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Mr. Marshmallow 01-07-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 68701)
A lot of it is duplicates, sure, but there's quite a variety, mostly targeted towards 13-year-old girls; make-up sets, stationary, plushies, dolls, etc. My Sailor Jupiter dog tag is available there again for about $13.00, including shipping; that was a very nice item, solid metal with a beautiful picture. Stars, I'd kill for something like that with Frankie's picture on it. :frankiesmile:

That's one of the things that makes it hard for me to buy Sailor Moon stuff. The Barbie like Moon dolls would be a bit creepy and weird for a guy to buy, I love getting as much stuff as I can for anime, I just don't wanna weird anyone out with a doll that is designed for girls.

I checked out that dog tag you mentioned Cass and it looks SWEET!!! I'm seriously thinking about buying that, AND, I found this Sailor Jupiter japanese penny/piggy bank box.

Nathander 01-07-2008 05:56 PM

I remember how I used to watch Sailor Moon with my sister, whether it be on the tapes my sister had or on TV with her, especially on Toonami. I really used to like Sailor Mercury, but then again I have a soft spot for bookish, nerdy-esque girls. But that's besides the point.

While I wouldn't consider it the greatest anime ever made (which in my own personal opinion is Hellsing Ultimate), or even really the greatest magical girl show ever made (that being, from what I've seen, Princess Tutu), I do still think it's a very entertaining shoujo series. Not one of the greatest ever conceived, but entertaining and enjoyable none the less.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-07-2008 10:20 PM

Well obviously everyone has different opinions on what the greatest anime ever made is. However, even with my personal tastes aside, there are anime I don't personally like that I do consider to be some of the best very made. Neon Genesis Evangelion however is not one of them, or at least I think so.

But back to Moon, truth be told Sailor Moon is one of the 3 biggest and most widely known animes ever due to its TV syndication. The other 2 being Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon (well maybe Yu-gi-oh too). I grew up with Moon before both of those and despite it being a girl aimed show, I still loved watching it.

I can't tell you how many times I spent rushing out the door to the school bus, trying so hard not to miss any episodes and timer taping so many. I did that with a lot of shows actually. Either way, Sailor Moon works so well for a show that lasts so many seasons, the characters are what totally make it so much fun.

Cassini90125 04-09-2008 12:16 AM

Early this morning I finally finished rewatching the first season. What a remarkable show this is, for all the reasons I cited earlier and more. Anyone who dismisses Sailor Moon as fluff for 13-year old girls or just another anime really hasn't paid attention to what's on the screen. The characters are as real as cartoons can get; they have lives outside of their hero roles and spent as much time dealing with everyday life as they do battling the forces of evil. They have flaws and weaknesses and individual personalities, the same as anyone else; they have a lot of depth, a lot of heart, and they're a group that's easy to like and easy to root for and care about. I don't know why but this time around the show really got to me more than last time, really touched me on so many levels. It's very moving at times, moving and inspiring. You don't see much of that on TV anymore, not on this level. Reliving the first season with the Sailor Scouts, sharing in their triumphs and tragedies, their laughter and their tears, and everything in between, it's been a very poignant experience for me. I truly believe that I got something I really needed from this show, and I am very glad that I bought those discs. To me, they're worth their weight in gold. :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 09-01-2008 11:39 PM

This thread's been quiet too long.

I finished watching the 13-episode "Doom Tree" story arc a little while ago, and like the first season it did not disappoint. The finale was riveting, full of memorable lines about love and self-sacrifice, and an explosive final battle which, had the Doom Tree itself not intervened, the Sailor Scouts would have almost certainly lost. Ann is full of anger and has a terrible temper but I'm convinced that most of her attitude comes from the long, long isolation she and Alan endured while searching for a new home and a new source of energy. She really erupted big-time in the last episode. The story ranks a little below that of the first season but only a little; in it's short run it had all the things noted elsewhere in this thread that make Sailor Moon such a memorable series, all the action, all the comedy (the "babysitting" episode in particular), and more brainless moments from Serena. My stars that girl can eat an awful lot. It was nice to see Lita get an episode focused on her, too, and definitely nice to see her take down a cardian without Sailor Moon's help for a change.

I wish Ann and Alan a safe journey. Up next for me is the much longer second story arc of the second season, featuring the Four Sisters and the Negamoon family. And Rini, too, so there a good chance one of my next posts here will include the phrase, "Oh my stars, what an awful little brat!" 8D

Mr. Marshmallow 09-02-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 88942)
It was nice to see Lita get an episode focused on her, too, and definitely nice to see her take down a cardian without Sailor Moon's help for a change.

I wish Ann and Alan a safe journey. Up next for me is the much longer second story arc of the second season, featuring the Four Sisters and the Negamoon family. And Rini, too, so there a good chance one of my next posts here will include the phrase, "Oh my stars, what an awful little brat!" 8D

I'm glad you enjoyed her episode AND especially the Doom Tree arc itself. There's actually a lot of people who do not care for this arc at all because it is filler and not in the manga, and for that reason people tend to dislike it and think its just meaningless recap stuff.

Which I find truly insulting because there were some excellent developmental episodes between the scouts during this arc. Especially Lita's, the Snow white play episode, and the very first Doom Tree episode with that Vampire plant monster. Not to mention Alan and Anne are some of my FAVORITE Sailor Moon villains.

Trust me Cass, awful little brat is putting it mildly. I understand her importance in the show but Rini pissed me off to high Hell. The 4 Sisters pre-arc I found to be more enjoyable then the "meat" of the Negamoon family arc. I know that sounds weird but I just found the goings on during the early stages to be the best.

However I will say this, the Negamoon arc features my number one with a bullet all time favorite Sailor Moon villain EVER: The Wise man. Wait till you see him Cass :slybendy: now there's a villain. Keep us (or at least me) updated with your Sailor journeying Cass, I always enjoy chatting with you about it.

Cassini90125 09-02-2008 11:02 PM

Filler or not it's a fine story. Disliking it just because it's not part of the manga is pretty senseless if you ask me. Much of it wasn't animated as well as the first season, seeming to have too much "whiteness" as the background, although that might just be my discs and not how it originally aired.

I've seen a few screencaps of Wiseman here and there; he reminded me superficially of Skeletor from Masters of the Universe at first but that resemblance faded pretty quickly. I'm sort of familiar with the storyline as well, in general if not the specifics, mostly from reading about it in the role-playing game. Some of the villains strike me as having at least as much depth to them as those from the first season.

I mentioned elsewhere that I got a few artbooks of the series from eBay yesterday, covering the events of the first two seasons, and I gotta say that Celia/Setsuna (Pluto) is starting to look like a real knockout. ;) As for Rini, well, maybe I'll turn the volume down when she's on the screen. I remember enough to know that she's going to get on my nerves big time. :P

Cassini90125 09-27-2008 09:50 PM

I watched Episodes 60-62 earlier. Surprisingly, Rini wasn;t quite as bad as I remenber. She's still an awful little brat, yeah, but there were some scenes where you could really sense the hurt inside her and begin to understand that behind the anger is a scared and lonely little girl. Knowing some of what's to come later in the season probably influences my judgement somewhat but that's how I see it. It was pretty funny to watch Serena whack her on the rear end several times, too. I'll bet that didn't get past the censors when the show first aired in the USA, though, because here we know that children have to be shielded from everything. ::)

Episode #61 was painful. Watching Darien break up with Serena... well, you know how it is. You get attached to characters, you hurt along with them, and the characters in Sailor Moon are very easy to get attached to. They certainly were for me. I'd never seen Serena cry quite like that; Darien looked like he hated himself for breaking up with her. I knew it was coming but actually seeing it happen is another matter entirely. You want to comfort them both, help them get through it and eventually, somehow, reunite.

The high point for me was late in Episode #62. This was the one where Ami was to leave the group to study in Germany. The scene at the airport when she's ready to get on the plane and Darien and Rini show up with a parting gift from the other girls and she realizes that they would have come themselves but something must have come up and she races back to Tokyo because she's their friend and part of the team and will never turn her back on them was beautiful to watch, set to a wonderful soundtrack that timed flawlessly with her transformation into Sailor Mercury, and arriving just in time to save her friends from being frozen to death... wow, just wow. It's one of those scenes that really makes my heart soar, makes me want to stand and cheer. I almost did, too, but I settled for replaying it a dozen times, smiling all the while.

What an amazing show this is. Anyone who hasn't seen it is really missing out on something special; I maintain that this is the finest anime ever made, at least it is for me. I can hardly wait to get to the next episodes. :frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 09-28-2008 12:02 PM

Yeah, Ami's scene was surprisingly more touching then I had remembered when I last saw it. I always felt it was a shame her character didn't really evolve past the quiet "I'm the smart one who always studies" gimmick except for choice episodes like this. I think one of my favorite episodes from this saga was the one with the Thunder drummer monster and the scouts lost gravity in the apartment building.

It was amusing, interesting, and I felt was a good episode for both Serena and Rini. She definitely does get better as the arc progresses but she still always has been a pain in the ass in my book, despite my sympathies for her. Darien breaking up with Serena to me was just painful in every sense of the word. Serena was truly broken inside, even worse then when Darien was brainwashed.

Even if Serena is a bit of a cry baby, I think she had every right to feel miserable when Darien broke it off with her. The hurt in her was genuine and not an over exaggeration, it was true honest to goodness: suffering. The climax of this arc is pretty spectacular, along the lines of the grand finale in the first season with Queen Beryl and the Doom/Gloom girls in the antarctic.

If you ever get a chance Cass, I also highly recommend checking out the 3 Sailor Moon movies. The third one is a piece of crap in my opinion, but the first 2 are most DEFINITELY worth checking out :frankiesmile:.

frankie_fan 01-11-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 88942)
This thread's been quiet too long.

WAY too long if you ask me! 8D

I just want to ask: I'm planning on returning to Sailor Moon, and I just want to know, are the episodes dubbed by DIC still worth watching?

The reason for this is that Madman (the Australian distributor of anime and Cartoon Network), back in 2002, released all of the DIC episodes on DVD and VHS. They were successful and they had announced that they had planned to release at least season 1 of Sailor Moon uncut with subtitles, but unfortunately, after rights expired and were not renewed by Toei, this was no longer possible. The previous releases of Sailor Moon in English ceased printing. The only way I'll be able to buy them is to go on eBay.

But thankfully, I've now got a PayPal account, so that I'll be able to by off eBay, but I want to make sure if the DIC episodes of Sailor Moon are still worth watching, because they're (as far as I know) the only Australian releases of Sailor Moon on DVD.

Cassini90125 01-11-2010 06:34 PM

That's what I originally saw here in the States; I'd say they're worth watching but I don't think DIC dubbed all the episodes; some were never shown here due to idiotic censorship rules. DIC may not have dubbed those but I honestly don't know. I have the ones with subtitles, which aren't bad at all. :bloogrin:

frankie_fan 01-15-2020 04:17 PM

I hate to revive an old thread, but this is a question that I have to ask since I'm getting VERY close to getting all 200 episodes (I have all 3 movies, but 2 of the specials. There's a 'TV Special' bonus feature on one of the DVDs, but it doesn't say what it is). If I want to watch them (including the movies) in chronological order, when should I watch the movies?

Cassini90125 01-17-2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 128969)
I hate to revive an old thread, but this is a question that I have to ask since I'm getting VERY close to getting all 200 episodes (I have all 3 movies, but 2 of the specials. There's a 'TV Special' bonus feature on one of the DVDs, but it doesn't say what it is). If I want to watch them (including the movies) in chronological order, when should I watch the movies?

Perfectly okay to revive old threads if you've got a valid reason, dude. I'd say you certainly do. ;) Unfortunately the movies don't fit very well into the series chronology. This article explains it better than I can: Interesting article; hope it helps. :)

frankie_fan 01-17-2020 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 128970)
Perfectly okay to revive old threads if you've got a valid reason, dude. I'd say you certainly do. ;) Unfortunately the movies don't fit very well into the series chronology. This article explains it better than I can: Interesting article; hope it helps. :)

I think so. All I got from that is that the movies make no connections to the seasons they were made for, so I can watch them after watching their respective seasons.

Since 10 years (Wowsers! :wiltshock:) have passed since between posts, I should provide what's been happening with me Sailor Moon wise. In 2015, Australian distribution company Madman Entertainment began releasing the uncut Sailor Moon on DVD and Blu-Ray, which contains BOTH the Viz Media dub (one of the DVD extras of season 1 is a behind the scenes look at the dub) and the original Japanese audio. As you can see from this photo below:
I'm only one more DVD away from getting all 200 episodes. I'll be definitely getting into the anime once it's released.
The box sets in the photo above also came with booklets:
They all contain artwork and character bios. Though I'm certain Cass has a much better encyclopedia than mine! :bloogrin:

Also, after checking out the Sailor Moon Wiki, I think the TV Special on the DVD may be the SuperS Special that comprises of 3 shorts, which means I have 3 of the 5 specials.

Mew 04-08-2020 01:20 PM

Oooh, the Australian sets are gorgeous! I wish they'd release it over here already.

frankie_fan 05-17-2020 01:51 AM

I've (finally) started watching from beginning to end recently. I currently just finished the Makai Tree Arc with Ail and An, and just about to be introduced to Chibiusa. I have no idea how many times I'll be saying 'Oh my stars, what an awful little brat!' 8D, but I'm still enjoying it regardless.

So far, my favourite moments are the Cherry Blossom picnic from episode 51 (FIRE!!! ...soul 8D), Makoto's introduction from episode 25 (Damn girl! She should replace Gordon Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen! :bloogrin:), and Rei's epic sacrifice from episode 45 (I'm not done with you yet!)

Cassini90125 06-02-2020 07:24 PM

Chibiusa… she has her moments. :eek: 8D I think the Makai Tree arc was underrated. I read somewhere that it was originally conceived as a "filler" story, created to fill air time while work was being done on the Dark Moon arc. No idea if that's true or not but it was a good story either way. :frankiesmile:

frankie_fan 04-01-2021 10:32 PM

Well, may as well update here.
As you can see, I FINALLY have ALL 200 EPISODES!!! If the 3 mini-episodes in the SuperS special counts as separate TV specials, then I'm going to assume that I have all 5 TV specials.

Now it's just a matter of finding the time to watch the rest. I'm very eager to see what Sailor Moon S has in store for me. Mainly because of this article I came across a while ago. I haven't read it yet due to spoilers, but it has peaked my interest. :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 04-04-2021 08:08 AM

Congratulations! :bloogrin: :frankiesmile: Sailor Moon S was both interesting and very enjoyable. That's all I'm saying. ;)

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