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"C" the Dragon 12-28-2006 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 25122)
Anyways, those are my theories and ideas behind the mysterious parent figures of Fosters......actually now that you think about it, cartoons have never been good at explaining parents. Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Ben 10, Sailor Moon, they BARELY explain anything relating to their parents.

Actually, I saw an episode that explains what happened to Sailor Moon's real mom, and it turns out that
Spoiler Below
she risked her own life to save everyone in the moon by using her sceptor and sent everyone to Earth with their memories erased.
But nothing about her real father. But if your talking about the other sailor scout's parents, you got me there.

Mr. Marshmallow 12-28-2006 06:32 PM

Actually what I meant "C" was that the other scouts have close to zero explanation of their parents. Sailor Mars, Mercury, and Venus have never shown or said close to anything about their parents. I know Jupiter's died in a plane crash.

And Sailor Saturn's parents, as well as Mini Moon's are explained. I knew Serena's mom's fate but I mostly meant the other scouts.

"C" the Dragon 01-03-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 25347)
Actually what I meant "C" was that the other scouts have close to zero explanation of their parents. Sailor Mars, Mercury, and Venus have never shown or said close to anything about their parents. I know Jupiter's died in a plane crash.

And Sailor Saturn's parents, as well as Mini Moon's are explained. I knew Serena's mom's fate but I mostly meant the other scouts.

That's what I meant. "If you mean the other sailor scouts, you got me there." But I never knew that's how Sailor Jupiter lost his parents!:wiltshock:

CG 01-03-2007 06:43 PM

......what in the heck does the Sailor Scouts have to do with Mac 'n Terrence's father? Please, stay on topic.

edit: Okay I can see how this happened, but for someone coming into thread expecting a certain topic, yet the last few posts is about another show entierly it seems a bit confusing.

Howard 01-03-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by CG (Post 26537)
......what in the heck does the Sailor Scouts have to do with Mac 'n Terrence's father? Please, stay on topic.

edit: Okay I can see how this happened, but for someone coming into thread expecting a certain topic, yet the last few posts is about another show entierly it seems a bit confusing.

Hear, hear! I wanna get back on the subject of Frankie's parents, or Mac and Terrence's father...:frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 01-03-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 26560)
Hear, hear! I wanna get back on the subject of Frankie's parents, or Mac and Terrence's father...:frankiesmile:

I got a feeling Frankie will one day be explained, she has very little explained about her outside of Madame Foster and if you ask me, one living relative is not enough to explain any character's background properly, especially Frankie's.

Frankie's a mystery inside and out, as great as she is, there really hasn't been anything stated about her personal life other then her school and work at Foster's. Mac on the other hand has had PLENTY of family explanations etc.

However, I don't think they will reveal Mac's father anytime soon. If he did walk out or die those are 2 touchy subjects I doubt today's censored toons will dare cross, even for a show as great as Foster's, cartoons today are still sensitive.

Sama-chan 07-14-2007 04:54 PM

Like the movie about Wilt and his creator, they should have a special episode explaining the mystery behind either Mac's father or Frankie's parents.

Cassini90125 07-14-2007 05:03 PM

I second that wholeheartedly. I think Mac's parents are divorced and his father, contrary to popular belief, is still alive. Frankie's parents are a mystery to me, and I'm dying to know more! :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 07-14-2007 05:14 PM

I agree, an eppie specifically about what happened to Mac's dad would be cool. I have my own theory that his parents are divorced, and it was around the time they split that Mac created Bloo because it was such a hard and lonely time for him. And the split also took its toll on Terrence, which is part of the reason he's such a bully now. It's been my dream since nearly the start of my love for the show to see an eppie showing the day Bloo was created, and in it we'd see some more info about Mac's home life, including what happened to his dad.

Ccook50 07-15-2007 08:35 AM

From what I know directly from the source, Mac's parents are divorced.

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