Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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buyamerican159 08-25-2006 12:11 PM

Yeah... i noticed that too! I thought "this is like that wierd house in california!"

Bloo2daMacs 08-25-2006 03:24 PM

Well, the rooms in the house not matching perfectly doesn't mean that that's what it's like on the show. After all, this is a video game, and video games are often out of proportion y'know.

TraverseTown 08-25-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by RedboXen (Post 2345)
I extracted the maps out of the Director Cast files I downloaded from the game website.

How did you do that anyway?

FostersFriend 09-01-2006 11:21 AM


I extracted the maps out of the Director Cast files I downloaded from the game website

How did you do that anyway?
yes please do tell :bloogrin

TraverseTown 09-02-2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by FostersFriend (Post 3759)
yes please do tell :bloogrin

Can you rip extract character models as well?

Pantsy Nancy 09-02-2006 11:58 AM

I Don't Even Know What A Director Cadt File Is.:-[

RedboXen 09-03-2006 02:30 PM

The game is a Shockwave game, which means it was created in Adobe Director. All the games assets, the graphics, music, movies, etc, etc are loaded into the game in what are called Cast files. Ie the cast of your production.

The game has been saved as a DCR movie and the cast files as CCT, which means they are compressed and protected. It's not as easy to extract the conects of Director games as it is flash due to this proection.

There used to be a program called DirOpener that whould extract director files but it has not been updated for a long time.

I manualy extract all the games assets using Software and some (fairly) simple scripts I have written myself.

Yes I could extract the character models as they are all Cast members.

Pantsy Nancy 09-03-2006 02:50 PM

Now that You Are Back, Could You Make The Third Floor?;D

RedboXen 09-03-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pantsy Nancy (Post 4158)
Now that You Are Back, Could You Make The Third Floor?;D

Im just back for a few hours, I going back on another business trip, I should be home around mid week, but sure I'll upload the 3rd floor then.

Pantsy Nancy 09-03-2006 06:25 PM


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