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Mr. Marshmallow 08-23-2009 09:22 AM

Hmmm let's try this one: X-men

Frankie - Phoenix
Mac - Cyclops
Bloo - Iceman
Eduardo - Wolverine
Wilt - Magneto
Madame Foster - Professor Xavier
Mr. Herriman - Mastermind
Jackie Khones - Gambit
Terrance - Toad
Goo - Jubilee
Coco - Rogue
Bendy - Sabretooth
Duchess - Mojo
Blake Superior - Gladiator

frankie_fan 01-30-2010 12:52 AM

Despite Halloween being over and all, I felt that I needed to do another dress-up, and I can't believe this hasn't been done yet!

Foster's as Sailor Moon characters!

Frankie - Sailor Jupiter :-*
Bloo - Luna 8D
Dutchess - Queen Beryl >:(
Goo - Sailor Moon

Well... I couldn't think for the rest of the Sailor Scouts!

g.a.b.s 03-07-2010 11:07 AM

wilt- jack skellington:D
bloo- oogie boogie:blooevil:
frankie- sally ragdoll:frankiesmile:

Mr_Bloo_Veins 03-15-2010 03:49 PM

Bloo- Tyler Durden from Fight Club
Wilt- LeBron James
Cheese- Brak from Space Ghost
Jackie Khones- Jules from Pulp Fiction

Planty 04-29-2010 12:54 PM

Alright, The Simpsons:

Homer: Bloo
Marge: You can figure this one out
Bart: Terrence (Someone said this before)
Maggie: One of the Imaginary babies
Ned: Wilt (Personality-wise)
Ralph: Cheese
Crazy Cat Lady: (Per suggestion) Madame Foster
Cletus: Creaky Pete
All I got

On the topic of Invader Zim: Cheese as Gir

Tommy: Mac (He could wear a.... Bald cap)
Chuckie: Eduardo (Personality wise)

OMG, The Frankie fan-boys will be angry at me :wiltshock: ......

AmberMist84 08-11-2010 09:42 PM


1. :)Mac -Charlie Brown (You're A Good Man, Chralie Brown)

2. :frankiesmile:Frankie - Evita (Evita)

3. :bloosmirk:Bloo - Kennedy (Rock of Ages)

4. :DWilt - The Phantom (Phantom of the Opera)

5. :smed:Eduardo - Eddie (The Rocky Horror Show)

6. ;)Coco - Alphaba (Wicked)

frankie_fan 09-22-2010 02:16 AM

I know that Halloween is a month away, but I had this in my head and I had to get it out:

Foster's/Doctor Who

Mac - The Doctor (David Tennant incarnation)
Frankie - Rose
Bloo - Dalek
Eduardo - Cybermen
Terrence - The Master

Cassini90125 09-22-2010 02:28 AM

I have an image in my mind of Bloo with a stick stuck on his forehead, wandering the halls and shrieking "Exterminate!!!" at everyone. 8D

Green Blockhead 09-28-2010 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 122436)
I know that Halloween is a month away, but I had this in my head and I had to get it out:

Foster's/Doctor Who

Mac - The Doctor (David Tennant incarnation)
Frankie - Rose
Bloo - Dalek
Eduardo - Cybermen
Terrence - The Master


Anyway, I think Frankie should be Amy Pond, even though that she is the Eleventh Doctor's companion.

Owner of Page 20 :D

KazooBloo 12-01-2016 01:41 PM

I actually watched the Halloween episode for the first time last year. It was amazing! :bloogrin:

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