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Lynnie 03-18-2009 08:25 PM

It's not a true HDTV, but it should be HD compatible, since it's fairly new (got it in '06). I thought we don't need to get a new TV, as long as we have a box. But I have a box! Maybe I just need a different type of box. I'm just worried I'm going to be charged more for it if I do. I don't understand. I'm trying to contact Comcast now to find out what's going on.

Sparky 03-18-2009 08:32 PM

You don't need a new TV as long as yours has a built-in digital converter, or something like that. I have no idea when they started making those, but like I said there were even some HD TVs made without them that stores were forced to clearance out last year since they wouldn't have even worked without buying an external converter. I'm sure if you give Comcast your TV's model they can at least tell you if it needs a converter box.

So, was the switchover today then? I never knew when it was going to be, they seemed to keep pushing it back.

Oh I have a "what ticks you off": my jury duty. Exactly like what happened last time I had jd, I wasn't selected for the jury (yet) but then the judge decided to adjourn before the final decisions were made, so we all have to report back in the morning so they can finish that up. At this point if I do get selected it will only be for an alternate, which I guess means I'd have to go to every day of the possibly several week's long trial only to not get to deliberate if they didn't need me. :P

One Radical Dude 03-18-2009 09:08 PM

Maybe, there's something temporarily wrong with your Comcast service on some of those channels. The TV in my bedroom isn't a HDTV, but my channels still work (having DISH Network is likely the reason why everything works for me), and most local networks in my viewing area have made the switch to digital already. I hope your issue gets resolved soon.

Sparky, it's true that the digital transition date got pushed back again (honestly, I wish they'd stop delaying it. :P No matter what, there will be few folks that will never be ready), but many networks voluntarily made the digital transition in February). Again, as for jury duty...yuck!

Lynnie 03-18-2009 09:35 PM

Ok, I just had a live chat with a Comcast analyst, and it turns out my cable box simply isn't an HD cable box. I just need to switch the box for an HD one. No word on any fees for doing that, I'm hoping there won't be any since I'm trading one box for another, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of fee. Ugh. What a pain. And they stressed over and over that as long as we have digital cable, we didn't have to do a thing. ::) This whole digital conversion is so confusing. It'll be even more confusing trying to set the thing up, as there'll be another fee getting someone out here to do it for me.

I did find a way to receive the stations again, albeit temporarily. They are apparently going bye-bye for good on April 14th. So I have almost a month to do something about it. Unfortunately, the way I found I could get the stations isn't connected to my Tivo, so I basically don't have a DVR for the next month.

Ugh, what a pain!! :cry2:

Sparky 03-19-2009 02:54 PM

Okay I didn't realise you didn't have the HD box. Out here there is an additional $8 fee per box if you have the HD with Comcast (no fee if you keep the standard def box). I have a series 2 TiVo in my bedroom which cannot record HD, but I could watch HD live if I had the HD box. I almost didn't switch from the regular box to HD since I rarely watch live TV in my bedroom, plus I didn't want to incur the additional fee if I was never going to use the HD, but in the end I did switch and now I DO watch live TV back there because it looks so awesome, lol.

scary_dream 03-25-2009 09:14 PM

Ok here's one that definitely ticks me off...

Long story time:

Whenever I was in high school, there was this girl who was just flat-out gross. She did more drugs than you can count, never bathed, and wore the same clothes for weeks at a time because she seriously thought that being trashy and unclean made her "hardcore". So anyhow, she had a realllllly bad attitude and a seriously disproportionate superiority complex (she actually said "Man, all of you losers SUCK because you want to be me so bad, it's pathetic."... yeah right::)). She had no problems letting everyone know that she thought she was better than everyone else, and started problems with just about everyone, even if she didn't even know them.

Well, I happened to be one of those people, and for some reason she took a special liking to me. Keep in mind I have still TO THIS DAY never even talked to her, so she has no reason to not like me. Anyhow, she left threatening comments on my blog calling me childish names, and even made an entire website with my picture saying "OMG look how ugly she is, she needs to die soooo bad!"

It never really bothered me because I never let it bother me whenever someone hates me for no reason. Usually it just means they're jealous anyhow. Regardless, it was irritating that someone would go to such great lengths just to try to get to someone.

Well, that was in high school. I thought that after we graduated, we'd all be able to be adults and move on and whatnot, until the other day whenever I saw her at a party at my neighbor's house. I decided to just not say anything to her because I figured if I didn't give her reason to, she'd just mind her own and we'd go on an unspoken agreement to dislike each other quietly.

But NOOOOOOO. That's giving this girl WAY too much credit.

Immediately she starts in on me for no reason lol! It's to the point where it makes me laugh anymore because if someone is going to be THAT immature and hate someone they've never even talked to, then so be it. There is no changing her mind.

So I ignored her the whole time she was at this party literally making a jerk out of herself because she had crashed the party anyhow and it was full of my friends who already know she is stupid. Still, that didn't stop her from trying her hardest to (unsuccessfully) get people to laugh at me for things that weren't even embarrassing or funny, such as "Omg, she's wearing a HOODIE?! How dumb is THAT?" To which everyone was like "Yeah... um... everyone is wearing one. It's cold out here."

So when people weren't laughing at me like she wanted, she started talking to people around the party. Whenever they'd ask "What's your deal with Kristi?" to her, she'd make up some story about how I was "sooo mean to her back in high school." Realize she said this whenever I have literally never spoken a word to her in high school or otherwise.

So anyhow, now she's stalking me on the internet again. I swear, this girl never gives up. I'm almost positive that it's because she's jealous of me, though, because she's always wanted to be a model ever since high school, and never got to be one because she ruined her body with drugs and afterward (I'm assuming after she got off of the drugs) ended up gaining tons of weight. I'm thinking she's hates me now more than ever because I'm a model and haven't ruined myself like she has, not to mention she had a kid not too long ago, and while it's not really a bad thing to most people, to Ms. Selfish, it "ruined her life" and sadly she even purposely tried to kill it while she was pregnant by doing more drugs than ever. She's bitter now that she's messed up so bad and taking it out on me, her only remaining target.

It's mildly annoying at best, and it doesn't really tick me off anymore I guess, but it DOES suck being stalked and harassed like that.

I'm sorry this is so long lol... I told you it was going to be a lengthy story. But I'm pretty sure this girl needs to drop off the face of the earth.

Cassini90125 03-25-2009 09:25 PM

Sheesh, what a total loser jerk. Definitely jealous and bitter. Sounds like she got what she was asking for though, what with the drugs and all. Glad to know that you refuse to sink to her level, which no doubt infuriates her all the more.

Oh, and hoodies are not dumb, they're a sign of class. Especially green ones. :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 03-25-2009 09:29 PM

Ugh, some people don't have a clue how to be a decent human being. And if they don't even show interest in learning how to act or even co-exist with other human beings, they're not worth a single breath of ours. I'm glad your other friends are already aware she's a moron, so you should have no worries about her swaying someone in the direction she'd like. :P

There was a girl in junior high who was insanely jealous of me, although to this day I don't know why. She did what she could to bring me down to her level, and make me miserable, and unfortunately my "best" friend would sometimes find it funny to join her in humiliating me. ::) She made me cry more times than I can count. Since we've grown up, we relate to eachother in a much more mature way, but things will never, never be cool between us, no matter how hospitable we are with eachother. It's awkward enough that I still see her sister around now and then. Although I always got along with her sister just fine, it brings back memories that aren't exactly pleasant for me. :sadbendy:

scary_dream 03-25-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 107757)
Sheesh, what a total loser jerk. Definitely jealous and bitter. Sounds like she got what she was asking for though, what with the drugs and all. Glad to know that you refuse to sink to her level, which no doubt infuriates her all the more.

Oh, and hoodies are not dumb, they're a sign of class. Especially green ones. :frankiesmile:

Thank you, and I agree, I'm sure that just fuels her fire whenever I don't say anything back to her. I'm sure she wants me to very badly, but 1) I hate drama, and 2) I never want to be that immature, ever. Did I mention she's twenty-two years old? A 22 year old mother and still acting like a grade-schooler. I really don't think this girl will ever grow up.

And yes sir, hoodies are the best :frankiesmile:


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 107758)
Ugh, some people don't have a clue how to be a decent human being. And if they don't even show interest in learning how to act or even co-exist with other human beings, they're not worth a single breath of ours. I'm glad your other friends are already aware she's a moron, so you should have no worries about her swaying someone in the direction she'd like. :P

There was a girl in junior high who was insanely jealous of me, although to this day I don't know why. She did what she could to bring me down to her level, and make me miserable, and unfortunately my "best" friend would sometimes find it funny to join her in humiliating me. ::) She made me cry more times than I can count. Since we've grown up, we relate to eachother in a much more mature way, but things will never, never be cool between us, no matter how hospitable we are with eachother. It's awkward enough that I still see her sister around now and then. Although I always got along with her sister just fine, it brings back memories that aren't exactly pleasant for me. :sadbendy:

I am glad, too. I am very lucky to have friends that can see through her motives and will stick up for me!

I'm sorry to hear that that girl was such a you-know-what to you, and it's even worse to hear that your friend at the time would join in! That's pretty cold right there :'( Some people just HAVE to bring others down because their self-esteem is too low to bring themselves up, I think. It's like a drowning person grabbing onto a swimming person and then sinking them, too. "Well, at least there's someone drowning WITH me now."

People like that are not worth our breath, I agree :)

some guy you dont know 03-26-2009 04:32 AM

ugh, I went to the dentist back on monday, and I think he did something wrong to my teeth. now one of them feels like it's just sticking out, and I'm pretty sure I have a sore spot on my lip from where it brushes up with the tooth. does not feel good at all.

Actually, you know what, disregard that. After asking around (about 5 or 6 people, including a biology teacher), it seems most people assume it's some form of a sore or maybe a blister. Still dont feel good about it at all.

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