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Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24419)
I open one gift tomorrow night then early in the morning of Christmas we open the rest!

I'll take pictures of my loot once the big day comes :)

Same here! I'm trying to decide which one I wanna open today. I'm thinkin the CD-shaped one. Please be Oingo Boingo!

That, or my turn table. Which I know I got because my brother told me. ;)

Partymember 12-24-2006 10:35 AM

i haven't had gator in 2 or 3 years...i miss it

Wocky is that Ziggy Stardust avatar? LOL +1

Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 10:41 AM

The red hot mullet! It persuades you!

CG 12-24-2006 02:20 PM

Lots of chocolate, Pirates of the Carribean 2 dvd, booze, pj's, money which got paid on vegetables, new speakers and more chocolate. OH. And the Wonderful Wizard of Oz animation dvd set. And I guess Eduardo.

Wendi 12-24-2006 03:15 PM

I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

Jabberwocky 12-24-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 24591)
I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

So word on the street is you SUCK. XD I had a set of prismacolors years ago. They got lost, one by one. :'(

Btw I opened my one present. It was SPAAACEEE ODDITYYYYY on CCCDDDD. :bloocross: I love this album so much.

Partymember 12-24-2006 05:37 PM


I think Ziggy Stardust is one of my favorite songs BTW.

Tonya 12-24-2006 05:43 PM

I opened all my presents!

From these people my mom knows, I got a nice new coat. New boots. A pocketbook that that was 60 dollars :o! A bunch of bath&body wash, a manicure set, a sweater, and some other nice stuff. From other folks in my family I got clothes, a Peanuts colering pad (not the colering book I mentioned earlier. I love Peanuts!) A new tape recorder, more bath&body wash, paint by numbers kit, AND THREE ADORABLE FURRY KITTENS!!!-they're not real guys. Only fake, but they are soooooooooo cute! And some other stuff.

InsaneFan 12-24-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 24419)
FMA Vol 1 "The Curse",

I just got the FMA movie Conqueror of Shamballa from my cousin. ^^ He's the one who actually got me into watching it. Thing is...I can't watch it until I've finished watching the rest of the series. D= I'm up to episode 37...Can't find it on google video or youtube. Planning to download it from this site I found tomorrow maybe...

I got $25 from my Dad's side secret santa.

...And I got Grandma coupons. =3 My Grandma got creative a few years back, and now instead of giving us grandkids presents, we get 6 coupons each, redeemable as trips to the mall, movies, spending the night at her house...And this is a sweet deal 'cause our Gramma's KEWL. :D

Tomorrow, I know I'm gettin' $225 from my parents. Heh, I never decided on want I wanted for my birthday, so they added $100 on top of the $125 they decided to spend each on us kids. I like to go shopping myself, so I just asked for cash.
I know what I'm getting from my sisters too. Sara got me a Cyborg 'Super-D' toy(Em can't keep her mouth shut! xD), and Em's gonna get me an Alphonse ski cap. =3 I told her I could wait to get my present from her if she just ordered that.
From one of my friends, I got a little clay Bloo that she made herself(shall I post a pic?), some Fill-Ins puzzle books and some chocolate-covered pretzels. ^^
Dunno what my other friends are getting/have gotten for me.

Subzeroace 12-24-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 24591)
I got to open one right now, and it was a Faber-Castell marker set :] I love it lots! expect marker Fanart xDD

Ha :D I just opened my X-Mas eve pressies and it was a marker set as well! But Mine are Prismacolor :D

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