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Fomalhaut 11-26-2006 07:48 PM

My fave is Wilt, but...
I'd adopt Eurotrish. I could take her to Europe (I live in Hungary, but travel a lot aorund the country), and we could sing together! I adore her character, she's my ultimate fave - see my avatar and title!

Howard 11-27-2006 03:07 PM

Cheese for me. Okay, so he is loud and obnoxious - but so am I!:cheesegrin:

basilsunshine 11-27-2006 03:57 PM

Dawwww[um...that's how I saw Awwww], I would adopt Wilt. He needs Somebody to Love. And he sure as heckkkk deserves it. :D

InsaneFan 11-27-2006 05:20 PM

Man...I'd love to have Wilt around, but I'm not the most exciting person around. =P He'd get bored living here. Mom would love it...The house would never go dirty again! xD

...Well...We do still have a basketball hoop...And I guess is I had Wilt around I'd DEFINATELY get back into it(I used to be on a local girl's team)...

Okay, yeah, I'd adopt Wilt. x3 'Sides, if he'll put up with online gaming(MBioN), he wouldn't be TOO bored here.

Nathander 11-28-2006 07:32 PM

Only two other votes for Eduardo? Inexcusable! The only reason I'm letting this slide is because the one in the lead is Wilt.

Seriously, though, I'd adopt Eduardo. I'd be hard pressed to find any problems with him, and if I adopted him when I was a kid, we'd get along just fine. I was basically afraid of all the things he was afraid of. :D

I am honestly surprised that no one seems to want to adopt Bloo. I honestly, honestly am, even if he would be a pain.

Thornwhistle 11-28-2006 07:35 PM

*looks at poll* wow,I get to have Coco all to myself. yay

But seriously,is she that unpopular?

jokerbloo 11-28-2006 07:39 PM

i would have to go with bloo:bloogrin

why doesnt anyone pick BLOO?

Shane 11-29-2006 10:46 AM

Definitly Bloo! He's my favorite. :bloosmirk:

The bloo 11-29-2006 02:53 PM

I would adopt bloo


montitech 11-29-2006 07:05 PM

I would adopt Ed because he Rocks

my second choice would be coco because you never know what she will say, do or lay.

Monty :-/

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