicore episode. Nothing to really hate, but nothing to really love either. |
I will have to say the episode was marginal at best. I could take it or leave it; nothing really impressive other than the theory of the pea representing all the Frankie fans (me included). I think that would be really nice.:frankiesmile:
Jeez, I hope this isn't the last of Season 5, I thought they were building up to something awesome.
Okay, first of all, I'll make it clear: I didn't like The Big Cheese. Others loved it, I thought it sucked. I have since revised my opinion to: It was okay, by Fosters standards, which is pretty good. But of all the episodes to feature a "show the episode from a different perspective" (yeah, it has been done before) this one would not have been my pick. I would have preffered it be, say, Say It Isn't Sew (but that's a fanfic for another day). So, it got off to a bad start for me, which was only compounded by using a lot of old footage which just made me scream mentally "Budgeting Shortcuts!!" Peas was a nice character but not a cool character, I'm afraid I too have to claim he was "dull". The funniest part of it was in fact, the moment I saw Peas. It cracked me up how they inserted him in there. But the ep was unfunny (not boring, however. Somehow Peas had the strange ability to hold my attention). Like, no real jokes the entire ep. By Foster's standards, this bombs. I for one, did NOT like the Jackie/Fluffer Nutter part. I just get uncomfortable around people doing that sort of thing, and this crossed over to my viewing experience. Especially how they had gone to the roof to be alone. I felt as if I was intruding. If this one was for Cheese fans, it was a dissappointment. Cheese barely featured, he just stood there and walked around. I have a like for Cheese, despite his annoyingness, and this was his most dull outing so far. Then there's what seems to be the sticking point for most people, the big ending. I also disliked it. I wasn't the travesty that people seem to be making it out to be (and I'm sure you don't mean to sound that way, but the interwebs distort), but it was annoying, and pointless, and anticlimactic. It's not all bad news, though. I was rooting for Peas, despite not actually liking him much, and actually felt sad when he got all dejected. I thought to myself "How could he possibly get a happy ending? We know his goal is unreachable!" and I would have loved his moment in the sun if not for it blocking out Frankie's. So, not a bad episode per se, but not good by any standards, and certainly not funny. I'm sorry, I don't like trashing Fosters, but it is how it is.:( |
Ok I watched the ep (Thaaaaanks Sparky!) and read the reviews. I feel like I've got to go watch it again now. With a few exceptions, it looks to me like you was all watching a different episode or at least watched it with blinkers on. Poor old Peas!
He may be whiney and annoying and it's a bit odd the way he likes Frankie but I really liked him. The way he's made makes him totally useless in the world but he trys his best and is rooting for Frankie all the way. As for him taking the credit for her turning around 'The Big Cheese' , she'd inspired him to do that, to be her only friend when all was lost thanks to the idiocy of others (she's the only one in the ep who ever notices him too). When he was totally defeated I loved that bit, nobody had heard him or even knew he was there. Wanting to do good, to help those he admired got him through. Clinging to a stupid idea.... Crackers made an appearance too. As for the Jackie Khones, Fluffer Nutter situation, I thought that was brilliant.Jackie might be pretty cool, but Fluffer Nutter is one classy lady. You gotta treat her right. She'd be better off with the tall guy. Yeh this episode didn't dissappoint me a bit. Not too Cheesy and pretty damn funny. Give the little guy a chance. |
The episode wasn't bad. It wasn't good, either. Peas was a very flat character, and the high-pitched voice started to get to me after a while.
I also don't understand the significance of revealing Khones' and Fluffer Nutter's relationship. Not only was it over by the episode's half-way point, it's sort of outdated: TBC was an entire season ago, and Fluffer Nutter and Khones haven't been seen near or around each other in all of Season 5 (to the best of my knowledge, anyhow). It definately wasn't one of the best episodes I've seen... :macwor: |
Just in case anybody wants to see the title card, and a screen of the credits gag:
http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/2320/peascardbz4.pnghttp://img100.imageshack.us/img100/802/peasgagny7.png |
Thank you, Shelltoon. :terrsmile: I'm going to go ahead and use the title card on the site, I hate not having one; I hope that's okay.
Of course it's ok! I don't mind sharing at all.
Okay, I watched this episode again on tape (or bits and pieces of it) and I have to say even with that amazingly clever possible theory behind Peas, that to me doesn't change the fact this episode really was a bad, BAD, bad piece of crap. No theory will change the fact this episode was a total snore and bore fest.
Peas was more annoying then anything I've seen before because we stuck on him and ONLY him through out the entire episode. The fact he is the only true supporter of Frankie is ironic but not neat nor fun enough to make me want to sit down and watch this episode again without wanting to change channels. If Peas really is a symbol of Frankie fans and this was a nod to us, I pray to god that it wasn't much of a nod and that it certainly wasn't a means of perception. If we look and come across as annoying as Peas does to the Fosters crew then my god we must really bug the crap out of them. |
All we are saying is give Peas a chance.
As for robbing Frankie of her moment of triumph, she'd reached a point that all humans reach, when the sheer unfairness of it all breaks you down. That's when you need a friend, even a little one you didn't know was there. Besides, since when has begging for money constituted triumph? |
This wasn't one of Frankie's breakdown moments because it was changed FROM a triumphant moment TO a breakdown moment by the addition of Peas. Normally I refer to the show and characters more authentically and realistically. But I just felt this was too upsetting a change for Frankie's personal sake to let go not pointing out. |
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_9.gif |
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