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L.G. 07-12-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 77520)
Ben 10: Alien Force

I was really looking forward to this, I mean really looking forward. And even though its only had 3 episodes aired (2 if you count the hour one was one episode), and I tried to understand other's views on the show, its just a poorly thought out show. They totally screwed the charm of the aliens of the old, made too many changes, and literally neutered one of the best villains of the old show. Its cool that its a serious mature show now, but its become so utterly backwards from its original series, its a poor, poor sequel.

Kevin, I'm assuming?

Alien Force definitely feels different compared to the original series. The new aliens are ok, but why they'd scrap the old aliens? And Max dies (supposedly)? Not ok.:(

taranchula 07-12-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 82699)
Kevin, I'm assuming?

Alien Force definitely feels different compared to the original series. The new aliens are ok, but why they'd scrap the old aliens? And Max dies (supposedly)? Not ok.:(

Oh Max didn't die, he just joined a special op's unit and changed his name to Col. Roy Campbell. :D

AerostarMonk 07-13-2008 05:53 AM

I support The Sarah Connor Chronicles, because the continuity of the films don't even synch up qith each other. I've always taken the films to be set in different timelines than the previous, same applied here. That's just me though. Plus it has the guy who plays Doctor Venture in it as a villain towards the end so it gets a double vote for me.

I was disappointed with DragonBall Z. My friends talked it up like it was sent from heaven. Then I watched it. It was terrible. It was long, drwan-out, and a litle cliche, the characters didn't really grab me and the dialogue fell flat.

I was also disappointed with Ninja Turtles Fast Forward, all of the goodwill of the 4 previous seasons was dashed against the rocks with this one. Not the worse show ever, but an attempt to bring the show back to the 1987 lightheartness coupled with the 2003 grittiness and it just didn't work. There's not much more I can say about this one except it failed.

Jackie Khones 07-13-2008 04:31 PM

I must be honest, at the moment, with the recent episodes,
Family Guy

I mean the plots are meh, but it seems it's just the same old stuff over and over, for example: The Vaudville guys, who were both shot, they brought the ghosts back, and said Johnny liked little boys. Completely unnessecery...I was satisfied killing them off.

Family Guy, right now, seems like with the past episodes, they're making episodes just to make episodes, Also, the chicken fights, Done. Get them over with. They're just 8-10 minute fillers completely unfunny and just boring. Personally, whenever they come on, no matter which one, I turn off the channel.

So, I'm a DIE HARD family guy fan, but please, please, Seth and the writers, make some interesting plots...


H2O, the new show on nickelodeon.

It's a pretty crappy turn on vampires or werewolves where they turn into something at midnight. Of course, the slightest showing of blood or violence or gore sparks a nationwide uproar, so guess what they turn into. Mermaids. Happy, Giddy, Mermaids. Oh JOY! Nick, Come ON!, I am old enough to turn away from your channel already, but I CHOOSE to watch it. So, excuse my language but Damnit, I want a frikking enjoyable show to turn on when all other stuff bores me.

Sama-chan 07-13-2008 08:01 PM

The Simpsons and Futurama:
Honestly, a few episodes are good, but there's nothing redeeming about either show. However, the Simpsons movie was pretty good...

ALL of the new Nickelodeon shows
Bad plots, dumb characters...pretty much everything about them. Puts me right to sleep.

I used to be really into this series, but it soon got boring and pointless. The plots seem to be getting more and more confusing each time. And, what the hell is Orochimaru? Some anime version of Michael Jackson? Dear God...

Robot Chicken
Ok, it's pretty funny...sometimes. For a comedy series, the humor is VERY immature.

South Park
Got old after 3 seasons. Honestly, come up with something different. Enough of the same old things.

American Dad
Haven't liked one episode. It's not funny, there's never a good plot, and the dad (Stan, I think) is a jacka$$. Seth needs to focus much more on Family Guy.

The only reason I didn't mention the newer Pokemon seasons is because I think the movies are the only things that keep the series tied together. But the TV series...I stopped watching it.

(No one kill me for saying the Simpsons...please) XD

jekylljuice 07-14-2008 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jackie Khones (Post 82755)
I must be honest, at the moment, with the recent episodes,
Family Guy

I mean the plots are meh, but it seems it's just the same old stuff over and over, for example: The Vaudville guys, who were both shot, they brought the ghosts back, and said Johnny liked little boys. Completely unnessecery...I was satisfied killing them off.

Family Guy, right now, seems like with the past episodes, they're making episodes just to make episodes, Also, the chicken fights, Done. Get them over with. They're just 8-10 minute fillers completely unfunny and just boring. Personally, whenever they come on, no matter which one, I turn off the channel.

So, I'm a DIE HARD family guy fan, but please, please, Seth and the writers, make some interesting plots...

I risk making myself incredibly unpopular for saying it, but Family Guy is one of those shows which I never really "got", so to speak. I caught one of the early episodes in 1999, before it became such a massive cult phenomenon (shortly before it's UK premier, I remember reading an article which reckoned that it could be the next Simpsons, and that intrigued me), and, if I'll be totally honest, I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen (no offence intended to the FG fans here). I thus concluded that the article had been full of crap, opted not to watch any more episodes and was able to put it out of my mind for a while.

Then, a few years go by, and Family Guy is suddenly this big cult phenomenon which everybody loves. I began to wonder if maybe I'd misjudged it, or perhaps just caught it at a bad episode. I happened to be at a friend's house when her housemates were having this big Family Guy marathon, so I decided to stick around and watch it with them, just to see if I had been too hasty in my previous judgement. But no, numerous episodes later, and my opinion still hadn't changed. I still found the characters to be annoying and unlikeable, and the humour and storylines to be far too senseless and random for their own good. *Shrugs*, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but the appeal of this show has always totally passed me by.

some guy you dont know 07-14-2008 07:31 PM

i always thought the chicken fights were some of the best fillers ever written. that, and just the way they are done, are the main reason i find them more intresting than most of the other random jokes.

back on topic, the newer simpsons episodes. i havent even watched the show in a while because it got stale to me. (that, and i got more important shows to watch.)

also the fourth series (season) of digimon. i just dont like it. i loved the first two seasons, the third season was almost as good as the first two, but the fourth just, to put it bluntly, sucked in my opinion.

Jackie Khones 07-16-2008 06:58 PM

Vh1's new show, "I Love Money"

Just useless in my oppinion, giving the worn out stars from Rock Of Love, I Love New York, and Flavor Of Love, i believe. The stars have earned their 15 minutes of god, let them all go! I was sick of seeing all of them on the original show, so why would I NOT be sick of them seeing one more season of boring, non-sensical shows? Vh1, give it up! Let all the "I love" and reality shows go. What ever happened to Video Hits 1?

While I'm on the subject of networks not showing what they were made for....

MTV in a whole, all the shows, are just incredibly moronic.....Music Television? It's not anymore. Why would I care about what rich spoiled teenagers in LA are doing? Or why would I care if Joe And Suzie broke up or got back together? I don't even know them!
So, if you are gonna create a station devoted to MUSIC, stick to JUST MUSIC!

Cassini90125 07-16-2008 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jackie Khones (Post 82994)
Vh1's new show, "I Love Money"

Just useless in my oppinion, giving the worn out stars from Rock Of Love, I Love New York, and Flavor Of Love, i believe. The stars have earned their 15 minutes of god, let them all go! I was sick of seeing all of them on the original show, so why would I NOT be sick of them seeing one more season of boring, non-sensical shows? Vh1, give it up! Let all the "I love" and reality shows go. What ever happened to Video Hits 1?

While I'm on the subject of networks not showing what they were made for....

MTV in a whole, all the shows, are just incredibly moronic.....Music Television? It's not anymore. Why would I care about what rich spoiled teenagers in LA are doing? Or why would I care if Joe And Suzie broke up or got back together? I don't even know them!
So, if you are gonna create a station devoted to MUSIC, stick to JUST MUSIC!

Agreed 100%. Both are so pointless and useless that I deleted them from my DVR's channel selector. Neither one has anything worth watching.

Lynnie 07-16-2008 07:10 PM

I agree with you there, Jackie. I use to watch VH1 a lot, found it very entertaining, and it kept me up to date on my favorite celebrities. But over the last five years or so, it's all become redundant and just boring. I'll admit I loved the "I Love the '70s", "... '80s", "...'90s", they were fun. But it's becoming way too over-aired now. And yeah, I noticed too that they're using all the same lesser-known actors and actresses, as if trying to give them another jump at fame. But I'm not enjoying it near as much. I never really watch it anymore.

I never really watched MTV though, so can't say much about that. But I do wish there were still stations that just played music videos 24 hours strait. I never had a dull moment when I had insomnia. Aah, I have fond memories of music videos... *drifts off into reminisces*

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