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Sparky 03-13-2009 07:21 PM

I have some sort of throat infection. :/ I suppose this could get me out of jury duty on Monday; although I don't feel "sick" now that could change, and I may be contagious. :P

Cassini90125 03-13-2009 07:37 PM

Seems that a lot of people have been getting sick lately. :P

fosters home fan 03-13-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 107326)
Seems that a lot of people have been getting sick lately. :P

Yeah. :bloobleh:

This ticks me off. We get, like, 5 inches of snow, after one week, it melts and starts to go away, then, another load of snow comes and it's icy outside. This has happened twice, so far, this month. Tougher to walk in, and, harder to drive, too (I don't drive, though). >:(

I can't wait for spring!!!

scary_dream 03-14-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 107304)
That is such a cool idea! :up: I'd be afraid of being caught and getting in trouble for not having state permission or something to post such things. But if it's working, the drivers must think they're coming from some sort of authority and heeding them, that's so cool. Kudos from me!

Hehe thanks! I figure if it's for the greater good then I'm doing something right :D I wish I was a fly on the wall when they found it though haha!

Being at the laundromat right now reminds me of a time when I was LIVID. I set my clean clothes down on the table, walked away to wash my hands, and when I came back, I saw they'd been moved a tad. It didn't bother me until I noticed that the lady next to me had just spilled soda all over my clothes!! I said "what the hell?" out of surprise, and I know she heard me but she ignored me. Finally after a few passive-aggressive attempts to let her know that I noticed and was mad, I just asked her "um... Did you spill soda on my clothes?"

She pretended she didn't know she spilled it on them, even though she CLEARLY knew because my clothes were moved and they were soaked in soda. She said "oh, did I get it on your clothes?" and I said "uh... yeah you did." What REALLY ticked me off though was after that she just said "oh, sorry." She didn't even offer to give me quarters to wash my clothes again! Just flatly said "oh, sorry" and turned around like that was that! I could have screamed.

Sama-chan 03-15-2009 12:20 AM

Omg, I hate it when people do stuff like that! :edmad:
I also hate when people you argue with have nothing valid to add to their argument, so then they try to make you look bad in order to smash your credibility and everything you said. >_>

Sparky 03-15-2009 12:30 PM

As I expected, my throat infection has migrated to my sinuses. :P Oh well. My Monday jury duty has been postponed or whatever it's called, so I have to call/check the website after 5 pm Monday to see if I go in Tuesday, and so on each day. So I just can't make any plans until after this is done with. Poo.

Sama-chan 03-17-2009 05:01 PM

Aww, I hope your throat gets better ^_^

Sparky 03-17-2009 06:56 PM

My throat's been better for a few days, its my sinuses that've been messed up, I basically have a cold now. It's getting better but its still not gone, and my jury duty starts tomorrow after being delayed a couple days. Its better than me having to go in when I was really sick but bah. :P

Lynnie 03-18-2009 07:28 PM

Arrrrrgghh!! I learn today that I no longer have channels 30-70, and I don't understand why. I have digital cable, and a digital cable box! Why Comcast, why??? :'( I thought I was covered, I understood that as long as I had digital cable, I don't need to do anything. I'm terrified now, with my desperately trying to save as much money as I possibly can, I'm going to have to get an additional box or something and be charged for it if I want to get the stations back. I'm not going to be able to do it! No more TLC, no more Travel or History channels, no more SciFi. No more CN!!!! I am sooooo mad!

Sparky 03-18-2009 08:19 PM

Eh, wot? You don't have an old tube "analog" TV do you? I understand you have to have a TV with a digital converter built in (that is to say an HD TV, although some of the earlier HD TVs don't have the converters).

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