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frankie_fan 01-14-2010 08:25 PM


Another great film by Hayao Miyazaki. I've been wanting to see this for quite a while, and while I did enjoy the film, I felt that the story was too simple. I know that it's supposed to be a kids film, but I felt it was a bit too kiddish. Having said that, I still enjoyed the music. The opening score alone was beautiful! I also liked the English voice cast (yes, I'm an anime fan who prefers the dub than the sub, so sue me!). Liam Neeson was my favourite out of the cast. I also felt that Matt Damon didn't get to do much. The only other minor complaint would be having the siblings of Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers voicing the leads, but I'm sure everyone would agree with that! 8D

Overall, it's a great film, that suffers from a VERY simple story, and Cyrus and Jonas siblings. Not as good as Spirited Away, but still great.


Lynnie 01-28-2010 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 102623)
The Notebook

I've heard so many great reviews about this movie, and haven't gotten a chance to see it until tonight. I really enjoyed it, it was so sweet. Ah, young love. I always love stories about young love. :-* And then when they're old, he reads her the notebook she wrote about their whole love affair to keep what feelings she has for him alive, even in here severe dementia. And although it had a sad ending, it was a complete and satisfying ending. I was left feeling happy.

And I watched it again tonight! :) I think this is becoming one of my favorite movies, even though it's been over a year now since I've seen it. Such a sweet story.

The one I saw tonight was on TV and edited for time, so I don't remember if they clarified on what exactly happened in the end. I'll put it in spoilers in case anyone has yet to see it and wants to-
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I know someone has died, and I'm thinking it was her. But did he die too? Them dying together in their sleep is sickingly sweet but kind of cheesy.

Another Castle 01-29-2010 04:49 AM

On average, how often does everybody wait to see a movie for a second time? I've seen many movies numerous times, but I feel it ruins them a bit When you know every line.

I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the second time the other week. I saw it in the cinemas, but all the Hindi bits had Dutch subtitles, so I felt I missed something!:P

Howard 01-30-2010 08:10 PM

Casino- with Joe Pesci, Robert Dinero, and Sharon Stone.:bloogrin:

Medikor 02-02-2010 07:39 AM

Tales of the Black Freighter. I have no interest in the Watchmen movie itself (I don't care for the directer) but I was interested in seeing this animated take on the dark and surreal story within the story of Watchmen. It was much more disturbing and depressing than I remember.:(

Partymember 02-06-2010 04:13 PM

Blade Runner

killer movie

Mr. Marshmallow 02-26-2010 04:24 PM

The Crazies

A few good creepy moments, the ending sequences were much more tense than the rest of the movie but overall yet another disappointment. 2010 has bombarded me with disappointed movies with the exception of The Wolfman. This one however didn't have any real gore to it or acting chops, it rushed so fast it kind of went through the film and story like tissue paper.

I had high horror hopes for this but again 2010 has dashed away my hopes and interests and here's hoping Tim (my main man!) Burton doesn't join this unfortunate trend with his new Alice movie opening up next week. Cause that is a BIG one on my must-see-list this year.

Imaginary Light 03-05-2010 05:46 PM

I've just come back from seeing Alice in Wonderland. I'll say I definitely was not disappointed. I really, really enjoyed it, and the whole 3D IMAX thing made it even better.:)

Lynnie 03-18-2010 11:56 PM

That's the movie I just saw today, too! And I really liked it as well. The one part I found unnecessary and cheesy was when
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the Hatter did that dance thing that he supposedly hadn't done in years. The writers could have thought of something else he could have done or something when working with the White Queen again. You could just tell it was put in there just so the animators could play with the digital effects.

Other than that though, I loved every second of it.

The very last movie I watched though was Disney's Fantasia. Hadn't seen it in years. I for one LOVE classical music, and the little cartoons that play while it plays are so fun. And it has many things I really love like ballet, ice skating, fairies, pegasus, unicorns, cherubs, and even ghosts. No mermaids though, that's kind of messed up. :P

Medikor 03-22-2010 05:05 PM

Tron. The upcoming sequel made me finally get up and watch this great piece of retro 80's science fiction. They just don't make movies with this kind of feel anymore.
I also plan to watch Clash of the Titans (the original one) at some point. I've seen it before, but I picked it up on dvd the other day. For seven buck I just couldn't say no to this stop-motion gem!

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