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jekylljuice 10-22-2008 02:22 AM

Oh yeah, "shut up" is a highly insidious and detrimental phrase, didn't you know? That's why Nickelodeon had to bleep it out of an Angry Beavers episode some time back in the late 90s. ::)

To those Toys R Us reviewers, I guess there's only one thing that can really be said:

"Shut Up, Stupid!"

You'd better V-Chip me.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 10-23-2008 06:04 PM

I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only parent that was horrified by what I heard in this game. I sat with my 4.5 year old son for all of about 3 minutes while he played this game, and in that time I heard the words "Shut Up" and "Stupid" more than once, along with some other less than pleasant exchanges (to put it nicely) between the characters. I was really surprised that Leap Frog would release something like this. I was expecting an advanced words/spelling game when I purchased this, not a lesson in rude behavior for my son. Don't waste your money!

I bought this game for my 5 year old daughter because it said K-2nd and had so many great spelling skills that I couldn't find in the other programs such as diphthongs and digraphs. My daughter and I were shocked when the word "stupid" was used over and over again as well as two children arguing "did not, did to". I now see that it says cartoon network on the box so I guess this is why. Shame on leap frog by trying to appeal to children with foul language. This should be taken off the shelves. I am taking mine back and calling Leap Frog with a complaint.

Sparky 10-23-2008 07:46 PM

LMAO you guys, but try to remember that outside the spam section threads are for discussion, which some of these posts are lacking.

KazooBloo 12-01-2016 02:07 PM

I'd get this for a collection, but not use it.

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