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Bloonan 11-01-2007 03:38 PM

Besides reading this post, I'm reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Medikor 11-01-2007 03:47 PM

Now that I think about it, the last novel I read was actually "Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday". It's the prequel novel to the Bay movie, but you wouldn't know it since Bay ignored the importance of continuity with products related to your own movie. The book itself was pretty forgettable, though.

Partymember 11-01-2007 03:51 PM

My friend Monique heartily recommended Naked Lunch to me, and Cass, Atlas Shrugged is, what, 700+ pages? :P i read Ayn Rand's "Anthem" which was closer to 100, good book.

Last one i read was "Molon Labe" by Boston T. Party. About thousand of Libertarians who strategically move to Wyoming to influence the elections there, the end result being Libertarian policies making Wyoming a free state while Washington gets angrier and angrier that Wyoming isn't towing the Party line...i won't spoil the ending but 6"Molon Labe" means "Come and take them". King Leonidas said this to Xerxes when he told his 300 Spartans, "we don't want your lives, just lay down your arms."

Come and take them

Cassini90125 11-01-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 62205)
Cass, Atlas Shrugged is, what, 700+ pages?

Excluding the introduction, table of contents, and the "about the author" segment, it comes in at 1059 pages. Should keep me quiet for awhile. 8D

Lynnie 11-01-2007 06:27 PM

The last book I read was The Princess Diaries, Volume II- Princess in the Spotlight by Meg Cobot. Funny book, much, MUCH better than the movies (although, I like the movies, too). The one I'm currently reading, which I admit I've been working on for a while now is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I love the story and the language from 200 years ago, but it's kind of hard to read at times, and it doesn't help that I'm already familiar with the story and know all that happens. It seems I only take it out again when I get inspired. :nyah:

edit: S&S is by Jane Austen, not Jane Eyre. "Jane Eyre" is actually the title of a novel, in which the story takes place around the same time as S&S. Ack, I always get them confused!

jekylljuice 11-02-2007 08:00 AM

I'm currently reading Engaged, a play by W. S. Gilbert which dates back to 1877 and was apparently very influencial on Oscar Wilde. It's part of my preparations for a seminar next week on Victorian theatre.

I currently have Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene set aside as my next reading for pleasure when I find the time - though I'm usually so laiden with set texts during term time that I'm often not able to get much independent reading done within that time. I'm also gradually working my way through a book of short stories by Raymond Carver.

montitech 11-02-2007 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 62233)
The one I'm currently reading, which I admit I've been working on for a while now is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Eyre. I love the story and the language from 200 years ago, but it's kind of hard to read at times, and it doesn't help that I'm already familiar with the story and know all that happens. It seems I only take it out again when I get inspired. :nyah:

The name sounds familiar, was this converted to a movie under a different name?

Monty :-[

Lynnie 11-02-2007 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 62342)
The name sounds familiar, was this converted to a movie under a different name?

Monty :-[

Yes! :frankiesmile: There have been a couple movies made from this book, but the most popular, and most recent, is the 1995 production starring Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson.

It might remind many people of the "grown up movie" of Frankie's Mac and Bloo try watching in "Squeeze the Day". One must have a genuine interest in Jane Austen's writing, Regency times, historical costumes and/or sappy love stories to really enjoy it. Otherwise, it'll easily come across as boooooorrriiiinnnggggg. ::) I personally like the movie, but again, the book is better.

some guy you dont know 11-02-2007 05:37 PM

well, my attempts at free verse, which i just wrote a few minutes ago.

Pawbah 11-03-2007 12:34 AM

I'm reading I Sing the Body Electric! a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. :)

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