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Partymember 11-12-2007 12:10 PM


Cassini90125 11-12-2007 03:41 PM

A few Sailor Scout avatars:

These were made from a series of images on eBay and required trimming but no shrinking. The full size images are 320x400 pixels and are originally from nine very nice 8"x10" prints (which are for sale, of course 8D).

Partymember 11-12-2007 03:44 PM


Lynnie 11-12-2007 06:49 PM

Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something. Gandolf was soooo mad at him! Poor Pippin! I also like the first "Well Earned Comfort" one, the look on his face while he raises his glass is classic. 8D

LOTR rules! :yeah: Well, after Foster's of course.

Partymember 11-13-2007 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63612)
Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something.


dang it im a nerd 8D

jekylljuice 11-13-2007 09:05 AM

Awesome work there, Cass. :frankiesmile:

Here's an avatar I've enjoyed using elsewhere on the net. Say hello to my friend Satchmo:

TB 11-14-2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63612)
Yay, more! TB, I absolutely LOVE the LOTR avvies! Gotta' love them Hobbits! And Pippin was always my favorite! My favorite is the "Oops" one where he knocks the skeleton down the well, awakening the evil...what were they? Zombies or something. Gandolf was soooo mad at him! Poor Pippin! I also like the first "Well Earned Comfort" one, the look on his face while he raises his glass is classic. 8D

LOTR rules! :yeah: Well, after Foster's of course.

Zombies? 8D That's a new one.

But yeah, like PM said, goblins.

some guy you dont know 11-14-2007 04:55 PM

those avatars are awsome. i am seriously considering using that one TB made, with gabe and the bear.

oh yeah heres a H*R one:

Lynnie 11-14-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 63636)

dang it im a nerd 8D


Originally Posted by TB (Post 63716)
Zombies? 8D That's a new one.

But yeah, like PM said, goblins.

Goblins!! That's what they were! I knew they weren't Orks, or skeletons. I just couldn't put my finger on what exactly they were. Ok, time to see Fellowship again.

-Sorry, off topic. Now back to the avvies! :up:

Cassini90125 11-19-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 63767)
Goblins!! That's what they were! I knew they weren't Orks, or skeletons. I just couldn't put my finger on what exactly they were. Ok, time to see Fellowship again.

-Sorry, off topic. Now back to the avvies! :up:

As you wish:

Ten of the images above were produced by my Kodak Z850, easily the most overworked piece of equipment I own, other than my computer. The original pictures measure 2592 x 1944 pixels. The rest were found on various sites around the web. The one in the center was part of an email I recieved from McAfee, reminding me to update my antivirus software. :P

Number 6 is from my brother's recent vacation in Florida; the full-size pic shows him posing with a couple of characters from Disney's The Jungle Book. In light of this, he is no longer permitted to give me grief for hanging around websites devoted to cartoons. 8D The two Lego figures (#5) are supposed to be Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky. The Gir avatar in the center is a pic I found and superimposed on a background I chose more or less at random. Seems to work okay. :)

Comments are welcomed, as usual. :)

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