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fosters home fan 02-25-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 106523)
The other day I was bending and tying some Willow whips (young tree shoots) to make a sort of living arch kind of thing but my hands were stiff in the cold and I kept losing grip on them so they'd flick back straight again, hitting me in the face on the way, nearlly knocking my glasses off once or twice. It's the sort of job you really need 3 hands for.

Anyway I realised after a while that I had a little audience of estate kids, mostly very young, watching this probably baffling spectacle. What ticks me off is that not one of them used the 'stop hitting yourself' line in either chant or taunt. The situation definately called for it but they just stayed silent. Maybe it's not as well-known a cultural reference as I had imagined. Are there examples outside that which we all know well? There must be.

Hmm. Interesting. Perhaps they didn't want to seem rude?

koosie 02-25-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 106524)
Hmm. Interesting. Perhaps they didn't want to seem rude?

Nah. Not this lot. Though maybe they've learned along the way not to irritate further someone who's messing a job up.

fosters home fan 02-25-2009 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 106527)
Nah. Not this lot. Though maybe they've learned along the way not to irritate further someone who's messing a job up.

Hmm. Possibly.

I am sick of the cold weather.

some guy you dont know 02-25-2009 05:56 PM

going to the dentist. not because of the people there, the dentist I have is actually kind of cool.

I just hate having to do everything I have to do there. never remotely... endurable? mostly fillings for me. need to lay off the bread. too many starches just burn through my teeth. (really, it used to be like 90% of the food I ate at one time.)

I also just dont like the atmosphere. you feel bad, knowing they they have to do things to your mouth, but the place is so silent and you just sit there. it does not make me feel all that welcome.

That being said, I dont actually have to go till monday, but still.

Cassini90125 02-27-2009 09:42 PM

My neighbor is wandering the hallways as I type this, periodically yelling about various things. I don't think alchohol is entirely to blame for this, although it certainly is a major factor. I think this guy's got other problems, too. He needs to get help whether he likes it or not before something really bad happens. :macwor:

Glad that I'm out of here next month. :P

BluebottleFlyer 02-28-2009 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 106467)
Jury duty next month, yay! :jk: (Lol its not so bad, its not like I have anything else to do I guess.)

Good luck with that, though I imagine you'll be wanting it to be over pretty sharpish. I don't think I'd last 5 seconds in a courtroom.

jekylljuice 02-28-2009 09:03 AM

My mother got called up for jury duty once. For much of the time, though, they just kept on sending her and the other jurors home.

fosters home fan 02-28-2009 05:07 PM

Computer hard drive. My (old) one broke today, so, a new one had to be put in. Lost ALL of my files, etc. Annyoing. >:(

Sparky 02-28-2009 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 106658)
My mother got called up for jury duty once. For much of the time, though, they just kept on sending her and the other jurors home.

I've been once before, went in for two days and wound up not being chosen. They have something new on the letter this time saying something about the majority of people only needing to go in one day, and if you're chosen only serving one day. *shrug* I dunno. But again in my case, I'm not employed or anything so it's not a biggie.

Lynnie 03-01-2009 09:28 PM

A few years back Yahoo Pictures went bye-bye, which ticked me off because I liked Yahoo Pictures! It was so easy and manageable, and free and easily accessible to me. It was my "default" online photo album for years. When they became no more, Flickr was the photo album of choice according to Yahoo. But nah, not near as nice. I'll just make my Snapfish my default photo album now. :P And so it has been for the last few years.

Now, Yahoo Briefcase is going bye-bye. Aarrgh!! I have both my books saved on it! And that is, "my books" as in the two books I've written. They are both saved on floppies, and on my old computer's hard drive. But my old computer is rather useless now, and floppies, well, they're obsolete. So I had to safe all my files, including every chapter in each of my books onto my hard drive until I can burn them to disk. I suppose I expected to do it sooner or later, but I liked having easy access to my books from any computer that had internet. I don't know why Briefcase is leaving now too. Yahoo is nothing like it was when I first became a fan, and it's sad. :bloosad:

Well, I finally managed to copy all my files from Briefcase to my hard drive. Thankfully my internet connection tonight is fast enough it didn't take too long. I'm glad it's taken care of now at least.

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