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GrimTheLost 08-19-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mac (Post 1151)
I LOVE this show! Of course I didn't get into it until five years AFTER it aired. I had no idea what the huge obsession was with it when it first aired back in '01. I kept seeing people walking around with IZ t-shirts and key chains and even book bags. The goth chicks in my school had the pencils and notebooks and stuff even. I was thinking it was a fad, it was, but then I watched the show in late '05 and I realized that I would have been one of those groupies had I watched it back then. I was a groupie for about three months. Then the repeating shows got hella old and I couldn't take it anymore. I still swear my Gir t-shirt proudly though.

You should check out JTHM or I Feel Sick comics. Jhonen does some good stuff. It's also more mature.

Mac 08-19-2006 05:56 PM

A group of friends I knew were obsessed with JTHM back in High School. I didn't care for it at all becaues I wasn't into that morbid stuff back then. Now I can't get enough. I've been searching all over the net for a preview of those comic books but I can't even seem to find a website dedicated to him.

DoubleLatte 08-20-2006 03:48 AM

There aren't any previews of JV's comics. He's touchy about those kinda things. Most you'll be able to find are snippets here or there with one quote. I wasn't particularly fond of Johnny myself, but I loved reading those shorts. Annie Guish couldn't have taken a better stab at the goth subculture. ;D I Feel Sick is slightly less morbid than JTHM, which is why I had an easier time reading it. It's really good. Go try it.

Originally Posted by Mac (Post 1151)
I LOVE this show! Of course I didn't get into it until five years AFTER it aired. I had no idea what the huge obsession was with it when it first aired back in '01. I kept seeing people walking around with IZ t-shirts and key chains and even book bags. The goth chicks in my school had the pencils and notebooks and stuff even. I was thinking it was a fad, it was, but then I watched the show in late '05 and I realized that I would have been one of those groupies had I watched it back then. I was a groupie for about three months. Then the repeating shows got hella old and I couldn't take it anymore. I still swear my Gir t-shirt proudly though.

LOL! Yeah, I was probably in one of those groupies. I had gotten enough of my friends and family members into it that I probably could have started a Zim cult. ;)

InsaneFan 08-20-2006 10:57 AM

I loved it when it was on TV, but not having cable made it so I only saw very little. After it was cancelled, I forgot all about it. Then, as I was browsing the roleplaying board on neopets, I saw a IZ RP and remembered. 'OH YEAH, I LOVED THAT SHOW!' So I asked the roleplayers and they told me where I could buy the DVDs, then did. After that, it was the 100+ Invader Zim merchandise. Yep.

Sparky 08-20-2006 03:27 PM

I wore my homemade Gaz shirt today and the pet store guy loved it. :) Guess she's more popular than Cheese... ;)

Nyo 08-23-2006 04:16 PM

OMG, I love this show and GIR. Lucky for me I have a Hot Topic in my mall.

Mac 08-23-2006 05:48 PM

I got a Gir shirt today! It has Gir and the squirrel and says "Me and the squirrel are friends!"

Imaginary Light 08-24-2006 08:45 AM

I love Invader Zim! It first aired when I was 11 years old, and I swear, I was the only 11 year old girl I knew who like it.

I've also gotten into Jhonen's other creations such as JtHM and Squee! They're great:D

Nyo 08-24-2006 10:51 AM

If I ever got my hands on one of JV's comics, I'd be happy.

GrimTheLost 08-27-2006 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Nyo (Post 2201)
If I ever got my hands on one of JV's comics, I'd be happy.

If you want the best place to get them, if you can, go to, and then to the web store, type in jhonen vasquez and you can find alot of the stuff he has done.

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