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One Radical Dude 02-14-2007 11:31 PM

8D That was funny. Love the drawings and the interaction of the IFs. Thanks for sharing. :)

Cassini90125 02-14-2007 11:53 PM

LOL, that was a good one! 8D

pitbulllady 02-15-2007 04:12 AM

That was the funniest of the "shorts" yet! I wish I could find a way to show this to my Art students; even those who don't watch Foster's would probably get a kick out of it! I loved how Bloo kept messing up Eduardo's sweet, innocent little ideas, like putting "CONDEMNED" on the building that Ed drew, or drawing long ears on the unicorn to turn it into a donkey, lol! And WHAT was up with those weird green Art Deco flower thingies Coco was drawing? Of course, you would know that Wilt would be the one who gets caught with the "smoking gun" in HIS hand, even though he was the last to join in the uh, mural creation..."hey, you know what y'all need?"


taranchula 02-15-2007 05:34 AM

Be it Two Minuets, Seven Minuets or Twenty Two Minuets....Foster's never fails to bring the funny. And This short was another shining example of that.

antgirl1 02-15-2007 05:59 AM

"Whoops, I was wanting that for a parking lot!"
"I'm sorry."

"Cococo coco, co!"
"Um..that is terrible."

"Fly like a bunny!"
"No, flying reserved for CAMELS!"

"Go for a drive to get a BUCKET OF CHICKEN!"

And in the end, they were drawing on the WALLS. How they got Wilt to do so I'll never know. Though I have no clue why Coco keeps drawing flowers. XDD

Never the less, Coco's an artist!

LOL, the basketball player got hit by a ROCKET SHIP!

The camel with Elvis's hair got hit on the head with a basketball. XDD

I must admit, I can't get enough of this.

Vampyre 02-15-2007 10:43 AM

I wanna learn how to fly like a bunny when I grow up XD.

I loved the way Wilt said "Ya know what ya need?" it was really... smooth *giggles* I can't get enough of his voice XD

Imaginary Light 02-15-2007 12:02 PM


But no, seriously, I loved it. Coco's quite an artist.

Bride_Of_Lister 02-15-2007 01:11 PM

Coco's ability to draw in Edwardian printing flourishes is nothing short of amazing, yet somehow so in character!

Crash-N-Cortex 02-15-2007 02:43 PM

It was a cool short. I used to draw on the wall when I was a child, good thing that I don't do it anymore. I like the drawings in this short.

Howard 02-15-2007 03:31 PM

That short was hilarious! Where did Coco learn to be an accomplished artist?

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