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Bloonan 10-27-2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 96748)
Two things

A. Ed Edd n' Eddy is no longer listed on CN's video site. I don't understand why the Eds are gone and yet, Dial M for Monkey and the Justice Friends are given their own slots? Their logic is madness! :wiltshock:

B. There is now a tier list for Super Smash Brothers Brawl for those who believe in the tier system (which I don't believe in). Now people are gonna choose characters based on the list, especially online :edmad: :(

A. That's really too bad. EEnE was one of the first CN shows I watched and greatly enjoyed. That and Dexter's Lab.

B. Wow, I can feel myself getting PWN'D already. :edmad:

Cassini90125 10-30-2008 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yahoo! News
Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported income Thursday that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by a U.S. corporation, earning $14.83 billion in the third quarter.

Isn't it comforting to know that even during a recession the oil tycoons will still be able to afford to have caviar for breakfast while the rest of the country discovers the joy of Raman noodles? Yeah. Pardon me while I throw up (and I don't mean because of the noodles, either). :frankiemad:

One Radical Dude 10-30-2008 12:57 PM

When people drive through the railroad crossing gates, when they're down. I witnessed that last week. Unfortunately, that crossing has two arms, and there's a wide enough gap for people to drive in between them. What morons. People have been known to get injured or killed from trying to beat the train.

Howard 10-30-2008 05:54 PM

:-XThis country and it's government! Before you harp on me - I am a combat vet (decorated with a Bronze Star w/ Combat "V"). I fought for the rights of others to bring this country to a new low. I want change, and I do vote. I try to make a difference. Yet I see things that indicate we have lost our way. I am going to quote an unknown vet of Vietnam: "for those who fought for it - freedom has a taste the protected will never know." Nor understand (my little add on). Thanks for listening.

some guy you dont know 10-31-2008 05:52 PM

Whenever my dad yells at me for something i did by accident when he does such things on purpose like everyday. example: i wanted to record an episode of house tonight. but he just has to have his wrestling, and his ghost hunters. and i get yelled at. i dont even know im stopping his shows and he yells at me for stopping them.

maybe i wouldnt care so much if he just admitted that he loves his television more than me.

Mac-a-lacka 11-08-2008 08:22 PM

My dad's cooking. :P :bloobleh:

L.G. 11-08-2008 08:39 PM

Honestly, it seems like someone is always playing a hockey game on their Xbox 360 on the dorm's wide screen TV, leaving me few opportunities to play my Wii on a 16:9 screen.


Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka (Post 98159)
My dad's cooking. :P :bloobleh:

Why...?? :blooconf:

Mac-a-lacka 11-08-2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 98166)
Why...?? :blooconf:

Though, this wasn't the first time my dad cooked badly but, it was one of the worst. Tonight, my dad made pork chops with bacon gravy. Everything, the gravy, the pork chops were all very salty. To make matters worse, my dad brags about his cooking a lot. If anybody else ever cooks, he always complains that it's not as good as his, or it's disgusting, he doesn't like it. >:(

Thanks to all that salt my dad put in dinner, I don't feel so hot right now. :P

Bloonan 11-10-2008 12:22 PM

The Guitar Hero forums are down for approximately 30 minutes again.
Which, as usual, must be GH-moderator-language for six hours. ::)

jekylljuice 11-11-2008 04:27 AM

Music purists...or, more accurately, music purists who look down upon you if your musical preferences do not accord with their own, or if you admit to liking a band or form of music which they’ve written off as unworthy. Basically, I don’t care if your tastes in music are very focussed and specific – I mean, why should I? It’s your prerogative entirely. But it annoys me so much when people behave as if the music they favour is THE definitive kind, and I hate being sneered at or treated as if my own tastes are somehow inferior just because I like a wide variety of music and will happily own up to liking music or artists which aren’t considered cool or fashionable in certain circles.

Case in point, when I was talking to my brother the other day, he asked me what he could get me for Christmas, and I told him, the New Kids on the Block greatest hits CD which came out earlier this year. And man, did he scoff at me. I should have seen it coming, really. Fair enough if he doesn’t like them, but he doesn’t need to be so arrogant about it. Maybe I am being a bit ungrateful here - I’m sure that he’s still going to buy me the CD, after all. But he does do this to me A LOT, and it probably wouldn’t bother me so much if he himself wasn’t into all these contemporary rock bands which I personally find rather dreary and uninvolving (and yet which he routinely forced me to listen to regardless when we were growing up together, whilst turning his nose up at anything which I liked). They clearly do mean something to him, however, so I happily respect that. Too bad that I don’t receive that same degree of respect in return. I’m not going to claim that NKOTB’s music is any kind of high art exactly (and nor would I make that claim about any of those indie or “alternative” bands which my brother listens to) but it’s fun, catchy music which I genuinely enjoy, and I believe that those arguments are as valid as anything which he could come up in defence of the stuff he likes. I have very eclectic tastes in music – different kinds of music appeal to me for different reasons...but at the end of the day, if you don’t listen to music because you enjoy it, then what is the point?

(Oh, and while we’re at it, maybe someone would care to explain to me just what it is that makes all this so-called “alternative” rock so alternative anyway? Personally, I’ve never been able to see what it is that’s supposed to differentiate it from regular rock. Clearly I’m showing my ignorance here, maybe somebody will help me out.)

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