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L.G. 01-05-2009 08:00 PM

Yesterday, a driver made a boneheaded move at this one intersection as shown in the right diagram below:

There was a left turning lane available, but the driver didn't use it and I had to slow down. This is the second time a driver has made the same maneuver since the road was repaved with the new lane patterns.

Sparky 01-05-2009 09:28 PM

I did that once. :-[ It was a total brain-fart. We were apartment hunting and I was tired and GM pointed to an apartment to our left he wanted us to check out and I just...turned left. In front of oncoming traffic. Nobody was hurt but they could have been. I'm sorry. :bloosad:

Another time I got into the turn lane to turn left...only it WASN'T a turn lane, it was just a regular lane, containing oncoming traffic. :blooupset: Again, no one was hurt, and again, I did it because my passenger told me to turn left suddenly and I didn't properly check out my surroundings. But geez, it was dumb of me.

jekylljuice 01-06-2009 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 103149)
Why people feel a need to blame the cashier is beyond me; he/she is being inconvenienced just as much as everyone else. Moreso, in a way, in that they aren't allowed to vent on the pest. People need to remember that.

That's the unfortunate thing - whenever customers aren't entirely satisfied with their shopping experience, it's often the cashier who has to bear the brunt of their frustration, even though they seldom have any control on the matter. Before I started at university, I worked as a cashier at Staples, and it really opened my eyes as to just how little respect people actually have for those in retail. Customers often got shirty with me whenever mine was the only till open and they had to queue for a few minutes for so, which always got to me. I'm aware that queuing can be frustrating, but you'd do well to remember that, for the cashier, it's probably a heck of a lot harder. At the end of the day, all that you have to do is stand there and wait passively for a short period of time. The cashier has to deal with every single one of those customers, many of whom aren't going to be particularly pleasant about it, and odds are that they're going to be stuck there doing the exact same thing for a further eight hours, being paid relatively little for all the hard work they have to do. Once I had requested that someone else come down and open another till, I was pretty much powerless, and all I could do was get on with my job as best as I could.

The incident which really took the biscuit was when a customer yelled at me about the fact that we had music playing through overhead speakers around the store (as most places generally do). He thought that it was "inconsiderate" for some reason. His undisclosed issues with music aside, it really had nothing to do with me. Then there was the customer who got all foul-mouthed with me over the fact that we kept ink cartridges behind the till rather than on the shop floor (since they tend to be prime targets for shoplifters). How much effort does it take to join a queue (which you'd have to do anyway, if if you intended to pay for it), and ask the cashier to pick up the cartridge you need for you? Oh yes, and the perfectly able-bodied customers who bought this big boxed office chair and refused to help me with my job by lifting it up to the till just a little so that my scanner would actually be able to reach it, on the grounds that they expected everything to be done for them...

I could go on...

Howard 01-06-2009 03:26 AM

What ticks me off is I am flying blind (and you probably are too in this country) as to WHEN we are going to see the last installments of Fosters. I thought we were supposed to see "Bloo Super Dude" in December. Well guess what - that month has passed! Show me the Fosters you CN corporate goons!:frankiemad:

Sparky 01-06-2009 03:07 PM

My desktop computer had a terrible internet connection which we figured was due to its cheapo wireless adapter - it wasn't the location because if I put my notebook over there it'd still be better than the desktop. So I finally caved and ordered a new wireless adapter online with express shipping. At the same time, GM ordered a new online package with the company he's with, to double our mbps or whatever it is. That was activated today, and my new adapter also came today.

With the new service, my desktop now has the same speed as my notebook. I didn't need the new adapter at all. :( I'm going to try to get store credit with it at a local electronics store, after making sure they carry that product (they do on their site at least). Because if I just send it back all I'll get back is the product price, whereas if I take it to the store I'll get about $20 dollars more than what I paid plus shipping if the in-store price is the same as the website price. Then I can use it as credit towards the new webcam I want (I'll have to fork over another $30 or so).

But overall I'm just annoyed. :/ My bad connection all this time was just due to GM being cheap, lol. Even better, when he did look into increasing our speed he found he'd SAVE a bit of money changing to a better package (yeah I know its weird).

Lynnie 01-06-2009 05:48 PM

I hate it when a car is in the turn only lane (turning left), and I'm in the regular lane (going strait) at a light. When the light turns green, the person in the turn only lane goes STRAIT and tries to get ahead of me before crossing the intersection, because it's a two lane street. :madwilt:

Another is when someone tries to pass me in a merging lane. Their lane is about to end, but they step on it and pass me (in this country, on the right) and barely gets ahead of me before they run out of road and are forced to merge in front of me. I've had to slam on my breaks as not to rear end them. Ugh, that irritates me.


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 103213)
I could go on...

Hehe, same here. Ever seen the "Customers Suck" group on Live Journal? It's a great place to vent. :slybendy: I'm glad you don't have to put up with that crap anymore.

Sparky 01-06-2009 07:44 PM

(update to my last post about network adapters)

Well, poo. Here I thought I basically had a $50 store credit to use towards a new webcam, then GM starts torrenting. My old adapter that I thought was magically as good as my laptop's now turned to crap, lol. So guess I'm keeping the new adapter. Oh well, some day I'll get that webcam...

jekylljuice 01-07-2009 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 103243)
Hehe, same here. Ever seen the "Customers Suck" group on Live Journal? It's a great place to vent. :slybendy: I'm glad you don't have to put up with that crap anymore.

I'm kind of familiar with that place, but I've yet to check it out in any great detail. I probably should though, it sounds interesting.

Mac-a-lacka 01-07-2009 11:50 AM

My dad called and asked if the place was flooded. I'm like "Um, yeah, I'd think you'd seen that when you left for work." What ticked me off was when he asked if any horses drowned yet. I hung up on the sick jerk. :terrence:

Cassini90125 01-07-2009 09:35 PM

Charming man. :P

I just discovered that The Sims Resource site has upgraded itself to a new style and format. This must be some usage of the phrase "New and Improved" that I'm not familiar with. More colors and pictures do not compensate in any way for taking away Gallery View, which was the fastest way to sift through large amounts of material, and given how much stuff they have there, finding what I need just got a whole lot harder. :frankiemad:

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