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koosie 08-31-2006 03:44 PM

Scientists eh? I'd be interested to see what that say. I'm convinced she manipulates matter at a subatomic level.

Chaos Wielder 09-09-2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 3431)
Nice, Chaos. Puts my reply to shame ;)

Coco reminds me of one of those women who at a young age would create clubs that the only rules were "No Boys Allowed!"

She is an alpha-female all the way but with still enough room in her heart to care about her male roommates, and she's a fitting change in a (mostly) male-dominated cast.

Yeah, it's especially funny how she and Goo get so ticked off at Mac for not inviting them to his "party" in "Infernal Slumber" simply because they were girls. XD That could have been the perfect set-up there for Goo and Coco to start an "All Girls" club that didn't allow boys. :P

Yeah, that's true. She has to stay in a room with a bunch of "smelly boys" all the time as Frankie put it in "Room With A Feud" :P But it's obvious that she does care about her friends deeply. She wouldn't have been so upset with Bloo if she didn't. ;)

Mr. Marshmallow 09-09-2006 03:03 PM

There's only one thing that kinda irks me about Coco, I don't hate her because of this but it does pop in my mind when I see her sometimes.

Coco's "plane" arms are useless and she uses her feet in place of them. That's kinda....gross when you think about it. That she touches and picks up everything with her feet. Including foods and stuff.

I know she's designed that way but it's just weird when you think about it considering god knows what germs can come out from that.

Cell_Phone_guy 09-18-2006 08:24 PM

Here's something to ponder: Why did have jobs (i.e. in Store Wars and A Lost Claus) when she just could have laid eggs with money in them (a la My So Called Wife)?

I'm guessing she didn't do that in Store Wars because Bloo would have taken the money and used it to buy the massage chair for Madame Foster himself and not give credit to anyone else.

Matchsticks 09-18-2006 09:01 PM

@Mr. Marshmallow: Maybe she washes her feet a lot? But she has used her plane arms to try flying with Bloo on her in the pilot (and I think she could have, if Bloo wasn't on her)

@Cell_Phone_guy: I think the money egg can only happen if she happens to eat enough money(she ate a puppy and laid it!) or something because think about it. If she just randomally made the money it would be counterfiting (or however you spell it) therefore she would get in trouble.

I wonder how she can lay those eggs in the first place, you can not create something from nothing.

Cassini90125 09-19-2006 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Matchsticks (Post 6451)
I wonder how she can lay those eggs in the first place, you can not create something from nothing.

Perhaps her eggs function like the transporters on Star Trek; when laid, they beam stuff inside themselves. ;)

Matchsticks 09-19-2006 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 6482)
Perhaps her eggs function like the transporters on Star Trek; when laid, they beam stuff inside themselves. ;)

That would be seven levels of awesome.

Mr. Marshmallow 09-19-2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Matchsticks (Post 6451)
I wonder how she can lay those eggs in the first place, you can not create something from nothing.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't that EXACTLY how the kids in this show create imaginary friends?

By creating them from nothing?

Cassini90125 09-19-2006 02:24 PM

They're tapping into an unknown energy source somehow.

Matchsticks 09-19-2006 04:51 PM

I think that they unknowingly pick up free flowing particles in the air and compress them into something solid or at the cost of a few elements (periodical) from multiple sources they create an artfical being (a homunculi) or they compress the waves that everything is made out of into something more solid, thus making an IF. Which only goes into the question of do IFs have a soul/spirit if a person belives in that and that is what is causing the legal rights problem for IFs (They do not seem to have a lot because they are considered property)

But now we are getting kinda off topic... *sweatdrops*

So, do you think that Coco's creator will tag along with the scientists or did she completly wash her hands of Coco when the scientists took her? Or maybe Coco was KIDNAPPED from her creator?

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