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Subzeroace 07-17-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 51089)
Wait, I don't see a pic or link or it just me? I wanna see. :terrsmile:

*blinks* it's there for me.

But here, sorry if I stretch or something.
Me as the BEST Death Eater EVER:

Imaginary, the closest we have around is in Toronto and thats kinda out of the way for me to go alone x.x I'll try to talk my dad into it, since he's on holiday for the next two weeks. But he came to see it with me before and said he almost fell asleep -.-

Sparky 07-17-2007 07:26 PM


Thanks for posting them here, yeah for some reason I saw nothing on your blog. :terrconf:

LaBloo 07-18-2007 06:27 AM

My Brotheres read the book, and said the movie fit in till the ending.
We were having a talk about and comparing it to the book.

jekylljuice 07-20-2007 10:07 AM

I went to see this film this morning. It had its moments, but I had the much the same problem with it as I did with all the Harry Potter adaptations - that is, they usually do a rather dismal job of condensing the narratives into the two hour running time (Goblet of Fire largely excepted). This one really didn't seem to balance the sense of impending threat well enough with the big dramatic climax when it came (rather abruptly as a result). I was also disappointed that we got to spend so little time with Snape and that Pensieve - the actor they got to play young Severus appeared to be dead-on, but we didn't really get a terribly good look at him - which were the scenes I'd been most looking forward to. On the other hand, I'm grateful that they were able to tone down the perpetually foul mood that Harry spent the entire fifth novel immersed in (one of the reasons why I was never too fond of Phoenix in its original format).

By the way, am I the only person who felt that Voldemort looked oddly...dashing in a suit and tie? Every time that Harry flashed back to that peculiar scene I could just feel myself purring. In my defence, he is played by Ralph Fiennes, who can be quite the charmer. :berry:

Imaginary Light 07-20-2007 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 51398)

By the way, am I the only person who felt that Voldemort looked oddly...dashing in a suit and tie? Every time that Harry flashed back to that peculiar scene I could just feel myself purring. In my defence, he is played by Ralph Fiennes, who can be quite the charmer. :berry:

No, you're not the only one:P I think suits make any man look...charismatic, I guess?

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