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Dude13 10-12-2006 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Thornwhistle (Post 10280)
Frankie Foster - Misty from Pokemon

Ha, I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed that resemblance.

Thornwhistle 10-12-2006 03:33 AM

It must be the hairstyle. :D

Coco - chocobo

bigdog 10-12-2006 03:46 AM


Mac: Luke Skywalker
Bloo: A door
Goo: Dee Dee From Dexter's lab
Cheese: "a scary guy!"
Frankie: A french maid
Madame Foster: A gypsee (sp?)
Edguardo: A skeloton (like the mexican celebrations of the dead.)
Wilt: Waluigi
Coco: Missy Elliot
Mr. Herriman: Stinky Pete Prospector from Toy Story 2

kageri 10-12-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by bigdog (Post 10323)
Goo: Dee Dee From Dexter's lab

WHY didn't I notice that?! WHY?!

montitech 10-12-2006 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 10266)
... But SOMEONE would have to dress up like a character from the Powerpuff Girls. Actually... Mr.Hariman could be the Mayore and Madam Foster could be Miss Bellom.:D

This should be revers due to thier Hight Ratio

Mr. Herriman could be Sara Bellum (Naturally with his head burried behind paperwork)
Madam Foster Could be the Mayor (Theyr Both say Crazy things)

I wonder if Madam Foster also Likes Pickles


Mr. Marshmallow 10-12-2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dude13 (Post 10319)
Ha, I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed that resemblance.

Frankie's persoanlity and cranky temper are also very similar to Misty's attitude. Actually, I thought everyone said Mac's Mom was more like Miss Bellom because you never see either one of those guys faces.

Now Goo as Dee Dee THAT is a good one, although I don't get the "bloo is a door" idea at all.

Cassini90125 10-12-2006 02:30 PM

Bloo's shape, or at least his outline, has been compared to that of a doorway occasionally. An archway I can see, but a door? Maybe I'm missing something.

Invader Bloo 10-12-2006 02:37 PM

Bloo: R2-D2 (he already knows the noises! :P )
Mac: Anakin Skywalker (He sort of looks like Anakin in TPM)
Coco: Pink Box of Cooa cereal
Wilt: Shaquile O'Neal (sp?)
Eduardo: Potato
Frankie: Vampire Chick
Madame Foster: Witch
Mr. Herriman: C-3PO (Tom Kane *Mr.H's voice* did the voice of 3PO in some game)
Cheese- Choklet Milk!
Goo- Numbah 3- KND

Tonya 10-12-2006 03:36 PM

Lemme think...

Mac: (Link)
Bloo: (Mojo Jojo? it'd be funny)
Wilt: (A vampire)
Goo: (Dee Dee)
Madame Foster: (A PowerPuff Girl? well, she's kooky enough to go as one)
Mr. Herriman: (The Mayor of Townsville)
Frankie: (Uh, Jessica Rabbit?)
Ed: (Potato)
Cheese: (A ghost costume)
Duchess: (A queen)
Red: (A flower)
Terrance: (Frankenstein)
Berry: (A ballerina?, she'd wear the tutu just to look cute)

kageri 10-12-2006 03:52 PM

Maybe a hobbit door. All the doors in my house are rectangular.

Cheese could have a ghost costume with a bunch of holes in it, like Charlie Brown's.

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