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antgirl1 02-23-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by AXavierB (Post 106078)
When I heard about that kid who abused his cat and put videos online. That made me so angry.

How can such monsters exist? :(

fosters home fan 02-23-2009 09:28 PM

Meh. Had an okay day, until, I found out the resident admin (on the same anime forum) had been deleting a few of my posts. I angrily told him to stop it. No word, as of yet.

That, and, one of my friends has been trying to act "emo" has left me in a bitter mood, until further noticed. >:(

L.G. 02-24-2009 08:34 AM

The following is a list of items that has left me peeved in the past week in order of increasing aggravation.

-My printer keeps telling me I need to replace my ink cartridges even though I recently replaced both my black and color ink cartridges. ::)

-I was playing 1 vs. 2 Coin Battle online on Mario Kart Wii with yours truly alone against two random people (one player on the 2 person team didn't participate at all). Someone by the name of 'Baby Daisy' was giving me a hard time because apparently this player had a cheat on where he/she would only lose coins if I hit them with a shell . Flattening the player with a mega mushroom or hitting them while under star power still caused them to crash, but he/she kept the coins: normally, a player loses coins when flatten and the person who hits another player with a star steals coins from the victim directly. Despite all this, I pulled a victory anyway, and I left afterwords.

-For me Mircosoft Excel is not the most intuitive program out there, especially when I need to make a particular calculation many times. I have yet to figure out how to move data without messing up already calculated values.

Cassini90125 02-24-2009 08:45 AM

My sympathies on the printer; the last two I bought were useless pieces of crap, better used as boat anchors than for printing. Always claimed to be out of either ink or paper, or said that they'd finished printing but nothing was printed, or some other ridiculous problem. Both are heading to the dump this Friday, and after they're out of the truck I intend to give each of them a kick that would make any NFL player proud. Most :censored: aggravating machines I ever owned. :terrence:

HerrimanWasHere 02-24-2009 01:44 PM

Okay...I happen to be a very paitient person...but I can't stand it! It has been 3-4 days that hasn't been working. Now I'm only irked, because there are a ton of reviews I was suppose to leave. (And I need to post my The Hunting of the Snark drabble.) Oh! And then I'm missing the Kim Possible fannies, because they aren't able to post... *weeps from anger*

That is so weird! The moment I complain, it starts working. Just...I don't know how to feel now.... *Dances*

Lynnie 02-24-2009 05:27 PM

The chance of getting snow on Thursday. ::) No, no, no, no, NO! I do not want any more snow until next November at least! It'd be better if it waited until December. It's almost March! Make it go away. :sadbendy:

Sparky 02-24-2009 05:57 PM

Jury duty next month, yay! :jk: (Lol its not so bad, its not like I have anything else to do I guess.)

Cassini90125 02-24-2009 07:15 PM

My sympathies. At least they pay you for it. :P

HerrimanWasHere 02-24-2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 106467)
Jury duty next month, yay! :jk: (Lol its not so bad, its not like I have anything else to do I guess.)

I wouldn't be able to help. I have such a lawer mindset, that I always see both sides. Because of this, I always have the trouble of making a choice...

But good luck!

koosie 02-25-2009 02:40 PM

The other day I was bending and tying some Willow whips (young tree shoots) to make a sort of living arch kind of thing but my hands were stiff in the cold and I kept losing grip on them so they'd flick back straight again, hitting me in the face on the way, nearlly knocking my glasses off once or twice. It's the sort of job you really need 3 hands for.

Anyway I realised after a while that I had a little audience of estate kids, mostly very young, watching this probably baffling spectacle. What ticks me off is that not one of them used the 'stop hitting yourself' line in either chant or taunt. The situation definately called for it but they just stayed silent. Maybe it's not as well-known a cultural reference as I had imagined. Are there examples outside that which we all know well? There must be.

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