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"C" the Dragon 11-25-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Thornwhistle (Post 18088)
I have noticed something about these two. They look to be about in their 30s to 40s,but in the flashback,they were teenagers. Coco known these jokers for a long time.

I noticed. Douglas is hard to tell, sice he's being stinged by insects, but I can tell that Adam looks younger at the flashback, because of his beard. Am I the only one who notices the difference of Adam's past and moderen self because of his beard?!:wiltshock:

CG 11-25-2006 03:02 PM

No C, you're not. I noticed it first time I watched the clip thanks to Cassini, his beard was intentionally smaller to show the passage of time between finding Coco on the island, and visiting her at the Creator Reunion Picnic. Which is ironic since the two aren't her creators in the first place.

Plus if they wanted to study her why would they drop her off at Foster's? To see how she interacts with other imaginaries? To get closer to Frankie when the time comes? Maybe to have an imaginary friend you actually HAVE to have a child or something... I dunno. Weird.

But I still luv Adam to bits.

"C" the Dragon 11-25-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by CG (Post 18169)
Plus if they wanted to study her why would they drop her off at Foster's? To see how she interacts with other imaginaries? To get closer to Frankie when the time comes? Maybe to have an imaginary friend you actually HAVE to have a child or something... I dunno. Weird.

Maybe it's a way to see Frankie again.;)

Cassini90125 11-25-2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon (Post 18182)
Maybe it's a way to see Frankie again.;)

But why would they drop her off there the first time? They presumably hadn't met Frankie before that, and if they had she'd have been much younger.

donna323 11-25-2006 05:31 PM

I think Douglas and Adam really ARE Coco's creators (one of them, anyhow) ... however, I think they are hopelessly nerdy guys who would rather tell a story about themselves than admit they made her up. Or maybe one of them has a little brother that made her up, and they don't have the nerve to say they adopted her from a kid bro.

So, I think they did create Coco, and borrow her, and just told a white lie to make themselves look like explorers.

Thornwhistle 11-25-2006 05:36 PM

"You sound just like my mother." That quote is/was very funny.

CG 11-25-2006 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by donna323 (Post 18201)
I think Douglas and Adam really ARE Coco's creators (one of them, anyhow) ... however, I think they are hopelessly nerdy guys who would rather tell a story about themselves than admit they made her up. Or maybe one of them has a little brother that made her up, and they don't have the nerve to say they adopted her from a kid bro.

So, I think they did create Coco, and borrow her, and just told a white lie to make themselves look like explorers.

Sadly your theory already has some holes poked through it. Laruen and Craig have let it be known somewhere on this vast world wide net that Coco was created by a little girl who survived an airplane crash by riding a red life raft to the island. Coco's beak is based on that raft, her head is the palm trees, her body is the plane, and her legs are the sunburnt legs of her creator.

But maybe all that is lies? Who knows. Hopefully we will find out Coco's real past in another episode later on. With Douglas 'n Adam joining in too of course.

taranchula 11-25-2006 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by CG (Post 18169)
No C, you're not. I noticed it first time I watched the clip thanks to Cassini, his beard was intentionally smaller to show the passage of time between finding Coco on the island, and visiting her at the Creator Reunion Picnic. Which is ironic since the two aren't her creators in the first place.

Plus if they wanted to study her why would they drop her off at Foster's? To see how she interacts with other imaginaries? To get closer to Frankie when the time comes? Maybe to have an imaginary friend you actually HAVE to have a child or something... I dunno. Weird.

My guess is that their research funding may have gotten cut, and therefore they could no longer afford to keep Coco in the lab on a full time biases, thus they sent her to live at Foster's so as not throw her back in the wild.

Just a wild theory.

Cassini90125 11-25-2006 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 18239)
My guess is that their research funding may have gotten cut, and therefore they could no longer afford to keep Coco in the lab on a full time biases, thus they sent her to live at Foster's so as not throw her back in the wild.

Just a wild theory.

That makes a lot of sense. Good thinking! :)

Tonya 11-25-2006 09:53 PM

Yeah, them two are funny! Who else thinks they'll see more Douglas and Adam in the future? In a small way, I kinda do, or atleast hope too.

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