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Natty 09-26-2008 11:45 PM

Why can't I sleep... if I don't fall asleep right this instant, I would be awake for another 17 hours because I need to drive my friends to the club!

< Log out and get to bed?
> That's a good idea..

Howard 09-27-2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 93033)

I hate talking about them, I hate hearing about them, I hate discussing them with ANYONE. Politics bore the snot out of me even in movies. I understand how stupid that probably sounds considering our whole society and rules and everything is run by politics but I honestly just can't find reason to care.

I hate talking to anyone about it because they get so pissy about it and get too over agitated if you say the wrong thing about the wrong party, candidate or whatever. Hell, I like Obama but that's merely a personal feeling/image concept rather then his views and statements and what not.

I don't know much about it and frankly I don't want to know much about it, I just think all of this stuff are nothing more than ingredients for a good headache. Its boring, annoying and down right too consuming of people's time and personality. I feel people let it control them too much to the point of social insanity.

It might come as a surprise, but you might be practicing politics...and not know it. A simple definition of politics is "who gets what, when and where." Politics does not have to take place on capital hill, or in a corporate boardroom. If there is a small group of friends, you can be sure there is a simple form of politics being practiced - regardless of a simple item to be had, or an issue on the agenda. Relationships with a significant other takes politicking to make it work. Okay, I am off my soapbox. Thanks for listening.:D

Which is a nice segway into my hatred for long winded lectures as a thing that ticks me off!8D

koosie 09-27-2008 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 93069)
It might come as a surprise, but you might be practicing politics...and not know it. A simple definition of politics is "who gets what, when and where." Politics does not have to take place on capital hill, or in a corporate boardroom. If there is a small group of friends, you can be sure there is a simple form of politics being practiced - regardless of a simple item to be had, or an issue on the agenda. Relationships with a significant other takes politicking to make it work. Okay, I am off my soapbox. Thanks for listening.:D

Which is a nice segway into my hatred for long winded lectures as a thing that ticks me off!8D

Thanks for putting that so much more politely than I could, Duck! Politics in the form of power-struggle or decisions about resources is all around us and we participate in it all the time. In particular I find the business of millions of people being represented in these entities known as nations and how they interact with each other and affect all our lives so grippingly fascinating i actually went to university to study it. So I kind of responded to Mr M's comments like a chef might if you said to him or her: 'I hate food. It's just a load of stuff you put in your mouth'.

some guy you dont know 09-27-2008 11:52 AM

its not so much of something that "ticks me off" but something i rather dont understand, is how people (my dad) can get to the point of almost yelling over something like putting cheese on a hamburger. its not like the people at fast food places are superhuman and can do no wrong. maybe im just more willing to accecpt something that happened than complain about it.

Cassini90125 09-27-2008 01:18 PM

I got a package from eBay today. It is currently locked in my building's maintainence closet. I can't get to it until at least Monday. The mail system in this building sucks. :frankiemad:

L.G. 09-28-2008 02:22 PM

:scribble: Youtube.

A1. When someone posts a Youtube video claiming to show a popular clip and then about around 10 seconds into the video, the video then suddenly shows something completely unrelated and obnoxious just for the sake of increasing the number of views.
A2. Misleading thumbnails or titles to increase views on the poster's channel.

B. User comments containing links to adult sites.

Bloonan 09-28-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 93193)
:scribble: Youtube.

A1. When someone posts a Youtube video claiming to show a popular clip and then about around 10 seconds into the video, the video then suddenly shows something completely unrelated and obnoxious just for the sake of increasing the number of views.
A2. Misleading thumbnails or titles to increase views on the poster's channel.


some guy you dont know 09-28-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 93193)
:scribble: Youtube.

A1. When someone posts a Youtube video claiming to show a popular clip and then about around 10 seconds into the video, the video then suddenly shows something completely unrelated and obnoxious just for the sake of increasing the number of views.
A2. Misleading thumbnails or titles to increase views on the poster's channel.

B. User comments containing links to adult sites.

ive never had a problem with the A's, mainly because i can just look it up again after i get fooled. but B is annoying. actually, all comments are annoying, for the most part. its usually just a bunch of either:

A. flaming brigades

B. like you said, adult sites

C. people who just say "wow lol that was liek, ttly awsom." (yes i have done this, you can call me a hypocrite.)

D. arguments that only have the most basic of points to do with the video

E. just other stupidity

thats why i usually try not to read too many comments. can get me really ticked.

Sparky 09-28-2008 04:12 PM

I just got a comment on one of my vids from a stranger saying something like "Cool video, check out mine!!" That is so freaking tacky.

Cassini90125 09-28-2008 10:55 PM

Well, wasn't this special! I have both of my computers on right now. I'm watching the forum with my laptop and playing the Sims on my main system. Two minutes ago, the power flickered. The laptop ignores things like that; it switches instantly to the battery and nothing more happens. My main system rebooted. Fortunately I was only viewing the neighborhood at the time so I lost nothing other than the time it will take to restart the game, but it still fracks me off that I have to put up with a reboot and a restart for a dang power flicker that didn't last even one twentieth of a second. :frankiemad:

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