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billytheskink 05-07-2007 07:33 PM

You're suggesting I steal my sister's shoes?


Cassini90125 05-09-2007 02:38 PM

I've seen stranger things on eBay. :cheesegrin: Unfortunately there's never anything that's Frankie-oriented. There was the plushie that I got, which I adore, but that's it. That's one of the reasons I make screencaps and such; if the manufacturers won't make us any Frankie stuff, well, what's to stop us from doing it ourselves? :frankiesmile:

Howard 05-11-2007 06:04 AM

You can go and buy a dark purple barrett, and make a killing posting it on ebay as the Official Frankie Foster Barrett! Muahahahahaha!8D

Crash-N-Cortex 05-11-2007 05:40 PM

I really like and appreciate Frankie while I watch the show. I respect Frankie as much as ever Frankie Foster fan in the forum.

Mr. Marshmallow 05-13-2007 06:20 PM

I appreciate Frankie Foster so very much that, at times I seem to appreciate the most simple and mundane things about her. Her clothes are example are especially lovely looking and I find it weird liking her clothes because I doubt alot of people can look good in an outfit like that.

Realistically, the green sweatshirt and the Power puff girls shirt would probably look weird on someone else. Same with the shoes. My favorite part of her outfit is the purple skirt, purple also happens to be my favorite color. But Frankie pulls off the look so well, I never ever get tired of seeing it.

Sometimes you stare at a character a long enough time, you'll get sick of looking at them in the same clothes over and over again but with Frankie, not the case :frankiesmile:.

Cassini90125 05-14-2007 09:08 AM

One wonders how Craig came up with the design for the outfit. It's certainly eye-catching and yes, it looks great on her and never gets old. On the rare occasions that I see a purple skirt or a green sweatshirt on a real woman these days, well, it's an instant attention-getter. Not too long ago while making a grocery run I spotted a lady wearing that sweatshirt, and she had red hair, too, tied back in a ponytail. Stopped me dead in my tracks. :frankiesmile: 8D

Medikor 05-14-2007 10:34 AM

I wonder if she was a Fosters fan? ;)

xxxClaire 05-14-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 43893)
I wonder if she was a Fosters fan? ;)

Yeah, now I'm wondering the same thing... 8D :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 05-15-2007 05:35 PM

After a lot of soul-searching I finally decided to change my avatar. Unlike a lot of people this wasn't a particularly easy decision for me. There are a lot of reasons why I did it, but the bottom line is that I am, first and foremost, a Frankie Foster fan. Cartoon or not she is first in my heart, first in my life, and I wanted to do something special to honor her. And this seemed like the best thread in which to do it. :-*

Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, the woman I saw awhile back. Could be a fan, but there's no way to know. There wasn't too much resemblance aside from the hair and the sweatshirt.

frankie_fan 05-15-2007 07:37 PM

Now that is a freaking sweet avatar. Good job! :frankiesmile:

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