Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Cassini90125 05-26-2007 07:40 AM

Uh, perhaps we should be thankful that we're getting new episodes at all, instead of complaining that we're not getting them fast enough? :(

Ditchy McAbandonpants 05-26-2007 08:27 AM

Like I said, it's not that I'm complaining that the episodes aren't coming out fast enough, it's more that I'm concerned about the risk of wonky scheduling alienating the show's viewership. I mean, as Lauren mentioned, the network said it themselves: following a premiere with weeks of repeats causes viewers to tune out, and I'm sure that airing premieres at irregular intervals would cause problems too. Obviously the die-hard fans like ourselves are going to seek out every premiere come what may, so it's no skin off our noses, but the fact is that if a show is inconsistently scheduled, the general audience will just lose patience with it. And that's no good for any of us. :(

Of course, though, this is all worst-case scenario stuff; we're only two episodes in, so CN have plenty of time to settle the show back into a nice regular weekly/fortnightly premiere slot. In which case you can just ignore my alarmist claptrap. :D

One Radical Dude 05-26-2007 10:13 AM

I don't believe the show's targeted demographics would lose their patience. I agree with Cassini's statement; we should be thankful that we're actually getting new episodes period, instead of worrying about not getting them fast enough. I prefer NOT to have them air them all quickly, because then, we'll have complaints that things progressed too quickly. :macwor:

Ditchy McAbandonpants 05-26-2007 06:38 PM

Gah...sorry to keep flogging this dead horse, guys, but I just want to make myself clear: it's not the speed that's an issue to me, it's the regularity. Slow episode release is fine; as you say, it makes the season last longer. Inconsistent episode release, on the other hand, always makes me panic a little, because the example of Futurama and others (even Seinfeld in the UK) have shown that audiences will abandon even the best shows if they're left guessing about when to find it...

...but if I'm honest, that really isn't an issue at this stage, so I'm not actually that concerned; I was more just speculating. The only reason I'm still going on about this is because I obviously phrased myself badly the first time...seriously, please just ignore me. :bloocross:

bloonuggets 05-27-2007 08:38 PM

Hey, don't worry, Ditch. They're starting to crank 'em out on a regular basis right now. Matter of fact, new episode's online here in the colonies right now.

montitech 05-29-2007 06:36 AM

I think Ditchy has a good point.

one of the primary issues I have with CN is their schedualing is really bad. THe timeslots keep changing for shows.

so for example, someone catches a single show once because they so happen to be channel surfing. A few weeks latter they cannot find the show, becaue it changed timeslots. It is common for CN to change timeslots of shows.
How many different evening scheduals did fosters have in the past 12 months. about 8 maybe with extra exceptions due to CN completley flipflopping the schedual whenever they think kids will be off from school.

A second example, Nicolodeon is so popular with kids because it keeps the schedual steady. kids know when the show is going on. How can a 8 year old insist on watching fosters, when the parents cannot find it at the same time week to week. currenly it is 2 eppisodes at 7, 2months ago it was one eppisode at 7, then there was one eppisode at 730, last fall it was one episode at 8.

Even Adult Swim does better schedualing than CN. I do not always like there shows but at least they are very consistant.

Sorry for the vent
MOnty :-/

bloonuggets 06-01-2007 09:26 PM

Just confirmed. The over the air debut of "Something Old, Something Bloo" is June 15th @ 7 PM ET/PT. And as far as the time slot, I guess that's where the new episodes will debut through the summer.

Ccook50 06-02-2007 02:47 AM

Episodes for June 4 - June 15:

Monday, June 4
9 AM - Hiccy-Burp
4 PM - Mac Daddy
4:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
5 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
5:30 - Make-Believe It Or Not
6 PM - Emancipation Complication
6:30 - Bloo's The Boss
9 PM - World Wide Wabbit

Tuesday, June 5
9 AM - Duchess Of Wails
9: PM - Squeakerboxxx

Wednesday, June 6
9 AM - Foster's Goes To Europe
9 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals

Thursday, June 7
9 AM - Crime After Crime
9 PM - The Big Picture

Friday, June 8
9 AM - One False Movie
7 PM NEW! - Say It Isn't Sew
10 PM - Say It Isn't Sew
1 AM - Beat With A Schtick
3:30 AM - Sweet Stench Of Success

Saturday, June 9
12 Noon - Say It Isn't Sew
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Crime After Crime
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - One False Movie
3 PM - Setting A President
3:30 - Room With A Feud
4 PM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
4:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends

Sunday, June 10
10:30 AM - The Big Picture
2 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
2:30 - Duchess Of Wails
3 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3:30 - Hiccy-Burp
4 PM - Eddie Monster
4:30 - My So-Called Wife
7 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Monday, June 11
9 AM - Room With A Feud
4 PM - The Big Picture
4:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends
5 PM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5:30 - Setting A President
9 PM - Berry Scary

Tuesday, June 12
9 AM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
9 PM - Beat With A Schtick

Wednesday, June 13
9 AM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
9 PM - Foster's Goes To Europe

Thursday, June 14
9 AM - The Big Picture
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
2 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
2:30 - Duchess Of Wails
3 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3:30 - Hiccy-Burp
9 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Friday, June 15
9 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy
7 PM NEW! - Something Old, Something Bloo
10 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo
1 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy
3:30 AM - Bloo Done It

Ccook50 06-08-2007 07:44 AM

No new episode June 22nd--CN is screening the Jack Black movie School Of Rock.

Ccook50 06-10-2007 09:36 AM

Episodes for June 10 - 24:

Sunday, June 10
10:30 AM - The Big Picture
2 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
2:30 - Duchess Of Wails
3 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3:30 - Hiccy-Burp
4 PM - Eddie Monster
4:30 - My So-Called Wife
7 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Monday, June 11
9 AM - Room With A Feud
4 PM - The Big Picture
4:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends
5 PM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5:30 - Setting A President
9 PM - Berry Scary

Tuesday, June 12
9 AM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
9 PM - Beat With A Schtick

Wednesday, June 13
9 AM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
9 PM - Foster's Goes To Europe

Thursday, June 14
9 AM - The Big Picture
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
2 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
2:30 - Duchess Of Wails
3 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3:30 - Hiccy-Burp
9 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Friday, June 15
9 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy
7 PM NEW! - Something Old, Something Bloo
10 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo
1 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy
3:30 AM - Bloo Done It

Sunday, June 17
10:30 AM - Say It Isn't Sew
7 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo

Monday, June 18
9 AM - Neighbor Pains
4 PM - Eddie Monster
4:30 - My So-Called Wife
5 PM - Bloo Done It
5:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
6 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
6:30 - Beat With A Schtick

Tuesday, June 19
9 AM - Infernal Slumber
9 PM - Who Let The Dogs In?

Wednesday, June 20
9 AM - I Only Have A Surprise For You
9 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success

Thursday, June 21
9 AM - Bus The Two Of Us
1 PM - Mac Daddy
1:30 - Frankie My Dear
2 PM - Cookie Dough
2:30 - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
3 PM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
3:30 - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
9 PM - Go Goo Go

Friday, June 22
9 AM - The Big Cheese
1 AM - My So-Called Wife
3:30 AM - Eddie Monster

Sunday, June 24
10:30 AM - Neighbor Pains
7 PM - The Big Picture

CheesePotatoes 06-15-2007 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ccook50 (Post 46488)
No new episode June 22nd--CN is screening the Jack Black movie School Of Rock.

Are you sure? I think that on the commercials of the movie, it said it was gonna air at 7:30.::)

Ccook50 06-15-2007 01:38 PM

You're right--at 7 PM next Friday is My Gym Partner's A Monkey. The movie School Of Rock comes on right after at 7:30.

Ccook50 06-19-2007 01:03 PM

Tuesday, June 19
9 AM - Infernal Slumber
9 PM - Who Let The Dogs In?

Wednesday, June 20
9 AM - I Only Have A Surprise For You
9 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success

Thursday, June 21
9 AM - Bus The Two Of Us
1 PM - Mac Daddy
1:30 - Frankie My Dear
2 PM - Cookie Dough
2:30 - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
3 PM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
3:30 - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
9 PM - Go Goo Go

Friday, June 22
9 AM - The Big Cheese
1 AM - My So-Called Wife
3:30 AM - Eddie Monster

Sunday, June 24
10:30 AM - Neighbor Pains
7 PM - The Big Picture

Monday, June 25
9 AM - Bloo's The Boss
4 PM - The Big Lablooski
4:30 - Who Let The Dogs In?
5 PM - Berry Scary
5:30 - World Wide Wabbit
6 PM - Seeing Red / Phone Home
6:30 - Trouble With Scribbles
9 PM - Neighbor Pains

Tuesday, June 26
9 AM - Emancipation Complication
9 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Wednesday, June 27
9 AM - Make-Believe It Or Not
11 AM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Busted

Thursday, June 28
9 AM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
1 PM - Store Wars
1:30 - Adoptcalypse Now
2 PM - Dinner Is Swerved
2:30 - Busted
3 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo
3:30 - Say It Isn't Sew
9 PM - The Big Lablooski

Friday, June 29
9 AM - Busted
12:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
7:30 PM - Bloo's The Boss
10:30 - Emancipation Complication
1 AM - Hiccy-Burp
3:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down

Sunday, July 1
10:30 AM - Infernal Slumber
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
3 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
3:30 - Beat With A Schtick
4 PM - Squeakerboxxx
4:30 - Mac Daddy

Monday, July 2
7 PM - TBA
7:30 - TBA

Tuesday, July 3
7 PM - TBA
7:30 - TBA

bloonuggets 06-21-2007 12:49 PM

The June 29/30 episodes will be the last ones to run late night as the following week (July 6/7) [adult swim] takes over the 11 PM-6 AM slot on Fridays.

Also, July 4th (Independence Day) will be Cartoon Network's celebration of the Red, White and Bloo, no pun intended. Every Foster's episode ever shown (well, maybe almost all of them) will run from 6 AM until 11 PM.

Cassini90125 06-21-2007 02:15 PM

Could make for a quiet day on the Forum. :D

Sparky 06-21-2007 02:45 PM

I bet not *one* of them will have the end credit sequences. :P And they'll have those splash ads that come not only from the bottom but from the top. Maybe in honor of the special occasion they'll have a new splash ad that explodes from the center complete with fireworks noises.

Cassini90125 06-21-2007 02:49 PM

Bleh. I think I'll spend the day with my Sailor Moon DVD's rather than put up with that. :P

Partymember 06-21-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 47952)
I bet not *one* of them will have the end credit sequences. :P And they'll have those splash ads that come not only from the bottom but from the top. Maybe in honor of the special occasion they'll have a new splash ad that explodes from the center complete with fireworks noises.

die splash ads, die!

Ccook50 06-24-2007 09:28 AM

Sadly, virtually every cable/satellite channel and broadcast network does the splash ads. They don't care that we don't like it and that it's obtrusive. The most useless ones are those that tell us what we're currently watching, as if our attention spans were negligible.

Anyway, here's what's on tap from today to July 8:
Sunday, June 24
10:30 AM - Neighbor Pains
7 PM - The Big Picture

Monday, June 25
9 AM - Bloo's The Boss
4 PM - The Big Lablooski
4:30 - Who Let The Dogs In?
5 PM - Berry Scary
5:30 - World Wide Wabbit
6 PM - Seeing Red / Phone Home
6:30 - Trouble With Scribbles
9 PM - Neighbor Pains

Tuesday, June 26
9 AM - Emancipation Complication
9 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Wednesday, June 27
9 AM - Make-Believe It Or Not
11 AM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Busted

Thursday, June 28
9 AM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
1 PM - Store Wars
1:30 - Adoptcalypse Now
2 PM - Dinner Is Swerved
2:30 - Busted
3 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo
3:30 - Say It Isn't Sew
9 PM - The Big Lablooski

Friday, June 29
9 AM - Busted
12:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
7:30 PM - Bloo's The Boss
10:30 - Emancipation Complication
1 AM - Hiccy-Burp
3:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down

Sunday, July 1
10:30 AM - Infernal Slumber
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
3 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
3:30 - Beat With A Schtick
4 PM - Squeakerboxxx
4:30 - Mac Daddy

Monday, July 2
9 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy

Tuesday, July 3
9 PM - Crime After Crime

Wednesday, July 4
6 AM - Who Let The Dogs In?
6:30 - Sweet Stench Of Success
7 AM - My So-Called Wife
7:30 - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
8 AM - Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
8:30 - Bloo Done It
9 AM - Adoptcalypse Now
9:30 - Eddie Monster
10 AM - Crime After Crime
10:30 - Duchess Of Wails
11 AM - Bloooo
11:30 - Berry Scary
12 Noon - Cookie Dough
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Trouble With Scribbles
1:30 - Busted
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
4 PM - Squeeze The Day
4:30 - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5 PM - The Big Cheese
5:30 - Room With A Feud
6 PM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
6:30 - Mac Daddy
7 PM - One False Movie
7:30 - Setting A President
8 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Bloo's The Boss
9:30 - Emancipation Complication
10 PM - Bus The Two Of Us
10:30 - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Thursday, July 5
9 PM - The Buck Swaps Here

Friday, July 6
9:30 PM - Make Believe It Or Not
(Again, no new ep this evening--"Wrath Of The Spider Queen," the series finale for The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy, will air.)

Saturday, July 7
12 Noon - Say It Isn't Sew
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Crime After Crime
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - One False Movie
3 PM - Setting A President

Sunday, July 8
10:30 AM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Vampyre 06-25-2007 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ccook50 (Post 48223)
Sadly, virtually every cable/satellite channel and broadcast network does the splash ads. They don't care that we don't like it and that it's obtrusive. The most useless ones are those that tell us what we're currently watching, as if our attention spans were negligible.

I actually do forget what I'm watching sometimes, normally only in the commercial breaks, but there have been occasions where I've actually forgotten what I was watching during the episode. It happens when I get distracted by something, and then the screen goes briefly fades to black, like it does sometimes and I just sit there, thinking "What was I watching?"

bloonuggets 06-25-2007 02:04 PM

Anyway, here's what's on tap to July 9 @ 6:30 PM, adding to and adding to Ccook50's list...

Tuesday, June 26
9 AM - Emancipation Complication
9 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Wednesday, June 27
9 AM - Make-Believe It Or Not
11 AM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Busted

Thursday, June 28
9 AM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
1 PM - Store Wars
1:30 - Adoptcalypse Now
2 PM - Dinner Is Swerved
2:30 - Busted
3 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo
3:30 - Say It Isn't Sew
9 PM - The Big Lablooski

Friday, June 29
9 AM - Busted
12:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
7:30 PM - Bloo's The Boss
10:30 - Emancipation Complication
1 AM - Hiccy-Burp
3:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down

Sunday, July 1
10:30 AM - Infernal Slumber
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
3 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
3:30 - Beat With A Schtick
4 PM - Squeakerboxxx
4:30 - Mac Daddy

Monday, July 2
9 AM - Dinner is Swerved
9 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy

Tuesday, July 3
9 AM - Adopcalypse Now
9 PM - Crime After Crime

Wednesday, July 4
(A/K/A "Red, White and Bloo" Marathon Day)
6 AM - Who Let The Dogs In?
6:30 - Sweet Stench Of Success
7 AM - My So-Called Wife
7:30 - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
8 AM - Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
8:30 - Bloo Done It
9 AM - Adoptcalypse Now <-Deja Vu from July 3rd!
9:30 - Eddie Monster
10 AM - Crime After Crime
10:30 - Duchess Of Wails
11 AM - Bloooo
11:30 - Berry Scary
12 Noon - Cookie Dough
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Trouble With Scribbles
1:30 - Busted
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
4 PM - Squeeze The Day
4:30 - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5 PM - The Big Cheese
5:30 - Room With A Feud
6 PM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
6:30 - Mac Daddy
7 PM - One False Movie
7:30 - Setting A President
8 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Bloo's The Boss
9:30 - Emancipation Complication
10 PM - Bus The Two Of Us
10:30 - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Thursday, July 5
9 AM - Blooooo
9 PM - The Buck Swaps Here

Friday, July 6
9 AM - The trouble With Scribbles
9:30 PM - Make Believe It Or Not
(Again, no new ep this evening--"Wrath Of The Spider Queen," the series finale for The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy, will air.)

Saturday, July 7
12 Noon - Say It Isn't Sew
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Crime After Crime
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - One False Movie
3 PM - Setting A President

Sunday, July 8
10:30 AM - I Only Have Surprise For You

Monday, July 9
9 AM - Seeing Red/Phone Home
4 PM - Challeneg of the Superfriends
4:30 - Cuckoo for Coco Cards
5 PM - A Room with a Feud
5:30 - Setting a President
6 PM - One False Movie
6:30 - Land of the Flea

Ccook50 06-26-2007 05:46 AM

Add to July 9's list:
9 PM - Dinner Is Swerved

Ccook50 07-01-2007 11:19 AM

On tap through July 15th:

Sunday, July 1
10:30 AM - Infernal Slumber
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
3 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
3:30 - Beat With A Schtick
4 PM - Squeakerboxxx
4:30 - Mac Daddy

Monday, July 2
9 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy

Tuesday, July 3
9 PM - Crime After Crime

Wednesday, July 4
6 AM - Who Let The Dogs In?
6:30 - Sweet Stench Of Success
7 AM - My So-Called Wife
7:30 - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
8 AM - Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
8:30 - Bloo Done It
9 AM - Adoptcalypse Now
9:30 - Eddie Monster
10 AM - Crime After Crime
10:30 - Duchess Of Wails
11 AM - Bloooo
11:30 - Berry Scary
12 Noon - Cookie Dough
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Trouble With Scribbles
1:30 - Busted
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
4 PM - Squeeze The Day
4:30 - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5 PM - The Big Cheese
5:30 - Room With A Feud
6 PM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
6:30 - Mac Daddy
7 PM - One False Movie
7:30 - Setting A President
8 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - Bloo's The Boss
9:30 - Emancipation Complication
10 PM - Bus The Two Of Us
10:30 - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Thursday, July 5
9 PM - The Buck Swaps Here

Friday, July 6
9:30 PM - Make Believe It Or Not

Saturday, July 7
12 Noon - Say It Isn't Sew
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Crime After Crime
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - One False Movie
3 PM - Setting A President

Sunday, July 8
10:30 AM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Monday, July 9
4 PM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
4:30 - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5 PM - Room With A Feud
5:30 - Setting A President
6 PM - One False Movie
6:30 - Land Of The Flea
9 PM - Dinner Is Swerved

Tuesday, July 10
9 AM - Dinner Is Swerved
9 PM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy

Wednesday, July 11
9 AM - Berry Scary
9 PM - Bloo Done It

Thursday, July 12
9 AM - Who Let The Dogs In?
1 PM - Crime After Crime
1:30 - Go Goo Go
2 PM - Foster's Goes To Europe
2:30 - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
3 PM - Duchess Of Wails
3:30 - Can't Keep A Good Mac Down
9 PM - Land Of The Flea

Friday, July 13
9 AM - The Big Lablooski
7:30 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Sunday, July 15
10:30 AM - Bus The Two Of Us
2 PM - Squeakerboxxx
2:30 - Mac Daddy
3 PM - Frankie My Dear
3:30 - Cookie Dough
4 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
4:30 - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree

Ccook50 07-08-2007 08:42 AM

From now through July 22:

Sunday, July 8
10:30 AM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Monday, July 9
4 PM - Challenge Of The Superfriends
4:30 - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
5 PM - Room With A Feud
5:30 - Setting A President
6 PM - One False Movie
6:30 - Land Of The Flea
9 PM - Dinner Is Swerved

Tuesday, July 10
9 AM - Dinner Is Swerved
9 PM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy

Wednesday, July 11
9 AM - Berry Scary
9 PM - Bloo Done It

Thursday, July 12
9 AM - Who Let The Dogs In?
1 PM - Crime After Crime
1:30 - Go Goo Go
2 PM - Foster's Goes To Europe
2:30 - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
3 PM - Duchess Of Wails
3:30 - Can't Keep A Good Mac Down
9 PM - Land Of The Flea

Friday, July 13
9 AM - The Big Lablooski
7:30 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Sunday, July 15
10:30 AM - Bus The Two Of Us
2 PM - Squeakerboxxx
2:30 - Mac Daddy
3 PM - Frankie My Dear
3:30 - Cookie Dough
4 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
4:30 - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree

Monday, July 16
9 AM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
1 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
6 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
9 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Tuesday, July 17
9 AM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
4 PM - Hiccy-Burp
4:30 - Eddie Monster
5 PM - My So-Called Wife
5:30 - Bloo Done It
6 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
6:30 - Sweet Stench Of Success
9 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Wednesday, July 18
9 AM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
9 PM - Adoptcalypse Now

Thursday, July 19
9 AM - Cookie Dough
1 PM - Beat With A Schtick
1:30 - Squeakerboxxx
2 PM - Mac Daddy
2:30 - Cookie Dough
3 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
3:30 - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
9 PM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree

Friday, July 20
9 AM - Frankie My Dear
9:30 PM - The Buck Swaps Here

Sunday, July 22
10:30 AM - The Big Cheese
7 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

pitbulllady 07-08-2007 11:09 AM

So, no new episodes for July, eh? Thats NOT OK! Kinda strange that CN would air the new episodes fairly close to each other and then just stop showing them.


Sparky 07-08-2007 02:37 PM

Well I guess at least this time I won't be missing a new ep while at the Con (unless this hotel actually gets CN, ours last year didn't). I had to keep telling people at the Con not to spoil the ep for me!

One Radical Dude 07-08-2007 02:49 PM

I'm guessing that we'll be seeing new episodes during the month of August, then. We'll soon find out.

Lynnie 07-13-2007 02:22 PM

According to CN's TV schedule, which I just now looked at, there have been some changes to the schedule. So far all I see that will affect Foster's is this Sunday, July 15, and next Tuesday, July 17.

New Schedule for the 15th-
10:30- House of Bloos
12:00- Good Wilt Hunting
(followed by the Lazlo movie, the two B&M movies, and the Gym Partner movie) So basically, the entire Foster's marathon has been replaced with the airing of the movies.

New Schedule for the 17th-
4:00 - 7:00- The Foster's mini-thon has been replaced by a Code Lyoko mini-thon. So the only Foster's on that day are at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. :(

I have Comcast, and my on-screen guide still shows the old schedule. But they've been known to air one thing when it says a totally different show is on. They may also correct it later.

Just wanted to be sure everyone's up to date. :)

Ccook50 07-14-2007 05:27 AM

Graci for the update. TV Guide's online listings still have the 15th and 17th marathons, but since TV Guide's main focus seems to be on celebrity dirt more than listings accuracy, CN's list will be taken as gospel.

Ccook50 07-15-2007 07:31 AM

On tap through July 29:

Sunday, July 15
10:30 AM - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
12 Noon - Good Wilt Hunting

Monday, July 16
9 AM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
11 AM - Phone Home (short feature following movie)
1 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
6 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
9 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Tuesday, July 17
9 AM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
9 PM - Say It Isn't Sew

Wednesday, July 18
9 AM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
9 PM - Adoptcalypse Now

Thursday, July 19
9 AM - Cookie Dough
1 PM - Beat With A Schtick
1:30 - Squeakerboxxx
2 PM - Mac Daddy
2:30 - Frankie My Dear
3 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
3:30 - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
9 PM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree

Friday, July 20
9 AM - Frankie My Dear
9:30 PM - The Buck Swaps Here

Sunday, July 22
10:30 AM - The Big Cheese
7 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Monday, July 23
9 AM - Mac Daddy

Tuesday, July 24
9 AM - Squeakerboxxx
4 PM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
4:30 - The Big Lablooski
5 PM - Who Let The Dogs In?
5:30 - Berry Scary
6 PM - World Wide Wabbit
6:30 - Seeing Red / Phone Home

Wednesday, July 25
9 AM - Beat With A Schtick

Thursday, July 26
9 AM - Sweet Stench Of Success
1 PM - The Trouble With Scribbles
1:30 - Blooooo
2 PM - Store Wars
2:30 - Adoptcalypse Now
3 PM - Dinner Is Swerved
3:30 - Busted

Friday, June 27
9 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy

Sunday, July 29
10:30 AM - Bloo's The Boss
7:30 PM - Bus The Two Of Us

Lynnie 07-15-2007 09:34 AM

Being on the West coast, I'm probably among the last to find this out, but the Comcast on-screen guide is STILL stating the old schedule, and yet "House of Bloos" has started. So ignore the on-screen guide, all who have Comcast.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that both Foster's movies are also on "On Demand" right now? No commercials, and no obnoxious ads that cover up half the freakin' screen. And as all CN shows always are, they're FREE! :D I'm going to record GWH again. :clap::clap::clap:

Ccook50 07-22-2007 07:11 AM

Through August 3 (no showings on August 4 and 5--Cartoon is running a weekend-long marathon of Scooby Doo, Where Are You!)...

Sunday, July 22
10:30 AM - The Big Cheese
7 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Monday, July 23
9 AM - Mac Daddy

Tuesday, July 24
9 AM - Squeakerboxxx
4 PM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy
4:30 - The Big Lablooski
5 PM - Who Let The Dogs In?
5:30 - Berry Scary
6 PM - World Wide Wabbit
6:30 - Seeing Red / Phone Home

Wednesday, July 25
9 AM - Beat With A Schtick

Thursday, July 26
9 AM - Sweet Stench Of Success
1 PM - The Trouble With Scribbles
1:30 - Blooooo
2 PM - Store Wars
2:30 - Adoptcalypse Now
3 PM - Dinner Is Swerved
3:30 - Busted

Friday, June 27
9 AM - Bye Bye Nerdy

Sunday, July 29
10:30 AM - Bloo's The Boss
7:30 PM - Bus The Two Of Us

Monday, July 30
9 AM - Bloo Done It
9 PM - Store Wars

Tuesday, July 31
9 AM - My So-Called Wife
4 PM - Cookie Dough
4:30 - Something Old, Something Bloo
5 PM - Say It Isn't Sew
5:30 - The Buck Swaps Here
6 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
6:30 - Make-Believe It Or Not
9 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers

Wednesday, Aug. 1
1:30 PM - Who Let The Dogs In?
2 PM - Land Of The Flea

Thursday, Aug. 2
9 AM - Hiccy-Burp
1 PM - Emancipation Complication
1:30 - Bloo's The Boss
2 PM - The Big Cheese
2:30 - Bus The Two Of Us
3 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You
3:30 - Infernal Slumber
9 PM - Setiing A President

Friday, Aug. 3
9 AM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
9:30 PM - Something Old, Something Bloo

Cassini90125 07-22-2007 07:55 AM

Alas, still no new episodes. On the bright side, the Scooby-Doo marathon is definitely worth watching, and burning to DVD if the splash ads aren't too intrusive. Maybe that's why splash ads were invented; not to remind people of what they're watching, but to ruin the show just enough so that people will prefer to buy "official" disks rather than burn their own. >:(

Ccook50 07-22-2007 08:37 AM

Scooby Doo, Where Are You! currently airs at 9 PM Eastern on Boomerang. And with all Boomerang shows, there are no splash ads.

Shelltoon 07-26-2007 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 51610)
Alas, still no new episodes. On the bright side, the Scooby-Doo marathon is definitely worth watching, and burning to DVD if the splash ads aren't too intrusive. Maybe that's why splash ads were invented; not to remind people of what they're watching, but to ruin the show just enough so that people will prefer to buy "official" disks rather than burn their own. >:(

Off-topic: You think the splash ads on CN are bad? Try watching VH1 programs with Splash Ads that take up 90% of the screen! (Yes, it seriously is THAT bad)

On-topic: How long do we have to wait until new episodes air? Are we going to have to wait until Fall or something? o.o

Cassini90125 07-26-2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Shelltoon (Post 52018)
How long do we have to wait until new episodes air? Are we going to have to wait until Fall or something? o.o

I'm hoping we'll find out at the Foster's event at the Con this Friday. I can't promise we'll learn anything but I'm hopeful.

cartman414 07-29-2007 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Shelltoon (Post 52018)
Off-topic: You think the splash ads on CN are bad? Try watching VH1 programs with Splash Ads that take up 90% of the screen! (Yes, it seriously is THAT bad)

On-topic: How long do we have to wait until new episodes air? Are we going to have to wait until Fall or something? o.o

Speaking of splash ads, one small preview clip of next season's Simpsons spoofed that, with Marge resorting to extermination via houseware (i. e. hand vacuuming the American Idol logo, spraying insect exterminator on the football players from an NFL ad, and pinning (IIRC) Jack Bauer from 24 with a fridge magnet).

And though I'm certain you've been there, new episodes begin/resume this September, which really isn't too bad.

Ccook50 08-05-2007 06:59 AM

Through August 16:

Monday, Aug. 6
9 AM - Duchess Of Wails
12:30 - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
7 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
9 PM - The Big Cheese

Tuesday, Aug. 7
9 AM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
4 PM - Neighbor Pains
4:30 - Squeeze The Day
5 PM - The Big Picture
5:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends
6 PM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
6:30 - Room With A Feud
9 PM - Blooooo

Wednesday, Aug. 8
9 AM - Foster's Goes To Europe
9 PM - Cookie Dough

Thursday, Aug. 9
9 AM - Neighbor Pains
1 PM - Setting A President
1:30 - One False Movie
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - Crime After Crime
3 PM - Go Goo Go
3:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
9 PM - Hiccy-Burp

Friday, Aug. 10
9 AM - Crime After Crime

Saturday, Aug. 11
3 PM - Good Wilt Hunting

Sunday, Aug. 12
9 AM - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
10:30 - Make-Believe It Or Not

Monday, Aug. 13
9 AM - Land Of The Flea
9 PM - Room With A Feud

Tuesday, Aug. 14
9 AM - One False Movie
4 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
4:30 - Duchess Of Wails
5 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
5:30 - Hiccy-Burp
6 PM - Eddie Monster
6:30 - My So-Called Wife
9 PM - Bloo's The Boss

Wednesday, Aug. 15
9 AM - Setting A President
9 PM - Trouble With Scribbles

Thursday, Aug. 16
9 AM - Room With A Feud
1 PM - Bloo Done It
1:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
2 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
2:30 - Beat With A Schtick
3 PM - Squeakerboxxx
3:30 - Mac Daddy
9 PM - Frankie My Dear

No eps the weekend of August 17 as CN is running a weekend-long marathon of Naruto starting that Friday morning and ending at 10 PM Sunday.

bloonuggets 08-10-2007 06:42 PM

And that will be a long, painful weekend full of Narutards.

Lynnie 08-10-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 53407)
And that will be a long, painful weekend full of Narutards.

LOL! 8D I'm glad I have all my fave eppies recorded, and the S1 DVD. I can watch a marathon all my own. Who's with me? :wink:

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