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Jabberwocky 01-01-2007 07:47 PM

17. By jingo, they've changed the Cookie Crisp mascot from the pudgey robber dog to a poorly shaded wolf with a giant purple shnoz. WHY?!!

creamz06 01-01-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 26162)
14: When the cat meows and won't shut up.

I always have to get up from my chair and go see if my cat has food and water and stuff like that.

Now the list just keeps going on:

32. Girls who scream when they're so excited over something or not.

33. Suddenly doing something without even thinking about it.

34. Books that are so long and I can't finish it within a year.

35. Working on my stories on Microsoft Word. I just can't finish them.

36. Those two commercials where there are people talking and they don't watch the road.

-added on edit-

37. Jeans that say they are a size 18, then they don't fit. It happened only once.

38. Being the last one in a running race.

39. Not being able to jump high enough.

40. Not being able to run fast enough.

41. My voice can get a little off sometimes, so I sound weird.

42. I start to think of something, then I forget.

43. Having to lie.

Tonya 01-01-2007 08:32 PM

25: In the middle of saying something and then forgetting what you're saying right in the middle of it.

26: No tp in the bathroom.

27: (Now this has happened to everyone!) When you gotta let wind while you're in a place full of people who will hear.

One Radical Dude 01-01-2007 08:37 PM

LOL, I hear ya on those three, Tonya. 8D ...especially 25. :P

Cassini90125 01-01-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 26172)
26: No tp in the bathroom.

27: (Now this has happened to everyone!) When you gotta let wind while you're in a place full of people who will hear.

Oh, the horror stories I could tell... :o

creamz06 01-01-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 26172)
25: In the middle of saying something and then forgetting what you're saying right in the middle of it.

26: No tp in the bathroom.

27: (Now this has happened to everyone!) When you gotta let wind while you're in a place full of people who will hear.

The first two have happened with me. Especially the first one.

That third one just may one day happen to me. I have a friend who does it a lot.

some guy you dont know 01-01-2007 09:21 PM

ok more stuff:

* when you spend a hour looking for something in a certain store and they dont have it (happens at hot topic alot)

* when you cant afford it once you finally find it (also happens at hot topic alot)

*watching reruns of bad shows while perfectly good shows arent even ever showed.

SkittleMonkey 01-01-2007 09:26 PM

1. Pre-teens who constantly claim they're not a child when they still act like one.

2. Theories that are said to be "facts", even though there's no hard evidence that they are.

3. Cheap old people that only tip the waiter $0.50.

4. When you KNOW someone is keeping a horrible secret, but you can't tell anyone because that someone has something on you.

5. Makeup. It never stays on my face.

6. Guys that pressure their girlfriends into something they don't want to do.

7. My stupid stereo system that won't play burnt cds, no matter HOW HARD I TRY.

8. Girls that find it necessary to date at age 10-14. Seriously, you don't get married for another 6-10 years, so why spoil your freedom NOW?!

9. People in school who don't like a certain teacher and think they're mean simply because they try to get them to pay attention in class.

10. People that do something stupid and end up hurting themselves just so they'll fit into a "clique".

I'm sure I'll think of more later, but I'm tired, so I'm going to bed...

Sparky 01-01-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26092)
4. People who don't hit clear on the microwave.

OMG me too. At one workplace every single time I went to the break room the microwave was at one second. If you're bored, I wrote an LJ journal about it once. :D

And, I hate:


scary_dream 01-01-2007 10:55 PM

HAHA Sparky that is a great animation!

Some more
  • The itch you just can't scratch... like, inside your ear or something
  • Having a wedgie in a public place
  • Girls: Having a tickly hair in your bra for an entire class period! AHH THE INSANITY!
  • Falling down in a pair of old, old jeans and hearing "Riiiiiiiiiiiip"
  • Falling down the stairs... OUCH
  • People who do BAD impersonations and won't stop
  • Not being able to sleep when you know you need to

More to come, probably.

Cassini90125 01-01-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 26194)

You have got to put that in the Rules section. Best laugh I've had since Thanksgiving! 8D 8D 8D

kaytea 01-02-2007 12:12 AM

1.The little sticker that comes on fruit.
3.When it's your birthday and people ask you, "So, how does it feel to be (insert age) years old?".
5.People who go on Springer and tell about how they "take care of their kids".
6.When parents give their children rules? when their children aren?t children anymore (as in 18 years old).
7.Cruelty to animals and children

8.People who talk in the cinema, particularly individuals or groups of people who are too dumb to understand the film or who?s attention and concentration span mean they cant even watch a movie

9.People who shout to one another in the street
10.Dial up
11.When people make uninvited physical contact with you
12.Casual rudeness
13.Pop-ups hotlines


Jabberwocky 01-02-2007 12:37 AM

Quest commercials. It's fun and flirty, and all the girls using it look like supermodels!

Howard 01-02-2007 11:12 AM

People in general. I love mankind, I just cannot stand people!;)

kageri 01-02-2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 25794)
Here's something that occurred to me today whilst out and about. There are suddenly these posters everywhere advertising some new US show called 'ugly betty' or something. Now if the title is refering to the lassie on the poster then your culture's view of beauty is seriously skewed. She's better looking than all the girlfriends I ever had and I thought they were all really beautiful. Now obviously I'm an oddball and I think spectacles look fantastic but really! A lot of self-esteem gets needlessly damaged by this sort of crap. Or maybe I'm missing some vital information somewhere...

If that makes you an oddball, I weep for the world.

Wordy McWordface, although I think the show is about a girl who is seriously out of touch with fashion but.... wants to work in the fashion industry or something, I dunno, I've never watched it. However, even underneath the braces and glasses (and I agree that glasses can be pretty great) she is not ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Nice smile, too.


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26159)
No, but for a reason I can't say because it's probably offensive, and also because I write children-friendly lit and have trained myself to curse in fun rhyming expletives like "great googly moogly" or "what the hickory dickory," and it makes me sad to hear real swear words. XD

I'm rather partial to "son of a diddly doo".

Partymember 01-02-2007 11:44 AM

Wow Kageri, crazy what a pair of fake chompers and some makeup can do to a lady!!! I didn't think she was bad looking before but i had no idea she

oh and you know what PO's me?

people who hate gay people. COME ON!

kageri 01-02-2007 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 26266)
people who hate gay people. COME ON!

Wordy McWordf.... wait, I already used that one. Oh well, I agree.

Also, the tabloids' obsession with wondering if celebrities are pregnant or not.

Also, that's Lisa Loeb, the only other example of a glasses-wearing female kinda-celeb I could think of off the top of my head. Let us hope she never hears about Lasik surgery.

fosters home fan 01-02-2007 02:01 PM

more stupid stuff
More things that tick me off:

BAD flash animation(Don't get me wrong,Foster's flash animation is GREAT!
but I have seen some terrible flash before.)

Photo "animation" It's just terrible.:P

Stupid tv shows

loud hyper brat kids

kids bop

really loud music

I think that's it for now.

Jabberwocky 01-02-2007 03:28 PM

Oh, there we go.

I HATE CG animation. It will NEVER take the place of 2D animation. Photography wasn't the end of painting. There is no magic in CG animation. |:<

BlooCheese 01-02-2007 03:38 PM

More things that tick BC off:

Valuing looks over intelligence, integrity, personality, and all those other things that tend to be overlooked nowadays.

Movies, video games, and novels that incorporate some kind of romanitic love story, especially if the said love story is incorporated clumsily.

Being overly conscientious of one's appearance.

When people say, "OMG I'm so fat I need to lose weight!" even though they're perfectly normal. (Look what society has twisted our minds into believing.)

When people say, "How do I look?" And you say, "Fine," and they say, "TELL ME THE TRUTH! YOU'RE LYING!" So you say, "HORRIBLE!" and then they start crying and complaining about how mean and inconsiderate you are, when they were the ones who told you to tell the truth in the first place.

some guy you dont know 01-02-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by BlooCheese (Post 26312)
When people say, "How do I look?" And you say, "Fine," and they say, "TELL ME THE TRUTH! YOU'RE LYING!" So you say, "HORRIBLE!" and then they start crying and complaining about how mean and inconsiderate you are, when they were the ones who told you to tell the truth in the first place.

ok, thats the most ANNOYING thing to ever happen. ever. i mean it.

creamz06 01-02-2007 04:29 PM

I don't think I said this one, then there is more, after it, I have not:

44. Dial-up internet connection.

45. My cat tears up the house/my room.

46. Viruses and worms on my computer.

47. Paying for something that said was free.

48. Students, at school, saying I'm not wearing the right thing [for Homecoming Week]. It happened in Kindergarten.

49. Having to wake up after 12:00 PM.

50. Downloads/Uploads that take forever.

51. People on the Weather Channel saying we, in South Dakota, are going to get rain, and then we get sunshine the next day.

52. A question that is really confusing and I have to answer it.

53. Students who say something familiar about me. I got really good hearing, so I know when they're talking about me.

54. Students, sorry but again, who just look at me then go back to what their doing. They don't talk to me.

55. Having to clean up water that spilled. I just did that recently.

I can get ticked off pretty easily, so... be careful.

Partymember 01-02-2007 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by creamz06 (Post 26331)
48. Students, at school, saying I'm not wearing the right thing [for Homecoming Week]. It happened in Kindergarten.

53. Students who say something familiar about me. I got really good hearing, so I know when they're talking about me.

54. Students, sorry but again, who just look at me then go back to what their doing. They don't talk to me.

in our defense, school is really a horrible experience. Its not helpful to our moods when teachers give us homework then get mad when we do it half assed, as if they expected we went home to do it right away. I realize that y'all were kids once, but...when? Really, we want to go to work, get trashed, party, love, and air guitar. So long as songs like "Teen Spirit", "My Generation", and others still gets airtime we aren't going to do stuff willingly.

If you watch Fosters, though, you're probably one of the cool ones. All my History teachers rock.

some guy you dont know 01-02-2007 05:46 PM

ok some more stuff:

*having homework due a long time from now(like 2 weeks at least)(because i procrastinate alot. and because its always hard.)

*algerbra 1. i swear, i got a 66 as my final grade for last semester. and i think the highest grade i got all last semester was probably in the low 80s.

*the fact that i procrastinate. always screws me over when i have homework.

kageri 01-02-2007 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26308)
Oh, there we go.

I HATE CG animation. It will NEVER take the place of 2D animation. Photography wasn't the end of painting. There is no magic in CG animation. |:<

CG animation can replace traditional animation as well as AI robots can replace people.

kaytea 01-02-2007 08:41 PM


When people say, "How do I look?" And you say, "Fine," and they say, "TELL ME THE TRUTH! YOU'RE LYING!" So you say, "HORRIBLE!" and then they start crying and complaining about how mean and inconsiderate you are, when they were the ones who told you to tell the truth in the first place
Gaw tell me about I hate people like that so much >_<
like one time this girl (aka) my ex friend ask me if she was fat and to be truthfull about it so I said she was "slighty on the chubby side" and she starts getting all B**tchy

I also hate how girls brag about how big her breast or butt is
and guys who only like a girl for the two things listed above

the dancing in hip hop video I mean what the hell kinda dancing is that
okay some of its good but half the time its nothing but half naked girls jumping up and down and shaking there butt and its gross when you see little kids dancing like that

people who put down others for the way they look

couples who kiss in the middle of the hall in school and get in your way same goes for talking in the hall

people who talk to themselves out loud

people who talk to me about stuff I honestly don't give
a crap about

people who make me repeat myself if you weren't listening then to bad

people who get mad and you for not talking about your feelings and its the same people who get mad you when you do

when people who know when their wrong say "what ever I don't care"

when paren't tell their childern to act their age but they act like babys when they fight

people who insult you over the net
oh their so brave huh? (' - _-)

Howard 01-03-2007 08:49 AM

I hate that phrase "trust me." I never use it - period.

Jabberwocky 01-03-2007 11:42 AM

This might sound weird but I hate boobs, period. I don't want boobs, or a butt. I think breasts are especially gross, I would give anything to be flat-chested.

Go go androgyny! BD

BlooCheese 01-03-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26417)
This might sound weird but I hate boobs, period. I don't want boobs, or a butt. I think breasts are especially gross, I would give anything to be flat-chested.

Go go androgyny! BD

I find that to be un-weird. Those things of the female anatomy often obscure the meanings of life and twist peoples' minds into believing things that are wrong. They become obsessions for some people, say scalpel slaves, and sorry to say, but I find that disgusting and disturbing. I don't want to get somewhere in life just because of the way I look but because I have the skill and the talent to get there.

Partymember 01-03-2007 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 26417)
This might sound weird but I hate boobs, period. I don't want boobs, or a butt. I think breasts are especially gross, I would give anything to be flat-chested.

Go go androgyny! BD

Hence the David Bowie, eh? You like Queen? Great music.

I don't think thats really wierd, i would keep away from the scalpel though. Getting plastic surgery, now thats wierd. If their were no sexes, their would be no sexual inequality...of course their wouldn't be any sex either.

Howard 01-03-2007 01:31 PM

When all of us lost over 60 posts - I still have not gotten over that...doubt I ever will...

Jabberwocky 01-03-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 26429)
Hence the David Bowie, eh? You like Queen? Great music.

I don't think thats really wierd, i would keep away from the scalpel though. Getting plastic surgery, now thats wierd. If their were no sexes, their would be no sexual inequality...of course their wouldn't be any sex either.

I was obsessed with 70s Queen for most of last year. I love them to death.

But this is a thread for hating. XD So... I hate cliched hackneyed writing, like, oh, anything that Christopher Paolini ever put down on paper. LOLBESTSELLERS. D:<

kageri 01-03-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 26445)
When all of us lost over 60 posts - I still have not gotten over that...doubt I ever will...

We did?

One Radical Dude 01-03-2007 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 26511)
We did?

Not going to explain it here. If you want to know more about it, drop a PM.

Did I mention that I get ticked off, when people can't answer a simple question?

Howard 01-03-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 26511)
We did?

I did, but I will not discuss it here...

SkittleMonkey 01-03-2007 05:54 PM

OH! I got another one. Some losers at the Wal*Mart just reminded me of it today...

11. People that cuss and spit and spew as loud as they can without a care in the world knowing full well that there are little children, like, ten feet away from them!

Gosh, I HATE that!

Jabberwocky 01-03-2007 06:33 PM

People who spit their orthodontic rubberbands and hockers into the teeny tiny still-there-from-the-1950s water fountains at my school. By jingo that's disgusting.

DoubleLatte 01-03-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 25816)
I'm not the kind who dismisses something as "sucking" or "hate it" unless it's caused me serious grief. But as a Puerto Rican teenager, I have to say this now:

I hate Reggaeton. HATE IT. It is the absolute worst form of music in the world--in fact, I don't think it should be considered 'music' at all.

I completely agree with you, Voxxyn. I'm really glad to know I'm not the only one who abhors this style of music. I'm aware that there are some people who like it, but it's just degrading to the Latino population, IMO.

Howard 01-05-2007 07:16 AM

I hate it when people say "whose this?" when they are the ones CALLING YOU on the phone1:frankiemad:

kageri 01-05-2007 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 26808)
I hate it when people say "whose this?" when they are the ones CALLING YOU on the phone1:frankiemad:

I've had people do that to me over IM.


Usually it's apparently because they had added me to their buddy list but by now no longer remembered who I was.

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