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Ridureyu 01-12-2009 10:13 PM

I plugged in a USB keyboard.

Cassini90125 01-12-2009 10:17 PM

Ah, okay. Carry on, then. :bloogrin:

Several hours ago someone in the building was cooking with garlic. The entire second floor smelled like garlic, but not in a good way. :P

fosters home fan 01-13-2009 08:13 AM

Garlic is only good on bread, with cheese...

The frigid weather outside. Looks nice, but feels way worse.

koosie 01-13-2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 103546)
Garlic is only good on bread, with cheese...

The frigid weather outside. Looks nice, but feels way worse.

Only good on bread with cheese? Hmmm an entire continent holds its head in despair.

Like the phrase 'frigid weather' though. What does it mean exactly? :macwor:

Anyone want to buy a 1500mm steel lintel? Oh hang on, this is 'What ticks you off?' Ok finding plastic bags filled with nightmares left by lazy dog owners when I'm doing my Wall-E bit. If I knew where they lived, I'd post them back through their letterboxes, the filthy _ _ _ _ s.

Cassini90125 01-13-2009 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 103547)
Only good on bread with cheese? Hmmm an entire continent holds its head in despair.

Plus one guy in Connecticut. ;)

fosters home fan 01-13-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 103547)
Only good on bread with cheese? Hmmm an entire continent holds its head in despair.

Like the phrase 'frigid weather' though. What does it mean exactly? :macwor:

Anyone want to buy a 1500mm steel lintel? Oh hang on, this is 'What ticks you off?' Ok finding plastic bags filled with nightmares left by lazy dog owners when I'm doing my Wall-E bit. If I knew where they lived, I'd post them back through their letterboxes, the filthy _ _ _ _ s.

Sorry, Koos. We don't have many Garlic related items in Wisconsin. ^^' Might have to look for other Garlic recipies/food items some day...

Frigid weather... Yes, when it's roughly 1-4 degrees outside, I'd say that's pretty much frigid weather, hehe. Dunno how cold it is in UK.

jekylljuice 01-13-2009 11:35 AM

Frigid weather simply means that it's cold, that's all. If you're reading anything else into it, then you only have yourself to blame. :macwor:

koosie 01-13-2009 12:42 PM

Well I wasn't really reading anything into it, hence the reason for asking the question.

Anyway nice phrase, FHF. I'll use it in context at the first possible opportunity.

some guy you dont know 01-14-2009 07:50 PM

Back on monday, i got Metal Gear Solid 2. I tried to use it today, but it wouldnt work. Tried cleaning it. Nothing.

I dont know what the problem is. maybe it has too many scratches on the inside. maybe it just doesnt work on the newer ps2s. in any case, its annoying.

Lynnie 01-14-2009 09:31 PM

I was going to post this yesterday, but I ended up with a lot on my mind last night and completely forgot. But Mr. Ditsy at work ticked me off yesterday. Sometimes he just makes me laugh with how ditsy he is. Other times he seems to enjoy having a power struggle with people, including me. Now, he's a manager, and I respect him as one as I am not, but I've been with the company 10 years and he's been with the company a year and a half. Manager or not, I have way more experience with how things go down, and what works best, and so on. I was doing some auditing yesterday and he walks by me and asks me what I'm doing. Inwardly I said "Duh, can't you see what I'm doing??" because it is pretty obvious when someone is auditing product. But I answered "I'm auditing", although my annoyance might have been picked up in my tone. He walks away, and a minute later comes back, and tells me I'm doing it wrong, and tells me I'm suppose to do it this way and that way and yadda yadda yadda. ::) Ok, Mr. Ditsy, I know how the "ideal" way is, but I've been doing this for 10 years, I have a system, I know what I'm doing, and I have a very low error percentile. You can follow the protocol to the "T" if you want, but you need to give me the benefit of the doubt here and trust me! I of course didn't say this out loud, I merely didn't say anything as I was afraid I may say something mean. He finally walked away again, I rolled my eyes and continued my work the way I'm use to doing it. I finished, printed out the report and well well well, what do you know, no mistakes! He was really trying to tell me what and what not to do for the rest of the day. Clearly a power struggle. Although I'm a bit flattered that he seems to be a little intimidated by me. Hee hee. :P

I'm also the "techie" at work, as I usually know how to fix minor problems with the computers, printers, cameras, copiers, fax machines, telxon guns, etc. He's also very high tech, and likes fiddling with techie things. So a lot of times when I'm trying to fix something, usually because one of the other managers came to me for help, he likes to watch me and tell me how to do everything. Do you actually think I'd be messing with all these wires and screw drivers if I didn't know what I was doing? Do you actually think I'm just playing with it, like a little kid would?? Grrr, just leave me alone! Although again, it's very amusing when I can't fix something, so he tries, and does only half the things I had already tried, because he's too ditsy to even think of the other possible problems.

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