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Cassini90125 12-06-2008 02:12 PM

A cashier at Price Rite got annoyed with me today. I had rejected one of the quarters she gave me as part of my change and demanded a different one. She didn't say anything but you could tell she was irritated. Hey, lady, you won't take Canadian coins from me, I won't take them from you. Fair is fair. :frankiemad:

Lynnie 12-06-2008 07:11 PM

When we get international currency, usually by mistake, I just put it aside so I don't accidentally give it to someone in their change. I also like to collect them, along with old US currency if I come across it. I can switch it out for money in my own wallet. I've got quite a nice collection going after cashiering for many years. ;)

What ticks me off though is last Friday I came across a new Alaska quarter, a new Hawaii quarter and a wheat penny from 1929. I put them aside until I could grab my wallet and switch them out for two other quarters and a newer penny, but I completely forgot! The quarters I'll come across again, but pennies from before 1940 are very rare now days, and I'm kicking myself for not grabbing that penny. :bloosad:

Meganium 12-07-2008 04:23 PM

Hmm, there are so many things.

-Catty/petty people who think they're so much better than everyone else
-People who make fun of you for your clothes
-Big crowds where tall people stand in front of me
-People who cut in line without asking
-People who drop cigarette butts out of their cars
-People who play music on their iPods so loudly that you can hear it through their headphones (don't they go DEAF?!)
-Improper spelling, grammar, and punctuation (I'm an English Nazi XD)
-Rap music
-People who criticize your favorite shows, music, or hobbies just because they're different from what they like
-People who say "That's gay," and do not mean "That is happy" OR "that is homosexual"
-People who say, "That's ig-nert!"
-Sometimes, people in general
-People who call pets "it"
-People who insult you and then say "no offense"
-People who won't shut up in movie theaters
-People who walk unnecessarily slow in hallways
-People who slow down at a green light
-People who text while somebody's talking to them
-Weekends that seem too short (meaning all of them, LOL)
-People who shove you aside and don't even bother to say "excuse me"
-People who litter
-Overly loud and obnoxious people
-People who say, "Whoa; slow down; I don't understand all your big words."
-People that answer a question not meant for them or who insert themselves into a conversation
-People who turn any pressing conversation about your own life to be about theirs
-People who pretend to be insecure, but really aren't and just act that way for pity
-People who interpret everything in the worst way
-People who won't shut up about politics
-Atheists who try to "convert" you
-Those annoying plastic packages that give you cuts when you open them, appropriately called "blister packs"
-Incessant commercials on the radio and television about plastic surgery, liposuction, and breast augmentations
-People who assume blondes are stupid. I have a 4.0 gradepoint average, thank you!
-People who dye their hair blonde but are obviously not really blonde. At least make it convincing!
-People who can't keep secrets.
-People who do nothing but say mean things about other people behind their backs.
-TV stations that only air little-kid crap until noon.
-Getting runs in a new pair of pantyhose
-People who blame other people for EVERTHING
-Cashiers who put the change on top of the bills.
-Kids who scream for no reason and run around like little maniacs.
-Parents who don't stop their kids when they do the above.
-Brats who throw temper tantrums in public.
-People who bring noisy babies to concerts and shows.
-People who touch other people constantly
-Having to go to school
-People who will call a dog a "weiner dog" but have no idea what a "dachshund" is
-People who act like they're the boss of everyone
-Automated messages on consumer help-lines
-People who type by searching for each individual key
-Fat people who wear bikinis or speedos. We don't need to see that.
-Looking fat in pictures even when you don't in real life.
-People who scatter obscenities throughout their speech like fine seasoning, even when not angry
-People who take offense to everything, even if what was said was just a joke
-People who chew with their mouths open
-People who smack their gum and chew it like a cow chews their cud
-People who leave their gum underneath desks, tables, etc.
-People who pronounce things wrong, like "libary", "warsh," etc.
-People who use acronyms incorrectly, like "ATM Machine (that's redundant)" and "PIN Number (also redundant)"
-People who take everything literally.
-People who don't put on their turn signals.
-People who don't wear seatbelts.
-People who don't wear helmets.
-People who don't capitalize their sentences, use puntuation, and use cutesy little abbreviations when they're NOT TEXTING.
-People who actually say, "LOL!" in real life. Saying "Lol" or "I did it for the lulz" is permissible.
-People who write "should of, would of, could of" instead of "should have, would have, could have"
-People who get tattoos of Chinese characters and don't even know what they stand for
-People who think they can sing, but can't really
-People who ask, "Wow! How did you draw that?!" Oh, I dunno. I moved a pencil across a piece of paper, maybe?
-People who use lotion or body spray excessively and make everyone around them cough and have watery eyes.
-People who don't wear deoderant.
-People who are afraid of heights, roller coasters, dogs, etc. without a good reason. Get over yourselves!
-TV Stations that have like 6 commercials in every...single...break.
-People who lay on their horn when displeased. If you want to honk your horn, do it, but you don't have to hold it for 5 seconds.
-People who ignore you and talk over you.
-Affirmative Action. Its very existence is racist!
-People who cough or sneeze without covering their mouth.
-Kids in Gym class who show off with the ball and waste everyone's time
-Pop-up Ads
-People who mispronounce my last name
-People who spell my last name wrong
-Adults who find bodily functions humorous.
-People who point at their wrist when they ask for the time. No; I wear my watch on my ankle—I know where my watch is.
-People who say "It's always in the last place you look." Well duh. When you find it, you won't be looking anymore, so that would be the last place you looked.
-People to ask to "borrow" a tissue or a piece of paper. Um, no, that's okay; you can keep it...
-People who say, "Can I ask a question?" You just did.
-People who don't explain what they're laughing about.
-Airline speak: "The lavatories ARE equipped with smoke detectors, so DO refrain..."
-People who lick their fingers and then put them back in the bag
-Discovering the toilet paper roll only has 2 sheets left when it's already too late
-Not being able to find the mate to a sock
-Braile signs at drive-thru windows. Kind of frightening, that...
-People who give or get cars as gifts. Friggin rich people...
-Advertisements on TV where everyone looks bored until the product is introduced. Oh no! My life was empty before BENDAROOS!
-Girls under 14 who wear slutty clothes.
-Anybody who wears slutty clothes.
-Homophobes who think gay people will try to hit on everyone of the same sex.
-Parents who don't discipline their kids.
-PEOPLE WHO ABUSE ANIMALS. Those scum deserve to die, all of them...
-Baby showers. Oh yes, we hardly know you, but sure, we'll get a present for your unborn child.
-People who don't put the seat down.
-People who flush with the lid up—that just scatters microscopic droplets of filthy water everywhere...
-People who stand too close.
-People who mush all their words together and then act annoyed if you don't understand. ("S'howusyurwekin?" "Pardon?" "S'howusyurwekin?" "Um, please slow down." "[annoyed]" "Oh. Fine, thanks.")
-Overly revealing clothing and swimsuits.
-People with a better metabolism than me.
-People who ask you things that are none of their business.

WHEW! I could do more, but I think that's enough. XD

antgirl1 12-07-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Meganium (Post 101261)
-People with a better metabolism than me.

For some people, it isn't their fault if they can't gain/lose weight as much as/less than others. Genetics, metabolism, etc cause that. Some people really have to watch what they eat, but others (like me) could eat anything they wanted, but not gain a pound. Heck I found out at my last doctor's appointment that I only gained two pounds since the last...six months! And I'm only around 100, at the height of 4'11 1/2''.

So, it's just not anyone's fault for having the body they were born with.

You pulled up some funny stuff there, either way. Most of those annoy me too! :D

Meganium 12-07-2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 101273)
For some people, it isn't their fault if they can't gain/lose weight as much as/less than others. Genetics, metabolism, etc cause that. Some people really have to watch what they eat, but others (like me) could eat anything they wanted, but not gain a pound. Heck I found out at my last doctor's appointment that I only gained two pounds since the last...six months! And I'm only around 100, at the height of 4'11 1/2''.

So, it's just not anyone's fault for having the body they were born with.

You pulled up some funny stuff there, either way. Most of those annoy me too! :D

That's how most of my friends are. XD It makes me feel fat all the time, even though I'm only around 115 at 5'2''. I'm short, but I've got a wide ribcage. XD No matter how much weight I lose, I'll still look wide. [sob]
I know it's not anyone's fault, but it doesn't stop me from finding it annoying! XD

Thanks =D I try to add a little humor to everything XD

some guy you dont know 12-07-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Meganium (Post 101261)
-Kids who scream for no reason and run around like little maniacs.


i hate the fact that there are only like 16 hours a day im awake and i have like 34 hours a day worth of stuff i have/want to do.

L.G. 12-08-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Meganium (Post 101261)
-People who drop cigarette butts out of their cars
-People who litter

Oh, I got one better: people who toss their cigarette butts to the ground when they are close to a cigarettes-only receptacle.

-People who slow down at a green light
At random? Because some people who slow down for a green light may be familiar the lights' timing, and they know they won't beat the red light.


-People who give or get cars as gifts. Friggin rich people...
Don't worry: chances are that they will end up wrecking it within the first 6 months of ownership.

Howard 12-08-2008 06:26 PM

I can't stand indecisive people. Wishy-washy! they either DO, or DO NOT. An old saying: "lead, follow, or get out of the way.":frankiemad:

scary_dream 12-08-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 101439)
I can't stand indecisive people. Wishy-washy! they either DO, or DO NOT. An old saying: "lead, follow, or get out of the way.":frankiemad:

Hah yeah... I totally understand the whole "indecisive people" thing, maybe on a smaller scale than life decisions, but still just as annoying. When I've got a dining room full of customers, it's VERY irritating to stand there waiting for a person that can't decide whether they want french fries or onion rings. I want to scream "JUST CHOOSE!! Don't just sit there making clicky noises with your tongue!"

"Hunh.... *tic tic tic tic* I can't decide..."

Cassini90125 12-08-2008 11:22 PM

I'd go for the onion rings. ;D

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