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Ignate 12-21-2007 12:27 AM

I've realized I did draw any Foster's for a while now. Time to change that.
Page 1/3
You know, these would look 10 times more professional if it wasn't drawn on lined paper. Whatever, next page coming soon.

EDIT: Also, since no one has commented yet, I'll guess I'll post the whole batch.
Moving on,it's page 3/3.
Cheese is vaguely creepy, but I don't care, he still rocks.

jekylljuice 12-21-2007 03:59 AM

Those are great, Ignate. I particularly like the "Perspective" drawing. :D

pitbulllady 12-21-2007 08:45 AM

Jackie's COFFEE MUG is what rocks! That looks like exactly what he'd want to wash down a sandwich, lol!


Partymember 12-21-2007 02:13 PM

bro, thats some funny stuff there 8D

koosie 12-21-2007 02:31 PM

Lovely and lively.

Hooray for shallots! Shallots are nice.

Where did 'shallots' come from?

Lynnie 12-21-2007 04:04 PM

I love the talking scribbles, and the "Shallots" line. Aren't shallots a type of onion? Mm, I feel like cooking something now... And LOL at the series of Cheese annoying people with his grin (and drooling). 8D And I must agree, the Perspective one is cool, too. More good stuff, Ignate!

antgirl1 12-22-2007 06:05 PM

Wow, these are GREAT, Ignate! Especially the Cheese doodles and the perspective ones. XD

Sparky 12-22-2007 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 67533)
Cheese doodles



Ignate 12-24-2007 08:55 AM

Thanks for the comments.
Yeah, grown-up Mac, obviously copied from ptps.
I believe it is my first time drawing Goo. Thanks to ptps for the reference pictures.

koosie 12-24-2007 09:13 AM

Red, Goo and lots of Bloo! You spoil us, Ignate.;D

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