InsaneFan |
12-24-2006 06:27 PM |
Originally Posted by Subzeroace
(Post 24419)
FMA Vol 1 "The Curse",
I just got the FMA movie Conqueror of Shamballa from my cousin. ^^ He's the one who actually got me into watching it. Thing is...I can't watch it until I've finished watching the rest of the series. D= I'm up to episode 37...Can't find it on google video or youtube. Planning to download it from this site I found tomorrow maybe...
I got $25 from my Dad's side secret santa.
...And I got Grandma coupons. =3 My Grandma got creative a few years back, and now instead of giving us grandkids presents, we get 6 coupons each, redeemable as trips to the mall, movies, spending the night at her house...And this is a sweet deal 'cause our Gramma's KEWL. :D
Tomorrow, I know I'm gettin' $225 from my parents. Heh, I never decided on want I wanted for my birthday, so they added $100 on top of the $125 they decided to spend each on us kids. I like to go shopping myself, so I just asked for cash.
I know what I'm getting from my sisters too. Sara got me a Cyborg 'Super-D' toy(Em can't keep her mouth shut! xD), and Em's gonna get me an Alphonse ski cap. =3 I told her I could wait to get my present from her if she just ordered that.
From one of my friends, I got a little clay Bloo that she made herself(shall I post a pic?), some Fill-Ins puzzle books and some chocolate-covered pretzels. ^^
Dunno what my other friends are getting/have gotten for me.