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Cassini90125 03-22-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n (Post 74163)
Wait, wait, wait, back up the truck here........

Three-parter? Does that mean what I think it does? Fosters has never before done episodes that link to each other directly. So is it starting now, or am I misinterpreting? Even if I am misinterpreting, any intrerpretations of "three-part episode" would be awesome!

It's not without precedent. The pilot, House Of Bloo's, was originally shown as a three-part episode if I'm not mistaken. What the storyline of this three-parter will be, or who it will focus on (if anyone in particular) is anyone's guess at this point.

WiltsAKGirl17 03-22-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 74125)
If they go down that path, we'll have to deal with inevitable follow up episode involving Madam Foster waking up to find Herriman in the shower...alive and well, and he tells Madam F that it's 1965 and that he and Madam Foster are undercover detectives on the hot rod circuit.

Plus we'll have to deal with ninety percent of the episode involving everyone accusing Bloo of being the culprit (After all he would be the most obvious choice) but it will just end up being an accidental shooting at the hands of I don't know....say....Scrappy (The baby friend, introduced in "Better off ED") when Mr. H was trying to take away his lollipop in the previous episode.

Little nod of the head to Dallas there, taranchula? (Yes, I'm 17 and I know what Dallas is-- I have a better grasp on vintage TV than modern. Except Foster's :D)

jekylljuice 03-23-2008 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 74211)
Little nod of the head to Dallas there, taranchula? (Yes, I'm 17 and I know what Dallas is-- I have a better grasp on vintage TV than modern. Except Foster's :D)

Well, most of those exact details appear to have been derived from the Simpsons' "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" two-parter, but correct, the concept itself was a homage to Dallas's "Who Shot J.R.?", and the scene in which Smithers finds Burns showering a direct nod to their season-erasing resurrection of Patrick Duffy in 1986. Only in Smithers' case there is an additional that was all a dream.

taranchula 03-23-2008 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 74211)
Little nod of the head to Dallas there, taranchula? (Yes, I'm 17 and I know what Dallas is-- I have a better grasp on vintage TV than modern. Except Foster's :D)


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 74221)
Well, most of those exact details appear to have been derived from the Simpsons' "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" two-parter, but correct, the concept itself was a homage to Dallas's "Who Shot J.R.?", and the scene in which Smithers finds Burns showering a direct nod to their season-erasing resurrection of Patrick Duffy in 1986. Only in Smithers' case there is an additional that was all a dream.

Correct on both counts, the fact I chose Scrappy (One of the Baby Friends...kind of) as the "culprit" was a nod to the ending of the Simpsons parody when it turned out that Maggie was the shooter. (It's been over ten years so that really isn't a huge spoiler anymore.)

Of course such an episode will never ever be necessary, as the writers would never have Mr. H do anything as evil as JR Ewing or C. Montgomery Burns.

Medikor 03-23-2008 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 74232)
Of course such an episode will never ever be necessary, as the writers would never have Mr. H do anything as evil as JR Ewing or C. Montgomery Burns.

Or does something "unfair" to Bloo who blows it out of proportion.8D

bloonuggets 03-23-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 74128)
"This thread gets more entertaining every day." :D

And even crazier by the nanosecond!

EDIT: And now we've learned the next episode will be "Mondo Coco", airing April 10th.

Foster's Geek 287 05-04-2008 03:18 PM

Is that seriously an episode!?! *Crosses fingers*
(In reference to "WSMH?")
The unused endings would be great as a DVD extra, and they'll probably do it.

taranchula 05-04-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Foster's Geek 287 (Post 77938)
Is that seriously an episode!?! *Crosses fingers*
(In reference to "WSMH?")
The unused endings would be great as a DVD extra, and they'll probably do it.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no it's not real. And the chances of a Foster's episode involving gunplay (actual gunplay, not the cartoonish bugs bunny, shot one second...totally fine the next.) coming to light even if the show wasn't ending would be very slim indeed.

jekylljuice 05-05-2008 01:32 AM

Yeah, that was just a bad joke on my part. In addition to the points taranchula raised, I think that if Foster's made such a move they would probably suffer some severe lascerations from the online masses for ripping off the Simpsons. The fact that the Simpsons lifted the original concept from Dallas is kind of irrelevant.

Frankie_4_Prez 05-09-2008 07:45 AM

House of Bloo's is on at 4 PM Eastern tomorrow (Saturday May 10th), CN

They're also having this Mother's day special (which they called "Yo Mama's day"... I'm not joking.) It's a "marathon" from noon-6PM (Eastern) of Foster's interspersed with Billy and Mandy.

all times eastern
2 PM Neighbor Pains
2:30 Cookie Dough
4:30 Cheese a go-go, Give pizza a chance
5:00 Say it isn't sew
5:30 Something old, something bloo
7:00 Bloo Tube (not part of "marathon." It's the latest episode)

Guess that while aren't any "Mother's day"-related episodes at all in Foster's, the schedulers decided to make it "Grandmother's day" instead... :mfoster:

Honestly, Cheese a Go-go should've been replaced with Infernal Slumber. That's the closest "Mother's Day" episode, I think. Mac's mom thinks he cleaned the apartment!

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