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One Radical Dude 09-09-2006 01:32 PM

Yes, the TV movie is coming up Friday. I haven't seen it, even though they premiered it at Comic-Con.

Chaos Wielder 09-09-2006 01:52 PM

Oh, ok. ;) That's what I thought but I couldn't remember for sure. I guess they're making that to tie everything up to end the series. :( It's a shame that it has to go out that way, though. I wonder what (possibly) bad cartoon will end up "replacing" this show now? :(

But either way, can't wait until it comes on. Hopefully it will be a good one. ;)

Mr. Marshmallow 09-09-2006 01:54 PM

I'm a little worried about it. I hope they plan on releasing the DVD of the movie soon, because there releasing it on TV first it may cause some shift in the dates. The same thing kind of happened when they released "Brainiac Attacks".

The new villain looks kinda interesting even though I know Tokyo is going to have alot of interesting opportunities for the Titans. But like I said before, something is still bugging me about it: it's Cyborg's voice actor.

The commercials advertising Trouble in Tokyo have Cyborg speaking, and judging from the way the commercial sounds, it sounds like a new guy. It doesn't sound like Khary Paton at all which pisses me off because this could be a big problem.

New voice actors can really screw things up if you don't have enough time to get used to them.

Chaos Wielder 09-09-2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 4943)

The commercials advertising Trouble in Tokyo have Cyborg speaking, and judging from the way the commercial sounds, it sounds like a new guy. It doesn't sound like Khary Paton at all which pisses me off because this could be a big problem.

New voice actors can really screw things up if you don't have enough time to get used to them.

Oh, really? I didn't even notice! I think I had the sound on my TV turned down when I saw CN advertising it, though, so that might be why. You're right, though, sometimes new VAs can screw everything up and throw people off.

One Radical Dude 09-09-2006 02:14 PM

Actually, I doubt what you heard was really Cyborg's voice (which definitely wasn't Khary Payton's). It's probably to throw people off, or to make the ad funny. I heard that Cyborg's voice is fine at the Comic-Con premiere.

Mr. Marshmallow 09-09-2006 09:32 PM

I pray to god it isn't, because if it is then it's going to be a big letdown because I have high expectations off this movie. The tokyo idea is a genius one and the clips they are showing look REALLY REALLY interesting.

Plus I heard that the whole "question" of whether Starfire and Robin's relationship is anything serious will finally going to be answered in this movie, and being a big Star/Robin fan, I hope it's going where I think it's going :).

The other reason this movie has to be good is that this will more or less be the last time we see the Titans in anything new. All DC toons are gone with the exception of The Batman and the new upcoming Legion of Superheroes show.

Shows usally "end" with movies, Batman:AS was the only show to get like 3 movies and I've heard crappy things from Superman's movie "Brainiac Attacks". However, The Batman's movie "Batman vs. Dracula" was AMAZING!

If they can make a DC toon movie that good, I'm hoping the same can go for Titans: Trouble in Tokyo.

Medikor 09-19-2006 12:56 PM

Wow. I sence alot of hostillity to anime hear. I'm not a fan of the show myself. And the wannabe anime look is a let down, but the show was good. My main gripe with cartoon's these day's is how thaey all try to jump on the anime bandwagon to get noticed. I hate anything made by Marathon (Martin Mystery, Totaly Spie's ect) because they have no soul, if you know what I mean. Avatar is differant. I love that show. It's not a shallow wannabe, and has alot of heart to it. Remember: There is a big differance between imitation and inspiration.
I love a good anime. My #1 anime right now is Naruto. Full Metal Alchenist and Inuyasha are the other two I watch religously. And Bleach was an absolute surprise!:D But I really dislike how western animation is trying to mimic anime. We're loseing our culture in a way. I love Foster's because it show's how great our cartoons can be, and anime free to boot!:D

Mr. Marshmallow 09-19-2006 01:58 PM

I don't believe were losing our culture because cartoons are still being made using non anime styles, it's just a matter of companies preferences and styles. Plus don't forget, other countries import our stuff and styles and etc to their programming to.

We import more stuff from other countries in terms of programming (movies, TV shows etc) then probably anyone else, so it's no surprise that someone would mimic a style if it became hot. Personally, I love anime and I don't see anything really wrong with using an anime style in terms of appearance.

Depth is another issue. Totally Spies and Martin Mystery are shallow shows, but I find them good to watch if there's nothing else on. But like I said, a show is as good as it's depth, not it's appearance. If the show has good story, humor, characters, the animation style won't bother me in the least bit.

Medikor 09-19-2006 02:54 PM

You're absolutly right! Sorry if sounded kinda harsh, I didan't inrend too. But I think that things will have gone a little too far if Disney try's to make it's own anime, and not just import them. ;)

Mr. Marshmallow 09-19-2006 04:01 PM

Nah not at all. But come to think of it, I thought Disney kinda did when they made that "Super robot hyper monkey force" show.

Jetix their programming block of shows similar to that program actually contains some animes like Digimon and Mon Colle Knights.

But honestly, I don't think every toon we make will end up being animeized. Squirrel boy came after all these anime shows and there pretty original.

Even though i kinda hate that show ::).

Back to Titans, one of the things i LOVE about this show is their wacky ass villains. Guys as ridiculous as Control Freak, Killer Moth, Dr. Light, Mumbo Jumbo, they're just too fun not to like.

Not to mention Slade is a PERFECT reason to love the show initself.

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