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Death Note: L, Change the world
X-men Origins: Wolverine Both were utterly fantastic! Long and drawn out, lots of fast frantic and fast paced action scenes for Wolverine. Liev Shreiber shines as a young Sabertooth, and the fight scenes in X-men were spectacular. The Death Note movie wasn't my favorite out of the 3, but L shined brilliantly as the sole reason to watch, he was hysterical, such a riot and so animated. All in all a great night at the movies. |
Haven't seen Crank 2 yet, Mr M? 8D
I tend to have this thing where whenever I experience something awesome, I cant sum it up in words. All I really can think to say is that the relationship between WALL-E and EVE left me smiling and left me in a great mood. I gotta buy a copy to watch again. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gNtBBmrg_o |
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Harmless modern-day teen movie. Actually, it's kind of a shame that in the end I had to label it as just "harmless", because it did start out rather promisingly. It had one or two pretty interesting ideas, and the gay characters weren't portrayed at all stereotypically, which was certainly refreshing, but it never really took off and the pacing was just horrendous (more false endings than Return of the King, to use an already well-exhausted cliche). It probably doesn't help that I'm not a fan of drunken humour, so I found the subplot in which they're trying to track down Norah's plastered companion to be pretty unpleasant and embarrassing to sit through, and the gross-out gags (if you have a problem with up-chucking, then you might want to carefully time your bathroom breaks throughout this one), though few, were forceful, and probably only detracted from whatever Before Sunrise/Sunset-esque charm might otherwise have been lurking at the centre of the story. Overall, more of a missed opportunity than anything else. |
Just got back from the Star Trek movie. :bloogrin:
I must say, it was really awesome!! I wasn't really a fan of the series before, but I still enjoyed the movie, and I think it's turned me into a fan. :bloocross: It was really funny, they threw in a lot of decent jokes. My dad, who's like a die hard trekkie, really enjoyed it too, and he said they didn't mess it up or anything. All in all, it was a reaaally good movie. I definetly wanna see it again!! :bloogrin: Go see it now! :smed: |
I'm probably not the most qualified person to be commenting on this movie, given that I've never had any kind of dealings with the source material, but judged purely on its own merits, I'd have to describe this as Sin City meets Nolan's Batman, with twice the violence, thrice the pretension, and about four or five times less the fun. I'm afraid that I didn't really care for it, and not because of the bleak outcome - truth be told, I was feeling restless and fidgety long before the climax clicked in. Technically it was all very well-made, and those stylised comic book visuals were put down nicely enough, but there was something incredibly cold and sterile about the whole affair throughout. It wasn't hypnotic, it wasn't involving, and in the end I felt that at best I was being invited merely to look at the characters and observe their behaviour patterns when faced with various moral dilemmas, rather than to actually experience their desolate, supposedly complex environs through their own appropriately unpleasant personnas. Heck, Sin City did a much better and greatly more satisifying job of drawing me into its grimy comic book world, and Sin City was about as shallow and inhuman a movie as they come (basically just a collection of alpha males piddling over mates and territory for a couple of hours). Well, SC was a clear-cut and totally unashamed triumph of style over substance - for me, Watchmen didn't succeed on either count. It was too grandiosely downbeat to be particularly enjoyable, and given that it didn't really convince me to empathise with any of the characters on either side of the weighty dilemma, in the end I couldn't really describe it as anything particularly profound or haunting either - though I suppose it does have its shock value and a momentarily depressing aftertaste, and for some folks that might be satisfying enough. Oh, and maybe it's just me, but I hated Rorschach's vocals. If I didn't know better, I would swear that Haley was trying to do a parody of Christian Bale's Batman. I found that kind of distracting. |
I saw 17 Again last night. It was actually good! And funny. And, uh...I actually find Zac Efron bearable after seeing him in it.:P
Ah, now this was one which definitely did live up to all the hype. Beeeeeeeeautiful animation (those 3D effects were simply to die for - I do hope you all stayed for the full duration of the closing credits, by the way...if not, then you missed out on something truly tantalising), wonderful voice-overs, a fascinating, skin-crawling storyline, French and Saunders...what more could you possibly ask for? Got to say though, if I had actually seen this film as a child then I think it would have messed me up big time. I'm not joking when I say that it terrified me a heck of lot more than the overwhelming majority of adult-orientated horror films I've seen in my lifetime. I always used to think that Anjelica Huston's Grand High Witch was pretty frightening, but I reckon that the "Beldam" featured here could give her a more than decent run for her money. Henry Selick definitely tapped into some wonderfully raw and surging childhood insecurities in this one, and the result is a mesmerising little nightmare of a movie, one which should keep the older audiences awed and subdued every bit as much as the kiddies. And, just to make things totally perfect, I got a brand new pair of 3D specs to take home with me - though looking at myself in mirror just now, I realise that they do kind of make me look like Spud does on the Trainspotting poster. Ah well, I do have to love that Spud. |
Heart and Souls
I FINALLY got this on DVD (albeit any special features), and I'm happy to say that I loved this movie all over again. Robert Downey Jr proves even in 1993 (before he got sobered one too many times!) that he was a truly gifted actor. The way he played each of the ghosts that were in his body was remarkable. 8D I also LOVED the music in this film. My goodness, Marc Shaiman should've (at LEAST) been nominated an Oscar for this film it's that brilliant. :frankiesmile: I urge all the Robert Downey Jr fans on this forum (including the Iron Man and Tropic Thunder fans) to go and check out this underrated classic and see for yourself. But a bit of a warning: while there are some really funny moments in this film, the last 15 minutes are pure drama. |
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